
Bamako: un nouveau siège pour Accountability Lab Mali

Ce jeudi 12 Août 2021, Accountability Lab Mali a inauguré son nouveau siège. Situé à Magnambougou Projet, ce siège permettra au personnel de la structure de travailler dans un environnement plus ouvert afin de mieux répondre aux objectifs des programmes de Accountability Lab. Créée sous le récépissé numéro 0603/G-DB du 22 juin 2016 du gouvernorat du district de Bamako, Accountability Lab Mali, membre du réseau international Accountability Lab basé à Washington DC aux Etats-Unis, a pour mission principale de promouvoir la redevabilité, l’Intégrité et surtout de faire la promotion de la bonne gouvernance afin de lutter contre la corruption au sein [...]

2021-08-16T09:44:14+00:0016th August 2021|

Moussa Kondo, directeur pays d’Accountability Lab-Mali : « Derrière chaque acte de détournement des deniers publics se cache une perte d’un bâtiment scolaire… »

Les responsables de l’Accountability Lab-Mali, ont procédé le 12 août 2021 à Faso Kanu, à la réouverture de leur siège. On notait la présence du directeur général de l’Anadeb, Abdoualye Kaya, des représentants de l’Oclei et des partenaires techniques et financiers de l’Accountability Lab-Mali. La présidente du conseil d’administration de l’Accountability Lab-Mali, Mme Gnama Koné, s’est réjouie de voir ce nouveau joyau mis à la disposition d’Accountability Lab Mali. Pour elle, cet espace de partage, d’innovation, de création de solutions et de collaboration permettra de renforcer la capacité du personnel. Elle a invité toute la population à s’impliquer dans la [...]

2021-08-16T09:29:31+00:0016th August 2021|

Liberian CSOs criticise “leadership failure, weak oversight”

Wednesday, June 23, 2021 - Leading Liberian organizations working on integrity and transparency have welcomed new health measures to mitigate against Covid-19, but also warned about a lack of overall leadership, weak oversight and a low levels of transparency in the way resources are being managed. As Integrity Watch Liberia, Naymote Partners for Democratic Development, Accountability Lab Liberia, the National Civil Society Council of Liberia, the Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL) and the Institute for Research and Democratic Development (IREDD), we believe the new measures announced by the Government of the Republic of Liberia and the Ministry [...]

2021-07-01T06:14:06+00:0025th June 2021|

Building an eco-system: why it matters

By Ory Okolloh A few months ago, we (Luminate) gathered our Nigeria-based investees in Lagos for two and a half days of learning, connecting, and networking.  We are increasingly focused on how we can support organisations we fund to build their “inner muscle” as it were in order to not just continue to be impactful but to be around for the long run, especially in an environment where they face multiple challenges from a shrinking civic space in which to do their work to a growing to-do list to limited funding options to the fatigue that comes along with the daily [...]

2019-09-10T00:00:00+00:0010th September 2019|

Tech-driven accountability approaches: power, politics and change in Pakistan

Making All Voices Count has supported a number of initiatives in Pakistan at the intersection of technology, accountability and open governance over the past three years. […]

2017-11-19T00:00:00+00:0019th November 2017|

Integrity Idol: Using fame to fight corruption in Mali

By: Charlotte Renfield-Miller. This blog post was originally published by IREX. Since the coup in 2012, Mali has been plagued by corruption, which has hindered the government’s ability to combat terrorism. Mandela Washington Fellow Kondo Moussa is having none of it—and he’s fighting back against corruption by turning honest leaders into rock stars with Integrity Idol. Mali established a constitutional government in early 2014, but the country faces difficulty in uniting its factions and establishing peace. The government is led by a small political elite driven primarily by self-interest. For example, President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta was accused of corruption during his [...]

2017-02-24T00:00:00+00:0024th February 2017|

Opening governance with a new generation in Liberia

By: Blair Glencorse and Heather Gilberds. This blog post was originally published by Making All Voices Count. This week, as the Open Government Partnership holds its 2016 summit in Paris, there will be many reflections on how to improve the ways that governments interact with citizens, and how to ensure that citizen voices and priorities are incorporated in policy-making. Under President Sirleaf, the Government of Liberia has worked to open up government and put in place organisations and mechanisms to support accountability. As part of the work funded by our Making All Voices Count research and learning grant, the Accountability [...]

2016-12-05T00:00:00+00:005th December 2016|
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