
Accountability Lab Liberia hosted the Democracy Training for selected artists, DJs & radio managers

Accountability Lab Liberia with funding from the National Endowment for Democracy, hosted a two-day democracy training for 15 radio managers, disc jockeys, and artists, from Bong, Grand Bassa, Montserrado, and Nimba counties. The training which is a core component of AL Liberia’s ongoing Democracy campaign (Voice2Rep) supports the media to use their platform supported by the National Endowment for Democracy, NED. The interactive training took place at our iCampus office, home of accountability, creativity, innovation, technology and social change, on Carey Street, Snapper Hill in Monrovia. The two-day capacity building training was aimed at increasing the understanding and knowledge of [...]

2021-07-14T11:52:09+00:0030th June 2021|

Liberian CSOs criticise “leadership failure, weak oversight”

Wednesday, June 23, 2021 - Leading Liberian organizations working on integrity and transparency have welcomed new health measures to mitigate against Covid-19, but also warned about a lack of overall leadership, weak oversight and a low levels of transparency in the way resources are being managed. As Integrity Watch Liberia, Naymote Partners for Democratic Development, Accountability Lab Liberia, the National Civil Society Council of Liberia, the Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL) and the Institute for Research and Democratic Development (IREDD), we believe the new measures announced by the Government of the Republic of Liberia and the Ministry [...]

2021-07-01T06:14:06+00:0025th June 2021|

Rethinking the Pink Economy in Pakistan 

Saro Imran is a transgender rights activist and accountapreneur who believes that economic independence is the key to ending violence against transgender people in Pakistan. She always considered her gender as a vital part of her identity and struggled with the notion of hiding it to gain societal acceptance. This struggle became a thing of the past when she first gained economic independence. That step allowed her to confidently embrace her identity as a transgender person. The confusion she felt since her childhood began to abate and instead of fighting internally against her gender identity, she began to focus outwards [...]

2021-07-12T06:43:42+00:0024th June 2021|

Public Buildings Must Have Access Routes For Persons With Disabilities – Accountability Lab

A non-profit organisation, Accountability Lab, has called on owners of public structures, head of government institutions to make their buildings accessible for persons with disabilities. The Country Director of Accountability Lab, Mr Friday Odeh made the call at the Open Government Partnership – Inclusion and Diversity Ecosystem Building Meeting organised by AL Nigeria. According to him, it was necessary for public structures to be made accessible to the blind, deaf and those on wheel chair as provided for in the Persons with Disabilities Act. While acknowledging the Federal Government’s effort in establishing the National Commission of Persons with Disabilities, Mr [...]

2021-06-21T10:17:03+00:0021st June 2021|

FG pressurised to allot 10% employment slot to persons with special needs

From Okwe Obi, Abuja An advocacy group, Accountability Lab Nigeria, with support from the MacArthur Foundation, yesterday, mounted pressure on the Federal Government to allot at least, 10 per cent employment slot to persons with special needs, in a bid to give them a sense of inclusiveness. The group also advised the Government to institutionalise a policy in which all public buildings must make provisions for persons with special needs. AL Nigeria’s Country Director, Odeh Friday Odeh, who made the appeal during an Open Government Partnership-Inclusion and Diversity Ecosystem Building Meeting in Abuja, said he would visit the National Assembly [...]

2021-06-21T10:07:20+00:0021st June 2021|

PRESS RELEASE: National Endowment for Democracy Supports Democracy Concert in Four Counties

Accountability Lab Liberia, in partnership with the National Endowment for Democracy, launched a Voice2Rep (formerly Rap2Rep) tour and concert in four locations – Gbarnga, Bong; Buchanan, Grand Bassa; Monrovia, Montserrado; and Ganta, Nimba – as part of conscious efforts to spread civic education messages to the youth and citizens in these areas around elections participation and related issues. The concert aimed to present creative ways of educating the youth and citizens of their roles and responsibilities during and after elections periods, emphasizing the need to engage with political and aspiring candidates that want to be elected to public offices of [...]

2021-06-24T06:51:06+00:0018th June 2021|

Odeh Friday – Accountability Lab Nigeria’s Country Director

Odeh Friday is Accountability Lab Nigeria’s Country Director and brought a wealth of experience to the Lab’s global family when he led the establishment of a network lab in Nigeria. After earning a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Degree from the University of Abuja, Odeh was placed at the National Space and Research Development Agency for his one-year service in the National Youth Service Corps. “In that period I discovered and joined an organization called All Nigerian United Nations Students Association which promotes the ideals and principles of the UN like, no discrimination based on sex and religion, so it [...]

2021-06-21T11:22:11+00:0018th June 2021|

Twitter ban in Nigeria stifles free speech and entrepreneurship

Accountability Lab Nigeria, YIAGA Africa, Dataphyte, Premium Times and a number of partner organizations have received news of the decision by the Federal Government of Nigeria- led by President Muhammadu Buhari- to suspend Twitter in Nigeria with trepidation and unease. It is regrettable that the Federal Government has chosen to stifle the rights of citizens with this move which stands to retract the minimal gains made around freedom of expression and media independence since the days of military rule in Nigeria. As the giant of Africa, Nigeria cannot be seen to be undermining constitutional rights and democracy by muzzling and [...]

2021-06-14T16:21:21+00:0014th June 2021|

Recap of SSIR’s 2021 Frontiers of Social Innovation Conference

By SSIR Editors The 2021 Frontiers of Social Innovation Conference: “People, Power, Resources: Enacting an Equitable Future” featured senior leaders of nonprofit organizations, philanthropy, academia, business, and government addressing how the social innovation community can respond to a world struggling with a global pandemic, continued racial injustices, and assaults on democracy. SSIR's editors recapped the virtual conference and assembled a list of articles related to the sessions. Session 1: Systems Work Is Not a Thought Experiment, It’s a Continual Practice Francois Bonnici of the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, Cynthia Rayner of the Bertha Centre for Social Innovation at the University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business, René Parker of RLabs, [...]

2021-06-04T09:20:23+00:004th June 2021|

Dr. McDonald Lewanika – Accountability Lab Zimbabwe’s Chief of Party

Dr. McDonald Lewanika is Accountability Lab Zimbabwe’s Chief of Party and brings a wealth of experience of civil society work and activism to the Lab. “I cut my teeth as a student  leader at the Midlands State University University in the early 2000s where I served as Secretary General of the Students Union and National Education and Research Secretary for  the Zimbabwe National Students Union, ZINASU” explains Lewanika.  He was expelled and banned from studying in the country after he led a series of student demonstrations, but Lewanika wasn’t deterred from pursuing an education. He went on to earn a [...]

2021-05-31T08:42:22+00:0031st May 2021|
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