Driving inclusive change in East Africa: Accountapreneurs’ collaborative approach to civic engagement

William Tolbert Nyabungu is a Community Development Worker with over 15 years of experience in civic engagement and social inclusion. He founded the Promoters of Social Inclusion (PSI) Foundation (Kenya). The PSI Foundation is collaborating with Noreen Asekenye, the founder of the Tell a Story Foundation. William and Noreen are Accountapreneurs who emerged from Accountability Lab's Incubator program—Noreen from the 2021 cohort and William from the 2022 cohort. Together, they are working on a project in Kenya focused on social transformation with an interest in civic education and awareness among the youth in Kenya.  Advancing inclusive education Established in 2018, the Tell [...]

2024-11-26T14:51:39+00:0026th November 2024|

Strengthening trust in the DRC

The fight against corruption and the push for good governance in the DRC is growing through innovative programs that encourage social change in creative ways. Accountability Lab DRC is working hard to influence norms and behaviors, build capacity, and strengthen trust between communities and powerholders. The team is inspiring a grassroots movement against corruption through issues like local budgets, bribery and infrastructure development. Accountability Lab DRC is also addressing corruption trends through civic engagement with government officials. Our work aims to change attitudes toward corruption by promoting accountability, mobilizing youth, and advocating for fiscal transparency. We achieve this through initiatives [...]

2024-10-18T08:16:20+00:0017th October 2024|

Prioritizing Community: Building impact on shifting political sands in Mali

With two coups in the last four years and the political instability that comes with it, Mali is not the easiest place to put down good governance roots. Unless those roots are placed with the one constant: people. We sat down with Accountability Lab Mali Country Director Doussouba Konate and Deputy Country Director Habibou Diaou to talk about how a community-led approach pays dividends in a transitional context. “We live, these days, in an exceptional situation in which we’ve had transitional governments led by the military. And that's not an ideal environment for an organization that's pushing for better governance,” [...]

2024-09-25T07:47:15+00:0023rd September 2024|

Funke Adeoye and her access to justice mission in Nigeria

Oluwafunke Adeoye, or Funke as everyone calls her, is a lawyer, human rights defender, social innovator, young global leader, and proud Accountapreneur. She is Hope Behind Bars Africa’s Founder and Executive Director. It's an organization that promotes human rights and criminal justice reforms using legal aid, research, evidence-based advocacy, and technology. Funke has led interventions that amplified the work of grassroots advocates across sub-Saharan Africa and saved hundreds of indigent pre-trial detainees. She is a Mandela Washington Fellow and an Acumen West Africa Fellow, winning the 2023 Global Citizen Prize last year. This year saw her also being admitted to [...]

2024-10-04T15:47:25+00:0011th August 2024|

Three diverse days of our Integrity Innovation Lab in Belize

We recently collaborated with the Love Foundation, the Ministry of Public Service, and the US Embassy to organize an integrity training and friend-raiser event in Belize. The event was designed to equip participants with essential skills and strategies to promote good governance and accountability in Belize. The training was led by Jaco Roets, Programs and Learning Manager at Accountability Lab, and brought together a diverse group of participants, including accountapreneurs, government reformers, and mentors. According to Jaco, the training program aimed to promote the principles of good governance, policies, and project management. "Networking is not just about giving a quick [...]

2024-04-23T16:14:20+00:0016th April 2024|

From Local Visionaries to Global Changemakers: The Evolution of Accountability Incubator and Civic Charge

By Kibo Ngowi The Accountability Incubator emerged out of a vision to train and support young people with innovative ideas around accountability, participation and open government to build sustainable, effective tools for change. In the decade that AL has run the Incubator, we've had more than 300 accountapreneurs from over a dozen countries go through the program. The initiatives we’ve supported run the gamut from integrity watch groups at primary schools; to building networks of music artists pushing for integrity; to tools using blockchain to secure elections.  AL Programs & Learning Manager Jaco Roets has been at the forefront of [...]

2024-04-19T16:40:09+00:0015th January 2024|

Accountability Lab launches Civic Charge: An Accelerator for Social Accountability Change Agents 

When Accountability Lab started more than 11 years ago, the need to cultivate and equip reformers pushing for social accountability in their communities and countries formed part of the organization’s DNA. This quickly led to the creation of the Accountability Incubator, which has provided training and support to over 300 young change-makers across 12 countries over the past decade. Having incubated various accountability-related projects, we’ve gained a lot of insight into the needs of the innovators in our incubators, and we have used those learnings to create Civic Charge: An Accelerator for Social Accountability Change Agents. Applications are open here [...]

2023-10-26T08:46:34+00:0026th October 2023|

Amazing encounters in South-Kivu

By Doussouba Konaté | Read the French version here I recently returned from a trip to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with Alejandra Ona, our Finance Manager at Accountability Lab Global. We were in the province of South Kivu, in the cities of Bukavu and Uvira, as part of the implementation of our DRL-funded “Building Integrity in the DRC” program. This program, which began implementation in September 2020, aims to contribute to efforts to reduce corruption in the DRC through a number of means such as empowering civil society to support integrity through creative and positive campaigning. The program [...]

2022-10-26T13:51:31+00:0021st October 2022|

Rencontres extraordinaires en RDC

Par Doussouba Konaté | Lisez la version anglaise ici Je viens d’effectuer un voyage en RDC, dans la province du Sud-Kivu, plus particulièrement dans les villes de Bukavu et Uvira dans le cadre de l’implémentation de notre programme Renforcer l’intégrité en RDC financé par DRL.  Ce programme dont l’implémentation a commencé en septembre 2020 à pour objectif de contribuer aux efforts visant à réduire la corruption en RDC en donnant à la société civile les moyens de soutenir l'intégrité par le biais d'une campagne créative et positive, en mobilisant les jeunes pour qu'ils s'opposent à la corruption grâce à une [...]

2022-10-27T07:40:47+00:0026th August 2022|

Workplace Diversity in Pakistan

Pakistan is a culturally rich country, incorporating 99% Muslim people and about 1% Hindi people.  However, despite the cultural diversity, there is still a lack of workforce diversity in Pakistan. This is partly due to social attitudes that discourage workers from different backgrounds from interacting and sharing ideas. Additionally, there is a shortage of skilled professionals in Pakistan, which has led to companies struggling to find employees who meet their specific needs. AL Pakistan accountapreneur, Bhoora Lal, takes a closer look.   There are many reasons to have a diverse workforce. First, it can help organizations become more innovative and [...]

2022-11-10T06:46:17+00:0028th June 2022|
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