Accountability Lab is a global translocal network that makes governance work for people by supporting active citizens, responsible leaders and accountable institutions. Our goal is a world in which resources are used wisely, decisions benefit everyone fairly, and people lead secure lives.

Accountability Lab is a global translocal network that makes governance work for people by supporting active citizens, responsible leaders and accountable institutions. Our goal is a world in which resources are used wisely, decisions benefit everyone fairly, and people lead secure lives.


Accountability Lab’s flagship training program for young change-makers to build sustainable, effective tools for change.

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A global campaign powered by citizens in search of exemplary government officials.

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A pioneering community feedback and dialogue platform to ensure accountability in the development process.

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Supportive, impactful member networks and co-working spaces for small and big nonprofits.

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A conscious music campaign supporting musicians who advocate for greater representation, participation and accountability.

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Channelling civil society voices into high-level decision-making at the C20, G20, and the Open Government Partnership for stronger accountability and open government.

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🌍 In this week's global roundup!

🇳🇬 Accountability Lab Nigeria joined ...activists, CSOs and citizens in calling for the release of 25 journalists, urging police to respect rights to freedom of speech and freedom overall.

🇨🇩 Accountability Lab RDC hosted a film masterclass for budding filmmakers who wanted to sharpen their skills, enrich their understanding of filmmaking, and connect with industry professionals. Film fellowship alumnus Amida Balega joined a range of professionals who shared their skills and experience on writing, directing, distribution, and networking.

🇿🇼 Accountability Lab Zimbabwe's Voice2Rep cohort launched their album Zvirimumoyo saying 'Whether you're into soulful melodies or energetic beats, this album has something for everyone.'

🎧 Give it a listen:

AL's regional office for South & East Africa and Accountability Lab South Africa joined ...young people from over 20 countries for the Democracy Moves annual conference in Nairobi. The coalition brings youth organizations together as movement towards more just and participatory democracies.

This year's conference explored innovation in evolving civic and governance space and young people's place in that evolution.

AL's Funeka Manzi and Makomborero Carl Muropa with Restless Development discussed how effective CSOs' advocacy has been in promoting youth political participation in Africa, especially in this bumper election year. The discussion emphasized the critical need for CSOs to engage youth throughout the election cycle, and not only as voters but as political office holders.

🎉✨ Celebrating 6 Years of Impact: Congratulations, iCampus Liberia! ✨🎉

Since its... incubation at Accountability Lab, iCampus Liberia has thrived as a collaborative hub for organizations dedicated to technology, accountability, and social change. Their commitment to community support extends beyond innovation and technology.

Here's to many more years of success and continued impact, making a lasting difference in communities across Liberia!

Integrity Icon Liberia #iCampus #Innovation #Education #Liberia

🎙PODCAST: Why have young Africans opted for alternative methods of civic and political ...organizing, and how can institutions transform to better serve an enduringly young population?

With AL's @Makil and @CSISAfrica's Mvemba Phezo Dizolele

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Young and Radical

Mvemba is joined by McDonald Lewanika, Southern Africa Regional Director at Accountability Lab, to discuss the importance of adapting to Africa’s...

🎙 While African youth make up over 70% of the population on the continent, the institutions ...present are not fit for their participation and representation in government.

In this episode of 'Into Africa', McDonald Lewanika, Southern Africa Regional Director at Accountability Lab, joins host and Director of CSIS Africa Program Mvemba Phezo Dizolele to discuss the importance of adapting to Africa’s fast-changing demographics by ensuring that the majority’s voices are catered for and given the appropriate platforms.

McDonald argues that institutions that are meant to support young people across the continent – whether political parties, civic society organizations, or the private sector – attempt to accommodate them by way of youth wings and similar 'inclusivity' structures when youth should be participating in the main.

Listen to why young people seem to have sidelined formal democratic processes for alternative methods of civic and political organizing, and how institutions can transform to better serve an enduringly young population.

Image for shared link
Young and Radical | Into Africa | CSIS Podcasts

Mvemba is joined by McDonald Lewanika, Southern Africa Regional Director at Accountability Lab, to discuss the importance of adapting to Africa’s...

Revolutionizing procurement practices in Nigeria: AL Nigeria's Anti-Corruption Innovation ...Project

🌍 Africa's median age is 19 years old, and young people across the continent have been ...demanding social change, better governance, and representation through movements such as Y’en a Marre, People’s Movement, #EndSARS, #FeesMustFall, and most recently in Kenya with #RejectFinanceBill.

Harnessing the ideas and energy of a generation so ready for change necessarily means meeting youth where they are.

We joined CSIS Africa Program's Mvemba Phezo Dizolele for a discussion on 'African Youth: Leveraging Creativity for Change' to speak about how AL's #Arts4Change program provides platforms for creative expression such as music and film, as a means for young people to express their views and have their demands heard.

AL's Sheena Adams, Lawrence Yealue (Liberia), and Odeh Friday (Nigeria) shared how youth are increasingly engaging digitally. Organizing, sharing information, and even discussions on youth demands are happening online – so much so that Odeh's team in Nigeria has coordinated a Data and Digital Rights Coalition with other organizations in reaction to the country's Cyber Crimes Act.

🎧 Give a listen to the full discussion here:

Accountability Lab Nigeria Integrity Icon Liberia

Image for shared link
African Youth: Leveraging Creativity for Change | CSIS Events

African youth advocates and activists are focused on several priorities around economic, gender and political justice. However, leaders and ...

