
Youth Power in Open Government

Young people now represent 41% of the global population, and the majority of the population in the 48 least developed countries. Yet, young people are rarely brought meaningfully into policy processes that affect their lives. The Open Gov Youth Collective is trying to change this within the open government field. This year, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) – with the help of Accountability Lab and Restless Development and thanks to the support of the Government of Canada – brought together a group of sixteen young open government activists as a part of their Break The Rolescampaign for the OGP Global Summit in Ottawa to discuss the role of young people [...]

2019-08-12T00:00:00+00:0012th August 2019|

Forum on Youth Employment and Migration in Niger

Niamey – Between 24-25 July, IOM supported the forum “Youth Entrepreneurship as a Real Alternative to Irregular Migration”, which mobilized more than 100 young entrepreneurs, recent graduates and community leaders from Niger, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Benin, and Togo. The two-day forum was organized by the Youth Union of the Member States of the Council of the Entente (UJEMCE), designed to promote the economic development of the region, but also to encourage values such as accountability and integrity and, as a result, the fight against corruption. In order to promote integrity and a strong sense of community among young entrepreneurs, the [...]

2019-07-29T00:00:00+00:0029th July 2019|

Integrity Icon Nigeria 2019 – top five selected

Integrity Icon Nigeria is an annual campaign run by Accountability Lab Nigeria which seeks to name and fame honest government officials, thereby encouraging integrity in the public service. It is currently in its third installment in the nation and recently underwent a rebrand (from Integrity Idol). The objective of this campaign is to change the narrative that corruption is the norm and encourage responsibility and public service accountability, by creating a network of active change makers. Ejiogu Obinna shares the progress of the campaign so far The selection process for Integrity Icon Nigeria 2019 has concluded and the finalists selected. [...]

2019-07-01T00:00:00+00:001st July 2019|

Building Reel Peace in Liberia

At the Lab, we try to cultivate an innovative, agile environment where teams feel inspired to find new ways to address accountability challenges in their countries. In a small, flexible organization staffed by individuals who are mission-driven, it’s not uncommon to conceptualize programs that can be ambitious. We hope to succeed and deliver programming and results that make us proud, but along the line, it’s also important to reflect on challenges, and even failures, that come with ambitious projects. Cheri-Leigh Erasmus, Global Director of Learning at the Lab, takes a closer look Over the last fifteen months, Accountability Lab Liberia [...]

2019-06-28T00:00:00+00:0028th June 2019|

Learning as we grow

We view reflection and course-correction as fundamental to our organizational development at the Lab. As a part of our team learning mechanism, Accountability Lab Nepal introduced quarterly reviews (QR) to reflect on the impact of our programs. Soni Khanal explains how the Nepal team is conducting these reviews   These quarterly reviews (QR) provide a platform for the team to evaluate their work, timeline, individual and team responsibilities and also identify gaps on both human and financial resources. They also assist in collecting feedback for improvements, identifying results and impact, and enhancing critical thinking among the team members. The learnings from [...]

2019-06-12T00:00:00+00:0012th June 2019|

When colleagues become family

I have come to the end of my 3-month internship with Accountability Lab Nepal and it has been an amazing experience to be part of the team. When I first arrived in Nepal, I had no understanding of the culture, customs, language or etiquette, which had created a sense of detachment. By John Le   This feeling soon dissipated as I started interning with Accountability Lab. I was amazed at how kind and welcoming the Nepal team was in only the first few weeks of being acquainted. I had notions of NGOs - especially ones focused on anti-corruption - having [...]

2019-05-24T00:00:00+00:0024th May 2019|

Follow the integrity trendsetter: How to support change in youth opinion and build social trust

In some societies people come to see corruption as the norm. When popular opinion in a country normalises corruption, this results in low trust in public administration. […]

2019-04-03T00:00:00+00:003rd April 2019|
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