
Hackathon Workshop: Stakeholders Urged To Promote Publc Procurement, Open Contracting

State and non-state actors have been admonished to key into the Open Contracting by developing interest in the Public Procurement processes inorder reduce corruption in governance. This was the focal point  of the Anti-Corruption Hackathon Workshop organised by Accountability Lab in partnership with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP - Nigeria), Open Contracting and the Ekiti Bureau of Public Procurement through the Nigeria Anti-corruption Innovation. Journalists and Civil Society groups were  educated on contracting process from budget till implementation. Project is building on existing progress to adopt the use of procurement data and innovative technologies to improve access to good quality procurement data [...]

2022-11-14T10:50:55+00:006th November 2022|

Amazing encounters in South-Kivu

By Doussouba Konaté | Read the French version here I recently returned from a trip to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with Alejandra Ona, our Finance Manager at Accountability Lab Global. We were in the province of South Kivu, in the cities of Bukavu and Uvira, as part of the implementation of our DRL-funded “Building Integrity in the DRC” program. This program, which began implementation in September 2020, aims to contribute to efforts to reduce corruption in the DRC through a number of means such as empowering civil society to support integrity through creative and positive campaigning. The program [...]

2022-10-26T13:51:31+00:0021st October 2022|

The gender gap and economic participation of women in Pakistan

Pakistan presently ranks among the worst countries in the world in terms of gender parity, only performing better than Iraq, Yemen, and Afghanistan. According to the "Global Gender Gap Report 2021" published by the World Economic Forum (WEF), Pakistan ranked 153rd out of 156 countries on the gender parity index. Pakistan also ranked 7th among eight countries in South Asia, only doing better than Afghanistan. AL Pakistan accountapreneur, Syeda Yumna Hasny, takes a closer look.   Pakistan's gender gap has widened by 0.7 percentage points in just one year. According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), Pakistan ranked 153rd in [...]

2022-11-10T06:46:17+00:0029th July 2022|

UNDP Kick-Off Cohort Two of its Growth Accelerator Visioning Boot camp

On Thursday, UNDP Liberia and its partners iCampus and Accountability Lab with policy support from the Ministry of Commerce launched the second edition of its boot camp in Buchanan city, Grand Bassa County. The Growth Accelerator Liberia is a UNDP and the Government of Liberia initiative under the livelihood, employment creation, and accelerating impactful For-profit ventures across the fifteen counties of Liberia. The CEO of iCampus Luther Jeke speaking at the opening session of the boot camp said the boot camp over the next three days will be used for intense business development training and help scale cooperatives and as [...]

2022-07-15T10:57:38+00:008th July 2022|

UNDP Provides US$40K to Strengthen Liberian Small Businesses

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has partnered with iCampus Liberia and Accountability Lab Liberia for the second year in a row, with institutional and policy support from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, to help impactful entrepreneurs scale up their businesses through technical assistance, mentorship, and co-financing of up to US$40,000. This second edition has also added an agricultural component with the expansion to include impactful Liberian agricultural cooperatives. The addition of the agricultural cooperatives, according to the organizers, will add a new dimension to the program. Liberia has ranked in the bottom twenty countries on the UNDP Human [...]

2022-07-16T05:57:53+00:003rd June 2022|

Youth in Liberia take the stage to champion sustainable development and peace

Liberian youth continue to stand up for human rights, promoting peace, and contributing to sustainable development despite the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and their exclusion from influencing decisions about their own lives within their communities and the society at large. As part of these efforts, Youth-led organizations participated in the first National Inception Workshop on maintaining national peace and security in Liberia, held in 2019. This workshop identified some root causes of Liberia's 14-year civil war as triggers of violence, most of which remain unaddressed. They include land disputes, access to justice, the effective administration of justice, ensuring equality [...]

2022-04-19T14:00:05+00:0019th April 2022|

AL reps join the UN’s YouthLED Integrity Advisory Board

In a world where young people are sidelined in conversations involving their future, more young people are rising, changing the status quo and amplifying their participation in governance matters. They are taking on the task of changing the narrative in policymaking processes and making their voices heard. Accountability Lab is proud to have two of its staff members from Nepal and Liberia appointed to join the newly established YouthLED Integrity Advisory Board for the Global Resource for Anti-Corruption Education and Youth Empowerment (GRACE) initiative of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Parnneh Mallobe from Liberia and Prekkshya [...]

2022-04-14T08:53:21+00:0014th April 2022|

Apply to our OGP Nigeria Youth Network!

Accountability Lab Nigeria and OGP Nigeria are collaborating to establish the OGP Nigeria Youth Network, a network of young people working in the areas of accountability, open governance, and innovation. The network will include OGP Champions, Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), Women, and Youth-led organizations across the 36 States of Nigeria and the Federal Capital Territory (F.C.T) who will engage with the OGP Inclusion and Diversity working group in Nigeria to mainstream youth, women, and PWDs in all OGP thematic areas both at the state and the federal level. The network shall have a variety of youth engagement activities, some of [...]

2022-02-16T13:47:25+00:0016th February 2022|

#JulyUnrest: Reaching the “end of the rainbow” but with no pot of gold in sight

For all of the times South Africa has been called a “Rainbow Nation,” we have only been  chasing rainbows. The recent riots of July 2021 might even indicate that South Africa has reached the “end of the rainbow” but with no pot of gold in sight. Equality remains elusive and this land has never known true reconciliation, writes Lerato Dumse (she/her) from Du Love Media.  The piece forms part of Accountability Lab South Africa’s series Voices of the Youth, portraying the reflections of young people during 2021’s civil unrest.  FIND OUT MORE: Accountability Lab South Africa’s Voices of the Youth [...]

2022-07-16T07:21:42+00:0016th February 2022|

Capacity Building for the HipCo Accountability Network

‘Voice to Represent’ (Voice2Rep) is Accountability Lab’s pioneering and reformative musical campaign and advocacy platform that promotes issues around integrity, accountability and good governance through the lenses of a more equal participation and greater representation across Liberia. Its goal is for young and undiscovered artists to build their knowledge, skills and get the connections they need to improve their music and use it to advocate for social change. Hip-Co Accountability network on the other hand is a group on young national artists (male and female) who consider themselves ‘conscious musicians’, using a mixture of ‘hip-hop’ music and the Liberian ‘colokwa’ [...]

2022-03-18T11:05:40+00:008th February 2022|
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