📣 Discover Yuguelito's transformation from landfill to thriving community in Mexico ...City's Iztapalapa! See how FPFV-I & residents built homes & sustainable projects like urban gardens and a children's library with #AccountabilityLabMexico. 🔗 Blog:

📣 Explore the inspiring story of Yuguelito, a vibrant, self-governed community located in the ...heart of Mexico City's Iztapalapa. What started as a landfill has evolved into a thriving and resilient neighborhood.

Discover how the Independent Francisco Villa Popular Front (FPFV-I) worked with residents to build homes, establish essential services, and develop sustainable projects such as urban gardens and a children's library. Despite facing various challenges, Yuguelito is a testament to community-driven change and innovation.

Learn about their journey and recent collaboration with Accountability Lab Mexico to revitalize community projects and advocate for necessary services. Take a deeper look into Accountability Lab Mexico's blog by Ana Lozano to see how citizen feedback and accountability shape the future of Yuguelito.

🔗 Link to blog:

#CommunityBuilding #AccountabilityLabMexico #GrassrootsLeadership #Yuguelito #BlogPost

🚀 Accountability Lab Liberia has launched the National Social Accountability Project! We're... calling journalists & CSOs to join us! Apply by July 11, 2024:

🔗 Journalists:
🔗 CSOs:

#Liberia #Transparency #Governance

🚀 Exciting Announcement from Accountability Lab Liberia! 🚀

Accountability Lab ...Liberia has launched the National Social Accountability Project, aimed at fostering accountability, transparency, and responsiveness in public institutions across Liberia. With the support of the UN Peace Building Fund and in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme - UNDP, this 18-month initiative will cover all 15 counties, focusing on:

✅ Get more citizens involved in local governance
✅ Improve social accountability and transparency in public services
✅ Encourage collaboration between citizens, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), and local authorities

Call for Participation:

Accountability Lab Liberia is looking for journalists and experienced Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in each county to join us in this mission. If you are a women-led organization working on anti-corruption or governance issues, we encourage you to apply!

Link to Applications:
🔗 RFA for Journalists:
🔗 RFA for CSOs:

Send your application to Accountability Lab Liberia at 150 Carey Street, Snapper Hill, Monrovia, Liberia, or email [email protected].

Closing Date: July 11, 2024, 5:00 PM

#AccountabilityLab #Liberia #SocialAccountability #Transparency #Governance #AntiCorruption #CSOs #Journalists Integrity Icon Liberia

🎶 Huge congratulations to @accountlabsa's first cohort of Voice2Rep artists on the launch ...of their EP 'What's on the Menu Mzansi'!

Meet them and hear what item menu of possible commitments their songs cover:

🎶 Huge congratulations to Accountability Lab South Africa's inaugural cohort of Voice2Rep ...artists on the launch of their EP 'What's on the Menu Mzansi'!

The EP features music from 5 young, socially conscious artists each of whom addresses with their music one of the Menu of Possible Commitments to Young People by Government:

- Prioritizing Youth Voice in Governance
- Supporting Youth in Government
- Supporting Youth Freedom of Expression
- Promoting a Culture of Youth Political Participation
- Promoting a Culture of Human Rights among Youth

🎧 Give it a listen:

Achieving #SDG16 needs urgent action on:


⚖️Justice & Rule of ...Law

👥Inclusion, Civic Space, & Human Rights

🏛️Institutions & Accountability

⛓️Interlinkages & Financing

There is a diverse group of films showing at the United Nations 2024 High-Level Political Forum on July 12 - all about these SDG16 goals. You're invited to join us in New York -

The Lab is part of the #SDG16Now campaign because so much of our work shares the aims of a more peaceful world and strong institutions. The high-level side event will explore the catalytic role of SDG16 in achieving the 2030 Agenda. Guests will also see some of our winning videos from CSOs around the globe who submitted films exploring progress around SDG16.

This event will take place on Friday, 12 July from 13:15 - 14:45 ET at the UN Church Center (777 UN Plaza). Register to attend here:

#SDGs #GlobalGoals #2030Agenda


📖 We joined author Shaazka Beyerle for the launch of her timely book 'Supporting Nonviolent... Action and Movements: A Guide for International Actors' on how external actors can constructively support nonviolent civic initiatives where they are.

Beyerle's book provides invaluable strategic questions, considerations, and practices to better inform donor policy decisions and practices to support peaceful citizen-driven change, especially when that change is being driven by movements that are often fluid, decentralized, and volunteer-run.

In the panel discussion hosted by AL Co-CEO, Cheri-Leigh Erasmus, Beyerle, Mcdonald Lewanika (Accountability Lab Zimbabwe), and Kizito Byenkya (Open Society Foundations) shared their experiences from both ends of the relationship.

💡 Some key takeaways:

#1 Most change for issues like human rights, democracy, and inequity is happening at a local level, but most support is taking place through traditional channels and structures. Attempts to channel funding & support to more local initiatives are still in their infancy.

#2 For philanthropy organizations to be successfully supportive, they must recognize that local structures for solutions already exist. And while external resources are useful, change is not possible without the time, talent, and network of local actors.

#3 A transactional approach from either grantees or funders does a disservice to the work. A successful partnership needs to recognize the value of both in the ecosystem.

#4 Valuing local knowledge should not hinge on funding 'safe bets', but by visiting community organizations on the ground to learn how they operate.
