Ram Bahadur’s Remarkable Journey: From Aspiring to Inspiring

By Dridhata Silwal  Ram Bahadur Kurumbang’s journey began during his school days when he absorbed the invaluable lessons of moral education taught by his dedicated school teachers. These teachings stayed with him for a lifetime, ultimately shaping his core principles and placing integrity at the center of everything he does.  This strong foundation later propelled him to take a stand against corruption and work tirelessly towards building a stronger, more transparent system. His remarkable transformation from a schoolboy learning about moral values to becoming an Integrity Icon award winner is a truly inspiring story. It highlights the importance of having [...]

2023-09-26T13:37:14+00:0026th September 2023|

A new tactic against corruption: Putting honest politicians in the limelight

This article was originally published by The Fund For Global Human Rights.  “Name and shame” For years, this has been the main approach organizations have used to tackle corruption. Groups employing this tactic work to apprehend corrupt politicians, then broadcast their names publicly to discourage others from committing similar acts. And while some progress has been made, this method has fallen short in rooting out entrenched corruption in countries that need it most. Moreover, “naming and shaming” reinforces the narrative that corruption is inevitable—to a point of normalizing it—by showing the public nothing but dishonest officials over and over. For [...]

2017-08-10T00:00:00+00:0010th August 2017|

Honesty Oscars Voting is Open!

And the award goes to...This week it is up to you to decide. Before Hollywood’s A-list gets all dressed up to walk the red carpet at the Academy Awards, the Accountability Lab, ONE and #CultureFix invite you to celebrate a different type of celebrity. Honesty Oscars began in 2014, when we partnered to create a campaign that recognizes the contributions of activists, artists and creatives whose work has supported transparency and accountability around the world. This year, the Honesty Oscars’ categories are: Best Male Activist, Best Female Activist, Best Photo or Photo Campaign, Best Film and Best Song. We received nominations [...]

2017-02-20T00:00:00+00:0020th February 2017|

Last Chance to Submit Honesty Oscars Nominations!

On April 14th, 2014, over 200 Nigerian schoolgirls were abducted from their Chibok boarding school by members of Boko Haram. One woman, Hadiza Usman, spearheaded the Bring Back Our Girls initiative and has worked tirelessly since to secure the release of the girls. In Colombia, over 4 million people have been forced off their land, leaving their country with a severe internal refugee crisis. “The Fight for Land” directed by Juan Mejia shed light on this relatively unknown issue with creative and powerful storytelling. These are just two of the winners of Honesty Oscars in 2016. Every year actors, actresses, [...]

2017-01-13T00:00:00+00:0013th January 2017|

Honesty Oscars 2016 Winners

What a campaign this year! We’ve had the chance to honor fantastic artists making waves in this anti-corruption space. Without further ado, here are your 2016 Honesty Oscars winners! Best Photo: Tony Maake- A South African photographer who beautifully brought to light the water crisis in South African villages. See the photo up close here.   Best Film: The Battle for Land- This film, by Human Pictures, captures the perils of forced mass displacement in Colombia and speaks to the “dark side of progress” and development. Watch the trailer here.   Best Song: Stop the Bleeding- This raw and emotional [...]

2016-03-01T00:00:00+00:001st March 2016|

Accountability Lab and ONE Campaign launch the third annual Honesty Oscars

Accountability Lab and ONE Campaign launch the third annual Honesty Oscars By: Dhanya Addanki Ready to revolutionize the Oscars? We at Accountability Lab and the ONE Campaign are gearing up to do just that with our third annual Honesty Oscars. The Honesty Oscars are a weeklong digital event honoring artists, activists, films and musicians fighting corruption with their voice and with their art. This year, we’ve added photographers and women activists to our inspiring mix of creatives working exceptionally hard to ignite a more transparent world. We want to ensure that our governments and corporations are held accountable for their actions and these [...]

2016-02-22T00:00:00+00:0022nd February 2016|

We need YOU! Nominate activists and organizations that deserve an Honesty Oscar

By: Samantha Urban. This blog post was originally published by The ONE Campaign. The upcoming Academy Awards on Sunday, February 28, is a time to gather around the television and celebrate the cinematic achievements of the year. We figured it was about time we did the same for the inspiring activists, videos, photos, and songs that are helping to fight global corruption! ONE and Accountability Lab are teaming up to host the 2016 Honesty Oscars, an event that honors groundbreaking organizations, activists, and creatives who make our world more transparent and hold our governments and corporations more accountable. […]

2016-01-14T00:00:00+00:0014th January 2016|

Powerful Citizen Media to Champion Responsible Governments

By: Karolle Rabarison. This blog post was originally published by Media Rise. Interview produced by Katie Gach. I recently sat down with Blair Glencorse, Executive Director of Accountability Lab. The Lab “catalyzes a new generation of active citizens and responsible leaders around the world.” As part of this year’s Media Rise festival, Blair will lead a workshop on media’s role in promoting civic engagement, happening at the OpenGov Hub on September 29, 2015 (register). Media Rise: Last year, Accountability Lab was the Media Rise Pitch Night People’s Choice Award. That contributed to the film school in Liberia where students are making films to [...]

2015-09-28T00:00:00+00:0028th September 2015|
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