
Conoce a los ganadores de la distinción “Íconos de Integridad” edición Sustentabilidad

Tras evaluar 43 perfiles de servidores públicos nominados en la iniciativa “Integrity Icon Sustentabilidad”, cinco fueron los ganadores de tal reconocimiento. “Integrity Icon”, campaña global de Accountability Lab, es impulsada por ciudadanos en busca de funcionarios gubernamentales honestos. En 2020 se desarrolló por primera ocasión en México en su versión “Sustentabilidad” con el apoyo de Causa Natura y Reforestamos México y tuvo como objetivo generar un debate en torno a la idea de integridad y demostrar la importancia de la honestidad y la responsabilidad personal en el servicio público. Tras la valoración de un panel de expertos, se determinaron a [...]

2021-03-31T12:23:37+00:0031st January 2021|

Lanzan campaña para premiar a funcionarios que realicen acciones sustentables

Integrity Icon Mexico de Accountability Lab, en unión con las organizaciones civiles Reforestamos Mexico y Causa Natura, lanzaron Sustentabilidad 2020 con la finalidad de reconocer a los funcionarios públicos que realicen acciones sustentables en el país. Durante un seminario web, la directora de AL en Mexico, Eva Sander, informó que la iniciativa busca premiar a cinco personas que trabajen con base al cumplimento de los 17 objetivos de desarrollo Sostenible de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU). “Lejos de solo ser un diploma, es un reconocimiento para inspirar y convertir a estas personas en personas visibles; elevar su perfil [...]

2021-03-31T12:12:57+00:0031st January 2021|

Who Is Philly’s Integrity Icon?

BY JESSICA BLATT PRESS Remember March? Before the world imploded, back on March 2nd, The Citizen announced the launch of Integrity Icon, a contest in partnership SEAMAAC, WURD Radio, United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey, and D.C.-based Accountability Lab to name the publicly-paid workers in Philly who show the highest amount of integrity in their jobs. We called for citizens to submit their nominations. Then, we asked a panel of judges to review them, and narrow down the candidates to just five. DO SOMETHING Vote The judges were appointed based on their own levels of integrity. There was Michael O’Bryan, an expert in community [...]

2021-03-31T11:46:08+00:0020th January 2021|

Launch of Integrity Icon Somaliland in 2021

For immediate release. Launch of Integrity Icon Somaliland in 2021 7 January, Washington DC - Accountability Lab is excited to announce the launch of our prize-winning Integrity Icon Somaliland campaign to “name and fame” the most honest government officials in the region. This campaign will be supported by the government of the Netherlands and carried out along with a broad network of partners in Somaliland, ensuring that the campaign is contextualized and rooted in the experiences and stories of Somalilanders. It is being designed to allow for deep citizen engagement and broad public participation around issues of integrity and honest public [...]

2021-01-11T15:03:58+00:0011th January 2021|

Abren convocatoria a ‘Integrity Icon Sustentabilidad’ en México

A través de una conferencia virtual se abrió oficialmente la convocatoria de la primera edición de Integrity Icon Sustentabilidad en México, en apoyo a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU, mediante la cual se busca reconocer y destacar la labor de servidores públicos honestos, que se desempeñen en instancias de sustentabilidad y medio ambiente a nivel federal, estatal y local. Integrity Icon es una campaña global de Accountability Lab que está impulsada por ciudadanos en busca de funcionarios gubernamentales honestos. Su objetivo es generar un debate en torno a la idea de integridad y demostrar la importancia de la honestidad y la responsabilidad personal. [...]

2021-03-31T11:52:58+00:0030th December 2020|

Contribution du Accountability Lab Niger à la lutte contre la corruption au Niger

En ce 21e siècle, l’humanité fait face à beaucoup de défis colossaux qui sont devenus chroniques et structurels. Parmi ceuxci on peut citer la corruption qui est le principal obstacle au développement économique et social dans le monde. La corruption est la perversion ou le détournement d’un processus ou d’une interaction avec une ou plusieurs personnes dont le dessein, pour le corrupteur est d’obtenir des avantages ou des prérogatives particulières ou, pour le corrompu est d’obtenir une rétribution en échange de sa complaisance. Elle conduit en général à l’enrichissement personnel du corrompu ou à l’enrichissement de l’organisation corruptrice. (Wikipedia) Chaque [...]

2021-03-30T13:21:17+00:009th December 2020|

Introducing our 2020 Philadelphia Integrity Icons

Today we are introducing the first five winners of our Integrity Icon Philadelphia campaign! This amazing group of public servants is made up of exemplary men and women working in public health and education supporting different needs for their community. Meet our first winner, Carlos Aponte! Carlos Aponte is a history teacher at One Bright Ray Community High School, a school for over-age and under-credited students, and the president of We Love Philly, a non- profit organization that empowers students with positive community experiences and essential professional skills through mindfulness, volunteerism and entrepreneurship. Carlos believes that integrity means sticking to your [...]

2021-03-31T13:00:56+00:0030th November 2020|

Who’s Your Philly Hero?

Philly has some serious challenges. Let’s celebrate those public servants rising to meet them. By Blair Glencorse & Sara Hoenes t’s tough in Philadelphia right now. Covid-19 is spreading, with well over 20,000 cases in the city and with effects that are exacerbating existing inequalities: Racial injustices continue while free speech in response seems to be under threat, and even professional sports remains on hold. Meanwhile, President Trump’s re-election campaign and the Republican Party are suing Pennsylvania to force changes in how the state collects and counts mail-in ballots ahead of the presidential election in November. But amid the chaos, there are some incredible individuals who are doing [...]

2020-07-08T13:37:52+00:008th July 2020|

Exploring social norms with Tufts University

Accountability Lab is excited to announce our collaboration with the Corruption, Justice & Legitimacy Program (CJL) at The Fletcher School at Tufts University. CJL’s Social Norms and Corruption project will be working with our flagship program - Integrity Icon - to understand how best to effectively monitor and evaluate change in social norms related to corruption.  Integrity Icon “names and fames” honest government officials, building coalitions for integrity among the winners and inspiring the next generation of public servants. The Corruption, Justice and Legitimacy Program (CJL) is a research-to-practice initiative committed to improving the effectiveness of anti-corruption programming in contexts of endemic [...]

2020-07-07T22:16:02+00:007th July 2020|

“I think I will be engaged in social services as long as I live”

A senior midwife of great experience, Sita Kumari Sharma speaks very seriously about the public service. She has many stories too, about her experiences at Nepal's Birendranagar Municipal Health Office. But if you ask her about the public service, her sense of duty is what she talks about. “If sharing my knowledge helps people, brings positive change or adds a new dimension to their life, even if no one else does, I feel internally motivated to do so. I think I will be engaged in social services as long as I live,” she says. Sita was speaking as part of a [...]

2020-07-07T22:54:03+00:0030th June 2020|
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