
Gauri Shankar Sah

Gauri Shankar Sah is the Program Manager at Municipal Association of Nepal (MuAN) in Province 2 which is an umbrella organization representing the collective voices of all the municipalities in Nepal. Sah has worked with a range of development partners and also serves as Provincial Resource Person in supporting Subnational Governments for Localizing Sustainable Development Goals. Through the incubator program he plans to develop "Accountable", an initiative that makes actionable information accessible to the public, and also ensures their concerns reach relevant political representatives. He's motivated by helping citizens become active shapers and collaborators in the policy-making process to ensure [...]

2021-02-09T12:47:36+00:009th February 2021|

Neetu Sen

Neetu Sen is a business administration student from Biratnagar with a passion for reading and learning. Currently working for the "CivActs Coronavirus Campaign" initiated by Accountability Lab Nepal, she works to debunk rumors and disseminate facts related to COVID-19 and government initiatives to narrow the information gap between citizens and the government. Through the incubator platform, she hopes to create a platform that can be utilized to inform people about their rights and raise their voices, particularly those of marginalized and other disadvantaged communities.

2021-02-09T12:47:36+00:009th February 2021|

Sanju Dhakal

With the aim of building a career in the humanitarian sector, Sanju enrolled herself for a Bachelor in Social Work and Journalism degree after high school. As an undergraduate student of social work, she understood the importance of NGOs, INGOs, and local organizations and started dedicating her time to volunteering. She also wrote articles covering issues of national importance and digital advocacy in her community. She runs the "Save a Child's future" project in Kathmandu that's been celebrated on international platforms such as Peace First, Kidsright Changemakers, and the State of Youth. Currently, she is working as a childrens' activist [...]

2021-02-16T06:01:25+00:009th February 2021|

G. Naway Gumeh

Naway Gumeh is a responsible and committed Journalist and investigative reporter with a passion for building an informed society through media. As host for Prime FM's evening flagship program dubbed "The Brumm" on the Tuesday and Thursday editions, he provides coverage of political and economic events in Liberia. Through the Accountability Incubator program, he intends to hold people and institutions responsible for their words and actions, whether it is political fact-checking, investigations or other forms of reporting. Follow Naway Gumeh on Twitter.

2021-02-15T10:28:01+00:009th February 2021|

Silas N. Juaquellie

Silas Juaquellie is the National Director of Burning Barriers Building Bridges Youth Theatre (B4YT) Liberia Inc. and a District Education Officer at the Ministry of Education. He also serves as a lecturer at CEPRES International University and as the National Research Consultant at the Center for Research and Development Initiatives (DRDI). Among his many community engagement activities, he has also taken lead in the street drama awareness during the Ebola epidemic in Bong and Montserrado counties and the civil voter education for new voters in Bong, Lofa, Nimba, Bassa, and Margibi. He is passionate about Information Technology and for his [...]

2021-02-15T10:45:20+00:009th February 2021|

Stanford A. Joe

Stanford A. Joe is a Young Political Leadership School graduate and Founder & amp; Executive Director of Foundation for Youth Tranquility, a non-governmental organization that focuses on the promotion and enhancement of good citizenship in Liberia through civil education, research, capacity building and gender equity strategy programs that directly empower and benefit young people to be better citizens. He has been working in youth development for over fourteen years and is passionate about youth inclusion, good citizens practice and human rights.

2021-02-15T10:36:38+00:009th February 2021|

Mwasnoh Tuan

Mwasnoh Tuan is the Founder and Executive Director of the Mwasnoh Tuan Foundation, an organisation that provides mentorship, training, scholarships and health education to vulnerable women and children in rural and urban communities in Liberia. As part of the incubator program, she is determined to strengthen advocacy of women's rights in rural and urban communities by providing an opportunity for women's voices to be heard in policies and decision making processes through promoting equality, peace and justice for all Liberians. Follow her on Twitter. 

2021-02-15T10:39:29+00:009th February 2021|

Kou Amelia Dahn

Kou Amelia Dahn is a graduating senior student of the Mother Patern College of Health Sciences in the field of Social Work. She is passionate about education, human rights, conflict resolution, and youth development. Her passion for advocacy, leadership and community development inspired her to start volunteering for reputable development organizations and institutions at the age of 15. As a young leader, Kou served as a Volunteer Program Director at Volunteers Hub Liberia, where she supported the Executive Director with designing, planning and implementation of the organization's programs ensuring they have a positive impact in the community. Through the incubator [...]

2021-02-15T11:08:05+00:009th February 2021|

Saturnino de Oliveira

Saturnino de Olivera is an economist and Researcher at the National Institute of Studies and Research (INEP). He is a founding member of the civic initiative "Bassora di Povu", the civic movements, "CASE" and "guineendadi". During his stay in the Kingdom of Morocco as a student of economic sciences and management, he was chairman of the advisory board of AGUIFREM-CENTRAL (Association of Guinean students in Morocco). He was an international observer of the municipal elections in Mozambique in 2018, and in 2019 in the general elections he coordinated the monitoring of compliance with the electoral code of conduct. He also participated [...]

2021-02-15T10:25:20+00:009th February 2021|

Elizabeth Masika

Elizabeth Masika has more than eight years of experience working on a multitude of active citizenship projects. She was raised in a community where marriage is a priority (even at the age of 9) and where getting an education is considered lucky, rather than the norm. Coming from this community, Elizabeth's passion is to ensure that her neighbours and friends are aware of their potential, the impact they can have and of the rights that they hold. Elizabeth currently works for Greenlight Planet, working with solar lights to bring innovative business opportunities to communities. Her Incubator idea is to support [...]

2021-02-09T12:47:28+00:009th February 2021|
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