
Youth in Liberia take the stage to champion sustainable development and peace

Liberian youth continue to stand up for human rights, promoting peace, and contributing to sustainable development despite the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and their exclusion from influencing decisions about their own lives within their communities and the society at large. As part of these efforts, Youth-led organizations participated in the first National Inception Workshop on maintaining national peace and security in Liberia, held in 2019. This workshop identified some root causes of Liberia's 14-year civil war as triggers of violence, most of which remain unaddressed. They include land disputes, access to justice, the effective administration of justice, ensuring equality [...]

2022-04-19T14:00:05+00:0019th April 2022|

AL reps join the UN’s YouthLED Integrity Advisory Board

In a world where young people are sidelined in conversations involving their future, more young people are rising, changing the status quo and amplifying their participation in governance matters. They are taking on the task of changing the narrative in policymaking processes and making their voices heard. Accountability Lab is proud to have two of its staff members from Nepal and Liberia appointed to join the newly established YouthLED Integrity Advisory Board for the Global Resource for Anti-Corruption Education and Youth Empowerment (GRACE) initiative of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Parnneh Mallobe from Liberia and Prekkshya [...]

2022-04-14T08:53:21+00:0014th April 2022|

Apply to our OGP Nigeria Youth Network!

Accountability Lab Nigeria and OGP Nigeria are collaborating to establish the OGP Nigeria Youth Network, a network of young people working in the areas of accountability, open governance, and innovation. The network will include OGP Champions, Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), Women, and Youth-led organizations across the 36 States of Nigeria and the Federal Capital Territory (F.C.T) who will engage with the OGP Inclusion and Diversity working group in Nigeria to mainstream youth, women, and PWDs in all OGP thematic areas both at the state and the federal level. The network shall have a variety of youth engagement activities, some of [...]

2022-02-16T13:47:25+00:0016th February 2022|

Policy Pitching – OGP Virtual Bootcamp Day 3

This week, Accountability Lab and the Government of Korea are hosting a bootcamp for the 2021 Open Government Partnership Summit’s youth delegates. Catch the Day 2 recap here.  For the final day of the OGP bootcamp, the youth delegates took everything they had learned about open government processes and collaboration across diverse interests, to create policy recommendations. Split into three groups based on their backgrounds and expertise, the delegates developed draft proposals on: i) civic space and public participation; ii) inclusive digital innovation; and iii) anti-corruption.  While brainstorming in their policy groups, the delegates focused on a number of pertinent [...]

2021-12-02T08:34:38+00:002nd December 2021|

Introduction to the OGP Youth Toolkit – OGP Virtual Bootcamp Day 2

By Alawi Masud This week, Accountability Lab and the Government of Korea are hosting a bootcamp for the 2021 Open Government Partnership Summit’s youth delegates. Catch the Day 1 recap here.  By introducing the youth delegates to the OGP Youth Toolkit, a resource currently in development by Accountability Lab, today’s session focused on how policymakers can engage youth and develop policies that help them. This toolkit, designed in consultation with the Open Gov Youth Collective and OGP government point of contacts, guides youth organizations and government representatives on how to engage young people through OGP processes and plans. During the [...]

2021-12-01T08:01:43+00:001st December 2021|

Building Unlikely Networks – OGP Virtual Bootcamp Day 1

By Alawi Masud Accountability Lab and the Government of Korea are hosting a bootcamp for the 2021 Open Government Partnership Summit’s youth delegates. The purpose of this bootcamp is to prepare young people to develop new ideas around open governance, develop policy ideas that involve youth, and actively participate in conversations around open government during the upcoming Summit and in the future.  The first day of the bootcamp focused on building “unlikely networks.” Here are four key takeaways: Globalized Perspectives Dr. Cho Sangmyeong, the Director-General of Government Innovation Planning Bureau at the Ministry of the Interior and Safety in Korea, [...]

2021-11-30T08:00:38+00:0030th November 2021|

5 Tips for Selecting Awesome Program Participants: Lessons from the 2021 Open Government Partnership Summit’s International Youth Delegation

By Katie Fuhs How do you narrow hundreds of applications to a handful of finalists when there are so many things to consider i.e experience, inclusion, commitment, diversity, etc. While Accountability Lab has yet to find a magic formula for selecting program participants in our work, we recently  narrowed 291 spectacular applications to 15 finalists for the 2021 Open Government Partnership Summit’s Youth Delegation. Here are a few lessons we learned: First, targeted outreach: getting the right applications is much more important than the total number of applications. Before even posting the application, research places to share the opportunity that [...]

2021-12-02T09:15:52+00:0030th November 2021|

Youth engagement in policy making

Written by Momina Sahar International Youth Day is commemorated annually on August 12th to draw attention to issues concerning the youth and the fundamental causes of such issues. It provides an opportunity to raise awareness about youth engagement in political, cultural and legal issues and contributes to creating stronger and more inclusive communities. In a national context, this day is of immense importance to Pakistan considering a major portion of the total population consists of people ranging from the ages of 15 to 25. The youth of Pakistan are the critical juncture of Pakistan’s development. The country can capitalize on [...]

2021-10-08T09:13:46+00:008th October 2021|

Mali: Accountability Lab engagé dans la consolidation de la démocratie et du vivre ensemble à travers le projet ‘’Accountability film school’’

Du 27 septembre au 02 octobre 2021, six boursiers ont suivi une formation dans le cadre de Accountability film school, un projet de Accountability Lab Mali et financé par National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Le 2 Octobre 2021, les boursiers ont présenté un film à la presse qu’ils ont réalisé à l’issue de leur formation. C’était au siège de Accountability Lab Mali. Accountability film school vise à renforcer les capacités des jeunes et à faire une sensibilisation accrue des citoyens et des détenteurs de pouvoir à un leadership responsable pour la consolidation de la démocratie, le vivre ensemble, l’alternance politique, [...]

2021-10-11T12:59:20+00:005th October 2021|

Moussa Kondo : « Plus jamais, l’organisation des élections ne doit être comme un jeu d’enfants… »

La formation des lauréats du programme Accountability film school a pris fin, ce 2 octobre 2021, à  l’issue de cours théoriques et pratiques sur la production cinématographique, dans les locaux de l’ONG, à Magnabougou. Les travaux ont été sanctionnée par la présentation d’un film produit pas les lauréats, preuve de l’assimilation des cours dispensés par les encadreurs professionnels. La cérémonie, qui a regroupé les candidats de Bamako et des régions retenus à l’issue du processus de sélection rigoureuse, a aussi enregistré la présence des responsables de l’ONG Accountability-Lab-Mali, notamment, Moussa Kondo et Souleymane K. Bouaré ; Dramane Fofana, directeur du projet [...]

2021-10-11T12:51:45+00:004th October 2021|
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