Capacity Building for the HipCo Accountability Network

‘Voice to Represent’ (Voice2Rep) is Accountability Lab’s pioneering and reformative musical campaign and advocacy platform that promotes issues around integrity, accountability and good governance through the lenses of a more equal participation and greater representation across Liberia. Its goal is for young and undiscovered artists to build their knowledge, skills and get the connections they need to improve their music and use it to advocate for social change. Hip-Co Accountability network on the other hand is a group on young national artists (male and female) who consider themselves ‘conscious musicians’, using a mixture of ‘hip-hop’ music and the Liberian ‘colokwa’ [...]

2022-03-18T11:05:40+00:008th February 2022|

Growth Accelerator Program Liberia Launched

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has partnered with iCampus Liberia, Growth Africa and the Accountability Lab Liberia, to support impactful Liberian entrepreneurs to scale up their ventures through access to technical assistance, mentorship and co-financing. Liberia is ranked 176th out of 189 countries on the UNDP 2019 Human Development Index. The country faces stark challenges with more than 50% of the population living in poverty, particularly in rural areas (71.8%) to urban areas (31.5%). A key factor contributing to poverty in Liberia is limited access to sustainable and viable income-generating opportunities. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as [...]

2021-09-03T07:52:15+00:002nd September 2021|

Accountability Lab Liberia hosted the Democracy Training for selected artists, DJs & radio managers

Accountability Lab Liberia with funding from the National Endowment for Democracy, hosted a two-day democracy training for 15 radio managers, disc jockeys, and artists, from Bong, Grand Bassa, Montserrado, and Nimba counties. The training which is a core component of AL Liberia’s ongoing Democracy campaign (Voice2Rep) supports the media to use their platform supported by the National Endowment for Democracy, NED. The interactive training took place at our iCampus office, home of accountability, creativity, innovation, technology and social change, on Carey Street, Snapper Hill in Monrovia. The two-day capacity building training was aimed at increasing the understanding and knowledge of [...]

2021-07-14T11:52:09+00:0030th June 2021|

Building an Innovation Co-working space: The case of iCampus Liberia

iCampus-Liberia is the country's first multi-disciplinary, innovation and community space for change-makers focusing on the intersection of technology, accountability and social change. The 4,000 square foot campus in the heart of Monrovia provides the space, resources, support and cutting-edge technologies that can make change possible. iCampus Liberia Manager Luther Jeke spoke to AL Pakistan Accountability Incubator Lead Bakhtawar Khalid about the process of building Liberia's first innovation co-working space. Listen to the podcast below:     

2020-06-01T08:49:30+00:0012th March 2020|

Election Reform Advocacy Through ‘’Visual Storytelling’’

The Liberia Accountability and Voice Initiative (LAVI) is the five-year USAID-funded project strengthening Liberian stakeholder partnerships that advocate for and monitor policy reforms. LAVI supports their civil society and government partners to collaborate on common policy issues and design advocacy campaigns that are effective, inclusive and relevant to the Liberian context. iCampus is a multi-sector innovation and community space that brings together technology, accountability and social change. Individual and organizational members can use the space as an office or to hold events, participate in numerous trainings, and more. Among other things, iCampus is also an implementing partner for LAVI. Through [...]

2019-09-12T00:00:00+00:0012th September 2019|

iCampus Hosts Film Festival on Electoral Reform Issues

By Foday Sesay MONROVIA, 3 September – As the dialogue on electoral reform resonates with Liberians, iCampus has streamed three short films focusing on three key electoral reform issues. The films focused on issues such as the tenure of elected public officials, women in leadership, and the current date of election. It was supported by the Liberia Accountability and Voice Initiative’s electoral reform initiative, sponsored by USAID. iCampus is a shared co-working and community space for organizations working on technology, accountability, and social change in the country. The organization’s learning and communications manager who was also lead producer of the films, [...]

2019-09-03T00:00:00+00:003rd September 2019|

Building iCampus’ sustainability and impact through learning and sharing with the Open Gov Hub, Washington DC

By Luther Jeke, iCampus Manager In the summer of 2016, iCampus signed on as the second affiliate hub with the Open Gov Hub in Washington, DC after the first sister hub was established in Kathmandu, Nepal in 2014 by Accountability Lab. These global affiliate hubs have been established in recognition of the value of the sustainable hub social enterprise model to both help civil society organizations operate more efficiently and build collaborative communities for greater impact. And while our team has worked hard to get iCampus off to a great start (building an initial community, and embedding collaborative learning activities [...]

2018-12-11T00:00:00+00:0011th December 2018|

iCampus Podcast: Luther Jeke in conversation with Nada Zohdy

We invite you to listen to this podcast to learn more about open governance and social change in Liberia along with personal experiences from the Director of Open Gov Hub, Nada Zohdy, who recently visited iCampus Liberia as part of a staff swap. After spending a week in Monrovia working with the iCampus team for the first time, Nada talked with Luther Jeke, the manager of iCampus Liberia, about the foundation of open government hubs and her time in Liberia. She shared her impressions, challenges, and the importance of accountability. “Open Gov Hub is a meeting place where many different people [...]

2018-07-25T00:00:00+00:0025th July 2018|
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