
What the fight against Ebola can teach us about beating the coronavirus

AL Director Blair Glencorse shares some very useful lessons in the Washington Post from Liberia’s Ebola crisis as the world grapples with the Corona Outbreak. Trusted voices and some strong coordinating efforts may be able to contain it. “We are monitoring everybody that comes in and out of our community, and if we don’t know them we track them carefully and take their temperature,” said Kou Gbaintor-Johnson, a local activist in the Liberian capital of Monrovia, as she showed me a clipboard with the names and telephone numbers of people who had entered her neighborhood. She explained that she and other [...]

2020-07-07T19:53:10+00:0013th March 2020|

Who Is Philly’s Integrity Icon?

We're running Integrity Icon Philadelphia in partnership with a number of Philly-based organizations including The Philadelphia Citizen, an innovative non-profit media outlet that combines solutions-oriented journalism with specific calls for civic action. The Citizen’s Executive Editor Roxanne Patel Shepelavy lays out our shared vision for how Integrity Icon can celebrate and encourage the best of Philadelphia’s public service below. Talk to anyone who has dealings with the City, and you’ll hear a lot about city workers. Bureaucrats, inefficient, tied by unnecessary rules, political appointees who clock in, do the minimum needed, and then clock out. You know, city workers. But you’ll also, [...]

2020-06-01T08:49:51+00:0013th March 2020|


If you know an exemplary teacher in Philadelphia, help us and our partners The Philadelphia Citizen, SEAMAAC, WURD Radio and United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey give them the recognition they deserve by nominating them for Integrity Icon Philadelphia. Talk to any parent in Philadelphia, and you’re bound, eventually, to get to the topic that’s always top of mind for those raising children in the city: schools. Talk to them long enough to get past the usual worries and you’ll likely find yourself hearing something beautiful and perhaps (to those looking on from the outside) surprising: That [...]

2020-07-07T19:54:15+00:0013th March 2020|

AL South Africa Annual Report released

In 2019, AL South Africa crowned its second batch of Integrity Icon winners after a successful national campaign to “name and fame” the country’s most honest government officials. The country office is building out the programme after a strong start in 2018 with votes peaking at 6,000. The team also ran its second film fellowship through which young socially-minded filmmakers produced short films about the Icons and gained valuable hands-on experience in narrative story-telling. Additionally, the team continued to support the work of the 2018 Integrity Icon winners and was happy to see them gain other forms of recognition for [...]

2020-07-07T19:57:48+00:006th March 2020|

Turning the tide on corruption calls for creativity and commitment to the rule of law

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa's State of the Nation address rightly highlighted a critical lack of integrity amongst people in power as a big stumbling block to inclusive development. Our work at AL South Africa aims to change this. By Dadisai Taderera   For the past few months, I have been engaged as part of the country's National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS) committee. Comprised of a diverse range of people from civil society, government and trade unions, the process has been rigorous and offers some key takeouts as President Cyril Ramaphosa's State of the Nation debate closed out in Parliament this [...]

2020-07-07T19:58:52+00:003rd March 2020|

Mali’s Accountability Incubator 2020 Cohort

Accountability Lab Mali has selected six accountapreneurs for the 2020 cohort of their accountability incubator program involved in everything from human rights and civil society to digital entertainment and filmmaking. Coumba Diakite is the founder of the company BY'RECYCL, which aims to put an end to the waste thrown in the streets of Mali. The company produces furniture and decorative objects made from used tires. In the long term the company wants to become a waste management industry and make West Africa an ecological example worldwide. In the city of Bamako, every day nearly 30,000 cubic metres of household waste is [...]

2020-07-07T20:05:04+00:002nd March 2020|

Nepal’s Accountability Incubator 2020 Cohort

Accountability Lab Nepal has selected four accountapreneurs for the 2020 cohort of their Accountability Incubator program. They're looking at projects spanning women empowerment and citizen engagement. Sumi Limbu is a Graduate student of Arts and Social Work, a compassionate learner, an activist who believes in the power of change and equality, and a lover of poetry and storytelling. She is one of the leader/changemakers of EmpoweHER 2018 (idea incubation leadership program initiated by Ujyalo Foundation) where her idea "SAKHI", an awareness campaign about menstruation through comic books, received seed funding. She strongly believes that through education and working from the [...]

2020-07-08T00:15:44+00:002nd March 2020|

Communautés de pratique au Niger

Dans le cadre des activités Lien et Apprentissage du programme Voice au Niger, s’est tenu le 29 janvier 2020 au complexe le MAFE, l’atelier de création des communautés de pratique entre les organisations partenaires de Voice au Niger et d’autres locales ayant les mêmes thématiques d’impact que Voice. Par Adamou Oumarou L’atelier de création de communautés de pratique est une activité du lien et apprentissage, l’objectif est d’organiser les organisations locales en réseau pour discuter, échanger, apprendre et trouver ensemble des solutions face aux problèmes ou défis qu’ils rencontrent dans leurs activités quotidiennes. Cet atelier a commencé par un exercice [...]

2020-02-17T00:00:00+00:0017th February 2020|

Creativity from the Bottom up: The SDG 16 Innovation Challenge in Pakistan

“Youth inclusion does not happen by saying it is important; it happens when you actually bring young people into the room to come up with collective solutions to problems,” says Muhammd Shoaib, a young social activist from Karachi. Shoaib is absolutely right, which is why we recently brought him to Islamabad as part of the Accountability Lab Pakistan and UNDP Pakistan SDG16 Innovation Challenge in collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Planning, Development and Reforms. The primary goal of the innovation challenge was to encourage new thinking and creative ideas to solve challenges related to [...]

2020-02-04T00:00:00+00:004th February 2020|

Nigerian songstress Cill wins Accountability Music Awards

Lagos-based musician Chioma “Cill” Ogbonna has won the 2019 Accountability Music Awards, winning the most votes among the finalists who represent the best of socially-conscious music from across the African continent.  The 2019 Accountability Music Awards (AMAs) is a collaboration between Accountability Lab, the ONE Campaign and Trace Africa, that seeks to celebrate African musicians who use their voices to call for more transparency and accountability across the continent. Viewers learned about the campaign on Trace Naija, Trace Urban and Trace Africa and thousands voted for their favourite song focused on accountability, transparency and the fight against corruption. Cill,  whose [...]

2020-01-30T00:00:00+00:0030th January 2020|
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