Policy Pitching – OGP Virtual Bootcamp Day 3

This week, Accountability Lab and the Government of Korea are hosting a bootcamp for the 2021 Open Government Partnership Summit’s youth delegates. Catch the Day 2 recap here.  For the final day of the OGP bootcamp, the youth delegates took everything they had learned about open government processes and collaboration across diverse interests, to create policy recommendations. Split into three groups based on their backgrounds and expertise, the delegates developed draft proposals on: i) civic space and public participation; ii) inclusive digital innovation; and iii) anti-corruption.  While brainstorming in their policy groups, the delegates focused on a number of pertinent [...]

2021-12-02T08:34:38+00:002nd December 2021|

Introduction to the OGP Youth Toolkit – OGP Virtual Bootcamp Day 2

By Alawi Masud This week, Accountability Lab and the Government of Korea are hosting a bootcamp for the 2021 Open Government Partnership Summit’s youth delegates. Catch the Day 1 recap here.  By introducing the youth delegates to the OGP Youth Toolkit, a resource currently in development by Accountability Lab, today’s session focused on how policymakers can engage youth and develop policies that help them. This toolkit, designed in consultation with the Open Gov Youth Collective and OGP government point of contacts, guides youth organizations and government representatives on how to engage young people through OGP processes and plans. During the [...]

2021-12-01T08:01:43+00:001st December 2021|

Building Unlikely Networks – OGP Virtual Bootcamp Day 1

By Alawi Masud Accountability Lab and the Government of Korea are hosting a bootcamp for the 2021 Open Government Partnership Summit’s youth delegates. The purpose of this bootcamp is to prepare young people to develop new ideas around open governance, develop policy ideas that involve youth, and actively participate in conversations around open government during the upcoming Summit and in the future.  The first day of the bootcamp focused on building “unlikely networks.” Here are four key takeaways: Globalized Perspectives Dr. Cho Sangmyeong, the Director-General of Government Innovation Planning Bureau at the Ministry of the Interior and Safety in Korea, [...]

2021-11-30T08:00:38+00:0030th November 2021|

Announcing the 2021 Open Government Partnership Summit’s Youth Delegates

By Katie Fuhs Given the central role that young people have played in previous OGP Summits, the Government of Korea wishes to support young people around the world to engage further with OGP to ensure that youth are central to policy and advocacy around open government in the future. Towards that aim, the Government of Korea has asked Accountability Lab to recruit youth activists focused on anti-corruption, civic space and public participation, and inclusive digital innovation to share their ideas and perspectives at the 2021 OGP Summit. As such, Accountability Lab is proud to introduce the youth delegates of the [...]

2021-12-14T09:35:52+00:0029th November 2021|

Youth Power in Open Government

Young people now represent 41% of the global population, and the majority of the population in the 48 least developed countries. Yet, young people are rarely brought meaningfully into policy processes that affect their lives. The Open Gov Youth Collective is trying to change this within the open government field. This year, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) – with the help of Accountability Lab and Restless Development and thanks to the support of the Government of Canada – brought together a group of sixteen young open government activists as a part of their Break The Roles campaign for the OGP Global Summit in Ottawa to discuss the role of young people in [...]

2020-09-23T13:59:13+00:0023rd September 2020|

Covid-19 Booklet

Sharing vital information. This is an introductory booklet on Covid-19 created under a joint partnership with the National Youth Council and UK Aid. It serves to inform the public and other relevant stakeholders about necessary knowledge on Covid-19, its impacts on our youth and economy, and plans moving forward. Download Booklet   Originally published on Restless Development.org

2020-09-23T13:51:14+00:0023rd September 2020|

Open Gov Digital Youth Summit

Are you a young person that cares about making the response to COVID-19 more inclusive and transparent? Do you think young people should be at the heart of decision-making on what comes next? Do you have great ideas for how we can use open governance to improve pandemic recovery efforts? Then join us for the Open Gov Youth Digital Summit! Hosted with our partners Accountability Lab and Restless Development, the two-day virtual summit on October 27th and 28th will provide an opportunity to connect and engage with young people around the world. It will offer a global, online platform to explore the values [...]

2020-09-23T13:43:37+00:0023rd September 2020|
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