
Cultivating citizen engagement through feedback loops

By Bakhtawar Khalid Citizen engagement is on the rise and there is a need to close feedback loops to give communities greater ownership of institutions and processes. What are the innovative solutions to closing this feedback loop and making every voice count? What are the challenges and potential avenues of this advance in citizen engagement? How can we transform the consultative role of citizens in public service delivery in order to cultivate co-design and co-delivery of services? The experiences of other countries shared on OGP’s platform are helpful in learning about the innovative ways citizen engagement in public service delivery [...]

2018-10-08T00:00:00+00:008th October 2018|


Pour réduire les inégalités dont sont victimes les groupes les plus marginalisés et discriminés au Mali et au Niger, le consortium Oxfam à travers son programme Voice, a accordé un financement de plus de 130 millions de F CFA à l’ONG Accountability Lab-Mali. Le projet financé vise à promouvoir l’innovation à travers la mise en place d’un espace de partage entre les acteurs et les bénéficiaires clés du programme Voice. Un réseautage pour faire la lumière sur les nouvelles approches. C’est l’initiative innovante d’Accountability Lab-Mali soutenue par l’ONG internationale Oxfam à travers son programme Voice. Ce projet, lancé officiellement le [...]

2018-08-20T00:00:00+00:0020th August 2018|

Pakistan’s first SDG 16 Innovation Challenge launched

ISLAMABAD: The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the government through the Young Peace & Development Corps and the Accountability Lab Pakistan on Thursday launched the country’s first Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) 16 Innovation Challenge. […]

2018-04-06T00:00:00+00:006th April 2018|

‘Integrity Idol’ celebrates honest civil servants in West Africa

A reality TV show that celebrates honest civil servants in corruption-plagued countries has grown to reach new audiences in Mali and Liberia and aims to enlist the public’s help in fighting graft, the organizers said. […]

2017-12-12T00:00:00+00:0012th December 2017|

Tech-driven accountability approaches: power, politics and change in Pakistan

Making All Voices Count has supported a number of initiatives in Pakistan at the intersection of technology, accountability and open governance over the past three years. […]

2017-11-19T00:00:00+00:0019th November 2017|
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