
From Japan to Indonesia – a roadmap to realising the C20 Principles by 2023

Written by Jean Scrimgeour and Giulia Sergi In 2013, during the Russian G20 Presidency and 14 years after the establishment of the G20, the Civil 20 (C20) became an official engagement group of the G20. Since then, the C20 has taken on a more prominent role within the G20 process by providing expertise on focus issues; working to hold G20 governments accountable; and providing the space for non-traditional actors to engage in the G20 process. These roles were cemented in a C20 Principles document agreed upon in 2019 during the Japanese Presidency.   These principles enshrine transparency, collaboration, independence, internationalism, inclusiveness, [...]

2022-03-18T11:14:33+00:007th February 2022|

Liberian Journalist Tokpah Tarnue Wins Integrity Icon 2021

MONROVIA – Liberian Journalist Tokpah Tarnue, who is based in Lofa County, has been named Integrity Icon Of the year 2021, ahead of five others icons by Accountability Lab Liberia. The award is set for individuals who have demonstrated honesty and whose integrities have set a high standard, worth emulating by the public. Journalist Tarnue was named first among others to include, Joseph Bryant, who came second place, Sam M. Dikoah, a Liberia National Police Officer, who came third, a classroom teacher Siaka Paul, coming forth, a female Kulubo G. Davis also took the fifth place while Emmanuel Tuloe, was awarded [...]

2021-12-13T11:01:56+00:009th December 2021|

Call to Create the First Citizen Observatory for Participatory Budget in Mexico

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE BROADCAST Ethos, Accountability Lab, Ollin and Borde gathered representatives of the civil society organizations, actors of the private sector, community leaders and guarantor agencies involved in monitoring, and public policy design and/or programs that aim to foster the 2030 Agenda.   They want to trigger positive narratives around the accomplished achievements for citizens and public servants in order to build bridges of trust and achieve greater citizen involvement. They will socialize and promote the participatory budget topics in other legislative entities, aiming to deepen its understanding. Tuesday, October 26th 2021, Mexico City - This morning, civil society [...]

2021-11-08T11:02:02+00:008th November 2021|

Emmanuel Tolue receives additional 10k

By Lincoln G Peters Emmanuel Tolue, the teenager who found and returned US50,000 to the owner has received an additional 10,250 in cash reward from the Chief Executive Officer of the Spoon Group of Companies and focal moderator of the Spoon Talkshow, Mr. Stanton Witherspoon. Tolue, an 18-year-old commercial motorcyclist from Nimba County, recently found and returned to Madam Musu Yancy, the rightful owner of US$50,000.00 while he was riding near the Gblor Dialla Township in Nimba County. Since then, Tolue has been receiving recognition and awards, some of which came from Liberia’s President George Manneh Weah and other top [...]

2021-11-02T08:29:42+00:002nd November 2021|

The Lab bids farewell to Moussa Kondo

Washington DC, 1 November 2021 - Accountability Lab Mali is bidding farewell to Country Director, Moussa Kondo, who is moving on from his position after five years. In that time, Kondo has built Accountability Lab Mali into a prominent and impactful non-profit organization in Bamako, with a program scope that includes Integrity Icon Mali, an Accountability Incubator, and Civic Action teams working on peace, security and misinformation. Most recently, the team launched Connect 223, a dialogue program that brings together regional leaders and young people from some of the country’s most insecure regions to co-create solutions for peacebuilding and stability.  [...]

2021-11-12T20:58:53+00:001st November 2021|

Le Lab fait ses adieux à Moussa Kondo

Washington DC, 1 novembre 2021 - Accountability Lab Mali fait ses adieux à son directeur national, Moussa Kondo, qui quitte son poste après cinq ans. Au cours de cette période, M. Kondo a fait d'Accountability Lab Mali une organisation à but non lucratif importante et influente à Bamako, dont le programme comprend Integrity Icon Mali, un incubateur de responsabilité et des équipes d'action civique travaillant sur la paix, la sécurité et la désinformation. Plus récemment, l'équipe a lancé Connect 223, un programme de dialogue qui rassemble des leaders régionaux et des jeunes de certaines des régions les plus instables du [...]

2021-12-02T08:55:46+00:001st November 2021|

Liberia: Government Launches Anti-Corruption Innovation Project as NIF Boss Wants Enforcement Prioritized

Monrovia -The National Integrity Forum (NIF), has termed as laudable, the anti-corruption Innovation Initiative project designed by the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) and other integrity entities to strengthen Liberia’s governance system in the fight against wastes and abuse of public resources. Speaking at the launch of the project on Tuesday, the NIF Acting Chairperson, Attorney J. Roseline Nagbe-Kowo said the theme of the project- “Technology and innovation at the frontline and boosting public confidence in the fight against corruption” requires more actions and less talk regarding its implementation. Attorney Nagbe-Kowo said commitment among all actors in the public and private [...]

2021-11-02T07:43:57+00:0027th October 2021|

Accountability Music Awards opens nominations for 2021

Nominations have officially opened for the 2021 Accountability Music Awards (AMAs). The 2021 AMAs are a collaboration between Accountability Lab, the ONE Campaign and the African Union to honour African musicians whose music calls out the vice of corruption or advocates for good governance through the fight against corruption. By providing a platform for conscious musicians, the AMAs aim to galvanise citizens in demanding greater transparency and accountability from institutions, corporations and the African citizenry. The campaign also recognises the critical role that music can play in getting citizens involved in anti-corruption reform by shifting norms and behaviours. Nominations can be submitted [...]

2021-10-11T10:50:15+00:007th October 2021|

Mali: Accountability Lab engagé dans la consolidation de la démocratie et du vivre ensemble à travers le projet ‘’Accountability film school’’

Du 27 septembre au 02 octobre 2021, six boursiers ont suivi une formation dans le cadre de Accountability film school, un projet de Accountability Lab Mali et financé par National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Le 2 Octobre 2021, les boursiers ont présenté un film à la presse qu’ils ont réalisé à l’issue de leur formation. C’était au siège de Accountability Lab Mali. Accountability film school vise à renforcer les capacités des jeunes et à faire une sensibilisation accrue des citoyens et des détenteurs de pouvoir à un leadership responsable pour la consolidation de la démocratie, le vivre ensemble, l’alternance politique, [...]

2021-10-11T12:59:20+00:005th October 2021|

Moussa Kondo : « Plus jamais, l’organisation des élections ne doit être comme un jeu d’enfants… »

La formation des lauréats du programme Accountability film school a pris fin, ce 2 octobre 2021, à  l’issue de cours théoriques et pratiques sur la production cinématographique, dans les locaux de l’ONG, à Magnabougou. Les travaux ont été sanctionnée par la présentation d’un film produit pas les lauréats, preuve de l’assimilation des cours dispensés par les encadreurs professionnels. La cérémonie, qui a regroupé les candidats de Bamako et des régions retenus à l’issue du processus de sélection rigoureuse, a aussi enregistré la présence des responsables de l’ONG Accountability-Lab-Mali, notamment, Moussa Kondo et Souleymane K. Bouaré ; Dramane Fofana, directeur du projet [...]

2021-10-11T12:51:45+00:004th October 2021|
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