
Our Virtual Accountapreneurs in Kenya & Uganda Pitch Their Ideas

On January 19th we hosted a pitch session for the recently-graduated accountapreneurs of our 2020 virtual Accountability Incubator for young civil society leaders in Kenya and Uganda.  This session was the culmination of a process we started six months earlier when, with the support of the Ford Foundation, we partnered with Evidence and Methods Lab and Siasa Place to adapt our Accountability Incubator for Kenya and Uganda in the time of COVID-19.  We redesigned our flagship incubator program to support the next generation of accountability entrepreneurs with flexible, hands on knowledge-building, mentorship and support to develop ground-breaking ideas related to [...]

2021-02-01T09:33:08+00:001st February 2021|

Launch of Integrity Icon Somaliland in 2021

For immediate release. Launch of Integrity Icon Somaliland in 2021 7 January, Washington DC - Accountability Lab is excited to announce the launch of our prize-winning Integrity Icon Somaliland campaign to “name and fame” the most honest government officials in the region. This campaign will be supported by the government of the Netherlands and carried out along with a broad network of partners in Somaliland, ensuring that the campaign is contextualized and rooted in the experiences and stories of Somalilanders. It is being designed to allow for deep citizen engagement and broad public participation around issues of integrity and honest public [...]

2021-01-11T15:03:58+00:0011th January 2021|

Women’s Health During COVID-19 in Pakistan

Dangers of not knowing enough about COVID-19’s impact on women in Pakistan According to UN Women’s data, as compared to their male counterparts, women in Pakistan and Bangladesh are less likely to receive information about COVID-19. This is attributed to a variety of reasons including limited access to the internet, limited cell phone ownership, and comparatively lower levels of education amongst women. According to the 2018 Global Digital Report, women in Pakistan are 37% less likely than men to own a mobile phone or have internet access. Limited access to necessary information about COVID-19 puts, not only women, but also [...]

2020-12-17T08:09:27+00:0017th December 2020|

Contribution du Accountability Lab Niger à la lutte contre la corruption au Niger

En ce 21e siècle, l’humanité fait face à beaucoup de défis colossaux qui sont devenus chroniques et structurels. Parmi ceuxci on peut citer la corruption qui est le principal obstacle au développement économique et social dans le monde. La corruption est la perversion ou le détournement d’un processus ou d’une interaction avec une ou plusieurs personnes dont le dessein, pour le corrupteur est d’obtenir des avantages ou des prérogatives particulières ou, pour le corrompu est d’obtenir une rétribution en échange de sa complaisance. Elle conduit en général à l’enrichissement personnel du corrompu ou à l’enrichissement de l’organisation corruptrice. (Wikipedia) Chaque [...]

2021-03-30T13:21:17+00:009th December 2020|

Niger’s Civic Action Teams (CivActs) Campaign

The COVID-19 pandemic presents humanity with one of the greatest major challenges it has faced in a century. The disease has caused enormous and devastating crises, from social and economic to political and environmental. In these difficult times, the community faces rumours, misinformation and false news that circulate via social networks and mass media to a point where it is not how it is. In Niger, the government has taken important measures to reduce the spread of the virus, such as declaring a state of emergency, closing land and air borders, strengthening health protection measures, etc. The government has also [...]

2020-12-18T09:49:56+00:0026th November 2020|

Bonne is Voice2Rep winner

RISING gospel musician Sarah Bonne shrugged off stiff competition from nine other contestants to clinch an investment package into her music career equivalent to US$1 500 and a video recording gig at the Shoko Festival as the winner of the inaugural Voice to Represent (Voice2Rep) competition held on Wednesday, in Harare. By Kennedy Nyavaya. The Voice2Rep is a new annual programme under Magamba Network’s Arts for Change initiative in conjunction with Accountability Lab that supports the extensive amplification of youthful voices as well as participation in national processes through music. In October, 10 finalists were chosen from over 300 entries [...]

2021-03-30T13:47:49+00:0020th November 2020|

Getting students debating solutions to gender-based violence

By Samina Anwary It’s not often we get to explore “out there” solutions to entrenched socio-cultural problems to the extent that it becomes a formal debate with well researched arguments and rebuttals. But this is exactly what happens when young people are given the platform to find creative solutions to seemingly intractable challenges. "The government is required to provide protection and safety under our constitutional framework. Therefore, they are complicit in perpetuating GBV. This is why a class action law-suit is needed." This was the strong statement made by Rhodes University debater Khanyisa Mqotyana during a debate on whether the [...]

2020-10-22T19:12:40+00:0022nd October 2020|

We need to talk about Racial Inequity: Advice for convening difficult conversations

By Cheri-Leigh Erasmus As renewed protests around racial equity continue in the USA, and all over the world, the development sector finds itself taking stock of its own practices and how organizations and practitioners may perpetuate unequal systems through their work. Through an ongoing Learning Exchange made possible by OSF’s Economic Justice Program, a group of team members from Accountability Lab and the ONECampaign have recognized this as an important learning moment that challenges organizations to engage in difficult conversations and, more importantly, take action. Although this work on racial equity was not initially part of the exchange, the moment [...]

2020-10-21T10:28:13+00:0021st October 2020|

Accountability in the time of Covid-19

It’s been a challenging but productive year as the Lab adapts to the effects of working under the new normal of the Covid-19 pandemic, along with the rest of the world. A key part of our work this year was launching a Virtual Accountability Incubator and also supporting our existing accountability entrepreneurs in our network on projects aimed at strengthening Covid-19 response and recovery efforts. Earlier this year we created a fund for our accountapreneurs who pitched ideas for these mini-grants on a competitive basis. We've been excited by the quality of projects that have come out of this initiative. [...]

2020-10-06T08:46:31+00:005th October 2020|

Can social entrepreneurs achieve community immunity against corruption? 

By Michael Seo  In the United States, we tend to think of corruption as the exception rather than the norm. However, in some of the most impoverished settings in frontier markets, the reality is different but so are the market dynamics as social entrepreneurship flourishes. So we ask, how can social entrepreneurs nudge markets toward transparency and integrity in contexts where ethical behaviour, transparency and governance are anomalies? The consequences of corruption are immense and indisputable. Inversely, so are the benefits of trustworthy systems. Research from the IMF, “The Cost of Corruption”, suggests that countries perceived to be less corrupt [...]

2020-10-02T07:47:12+00:001st October 2020|
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