
Communications Coordinator – Accountability Lab (Johannesburg)

Accountability Lab makes governance work for people by supporting active citizens, responsible leaders and accountable institutions. Our goal is a world in which resources are used wisely, decisions benefit everyone fairly, and people lead secure lives. We train, mentor and resource citizens to strengthen systems of accountability in order to unleash positive social and economic change. Accountability Lab is looking for a Communications Coordinator to support its work and activities globally, based in Johannesburg, South Africa.  Roles & Responsibilities  Contribute to a weekly social media schedule on the Lab’s global activities for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn;  Provide updates [...]

2020-09-21T16:01:59+00:004th September 2020|

What women-centred accountability could look like in South Africa

Globally, women have been disproportionately affected by the Covid-19 pandemic; from the burden of care, to legislation written for women but not by them. And this is on top of existing inequalities. In this first Conversation Lab, by Accountability Lab South Africa, a powerhouse of women panelists explored how government policies can be shaped to better support women during the Covid-19 crisis and beyond. Written by Samina Anwary   South African women contribute 50% of the country’s GDP despite lower wages, live in one of the world’s most dangerous countries for women, and face a myriad of other barriers to [...]

2020-09-04T16:29:55+00:004th September 2020|

Après le coup d’état militaire: quelle perspective pour le Mali?

Moussa Kondo est le directeur national de Accountability Lab Mali. Doussouba Konate est responsable de l'apprentissage à Accountability Lab Mali. Cet article a été publié à l'origine dans le Washington Post. Nous avons entendu les coups de feu et le grondement des véhicules militaires avant de les voir. Les troupes sont arrivées mardi à Bamako, la capitale du Mali, scandant "baara bana !”, ce qui veut dire dans notre langue locale, le bambara, “le travail est terminé". Dans la matinée, les troupes mutinées d'une base militaire de Kati, près de Bamako, avaient pris d'assaut la résidence du président. Ils ont [...]

2020-08-27T12:50:35+00:0027th August 2020|

Exploring social norms with Tufts University

Accountability Lab is excited to announce our collaboration with the Corruption, Justice & Legitimacy Program (CJL) at The Fletcher School at Tufts University. CJL’s Social Norms and Corruption project will be working with our flagship program - Integrity Icon - to understand how best to effectively monitor and evaluate change in social norms related to corruption.  Integrity Icon “names and fames” honest government officials, building coalitions for integrity among the winners and inspiring the next generation of public servants. The Corruption, Justice and Legitimacy Program (CJL) is a research-to-practice initiative committed to improving the effectiveness of anti-corruption programming in contexts of endemic [...]

2020-07-07T22:16:02+00:007th July 2020|
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