US funded NGOs ban a threat to Zimbabwe?

THE banning of non-governmental organisations through the proposed Private Voluntary Organisations (PVOs) Amendment Bill will have dire economic and political consequences for Zimbabwe that could spiral into a serious crisis, human rights groups have warned. The government is pushing for the PVOs Act to monitor and ban NGOs perceived to be political. Parliamentary hearings have already begun, although wracked with violence in some parts of the country where suspected Zanu-PF activists have been accused of trying to block others from contributing. According to a report released this month on the possible economic impact of the PVOs Amendment Bill gazetted in [...]

2022-04-03T12:07:18+00:009th March 2022|

A Change in Approach Could Resolve Conflict Between Vendors and Authorities 

By Samuel Takawira The last two decades have seen a severe contraction of Zimbabwe’s economy, with agriculture, mining and manufacturing sectors suffering mainly from poor policy decisions, resulting in massive unemployment. It is estimated that 90% of the Zimbabwean population ekes out a living in the informal sector, vending in open urban marketplaces. Among these are the municipal markets in Mbare - a low-income suburb of Harare. Mbare is home to the largest informal marketplace in Zimbabwe, where trading space is expensive and oversubscribed. To create access to the market, informal traders have resorted to setting up illegal stalls in [...]

2022-01-17T13:52:49+00:0017th January 2022|

Local voices with local solutions

Accountability Lab’s Civic Action Teams (CivActs) is a pioneering community voice and feedback process to close the loop on citizen challenges related to everything from migration and natural resource management, to the Covid-19 response and misinformation. At the Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law annual conference in October, AL shared some of the creative ways that local governments are working with CSOs to disseminate important policy information in a resonant and inclusive way. Speakers included Suresh Chand, Program Manager at AL Nepal, Tinotenda Chishiri, CivActs Projects Officer at AL Zimbabwe, and Amna Rajput, Projects Coordinator at AL Pakistan. Chand [...]

2021-11-17T14:05:07+00:0017th October 2021|

Nkulumane rapper on orphanage fundraising drive

Mbulelo Mpofu/Yvonne Ncube, Showbiz Reporters Nkulumane rapper Oxzy understands the social responsibility that artistes have and as such, the $ for 2 singer has taken it upon himself to improve the welfare of the needy. Oxzy (real name Othiniel Mpofu) and other youths have embarked on a project to assist inmates at Qinisani Day Care Orphanage who need among other things clothes and blankets. The youths last June embarked on a door-to-door collection of clothes, blankets and cash for the orphanage. The week-long initiative resulted in the youths collecting 12 bags of clothes, blankets and US$100. On the day they [...]

2021-09-06T14:18:25+00:006th September 2021|

Marvellous Tshuma – The Queen of baTonga

Written by Upenyu Makoni-Muchemwa People living with disabilities (PLWDs) face multiple and complex challenges in Zimbabwe. As well as the challenges unique to their disability, people living with disabilities also face social and structural exclusion leading to negative stereotyping and stigmatisation and are less likely to participate in most social activities and governance processes. The same challenges also affect people from ethnic minorities that have been marginalised from State-led development for many years. At the nexus of these challenges is 2020 Voice2Rep Zimbabwe Finalist Marvellous Tshuma, stage name Marve Tee, a young woman from Binga, and a member of the [...]

2022-02-08T09:52:15+00:003rd September 2021|

Voice2Rep winner sets sights on ground-breaking foundation

BARELY a year after being announced as the Voice To Represent (Voice2Rep) Zimbabwe inaugural winner last year, gospel signer, Sarah Yvette Bonne is already working on establishing an art-based foundation for women. Bonne, who is behind the song Hear Me Now, has set her sights on establishing the Artistic Women's Foundation (AWF) as a means of empowering women to realise their dreams in the arts industry. She wants to give women aged 16 years and above a chance to make something of their talents. Be it musicians, poetesses, choreographers or actresses, all will be catered for in her soon-to-be-established non-profit [...]

2021-08-25T12:53:02+00:0018th August 2021|

Local film on effects of lockdown on the cards

BULAWAYO-based film producer and content creator Lance Chigodo has produced a film titled Idle Minds that tackles the effects of the Covid-19 induced lockdown on people. The film was shot in Emgwanwini and Emasotsheni under the 2021 Film Fellowship programme. The Film Fellowship is an Accountability Lab Zimbabwe and Magamba Network initiative which holds an annual fellowship for young filmmakers in Zimbabwe who have an interest in social justice and accountability issues. Lance as he is affectionately known in the arts industry said this is his first fiction production that is set to premiere virtually at the Shoko Festival (between [...]

2021-08-16T10:08:59+00:008th August 2021|

Local Film, ‘Cruel Joke’ Tackles Harassment

A local film that explores the themes of 'sexploitation' and mental harassment is set to premiere later this month. Producer, Connor Zephlen said in an interview that the film was a result of personal experiences. "Good film productions are a mirror of what happens in their societies, or based on personal experiences so I believe the storyline on Cruel Joke is a reflection of what is happening in our society where we are seeing some personal decisions coming back to hit one on the face. "The inspiration came from my personal experiences, being pushed by the universe to make decisions [...]

2021-08-16T12:34:05+00:003rd August 2021|

Accountability Lab to honour honest public servants

An accountability advocacy organization has launched a campaign to award public servants in the health and education sector who are exuding honesty in their work. Speaking at the launch of Integrity Icon Zimbabwe on Thursday in Harare, Accountability Lab Zimbabwe’s Program and Campaign Manager Grace Chirenje said the campaign aims to inculcate integrity to be the norm in public service. “The campaign aims to celebrate individuals working in the health and education sector who go beyond the call of duty and we want to ensure that integrity becomes the norm and not an exception." “So we intend to name and [...]

2021-04-09T15:18:11+00:009th April 2021|

Building an anti-corruption organization in a complex context: Key insights from Zimbabwe 

By McDonald Lewanika, Country Director of Accountability Lab Zimbabwe COVID-19 crept into an unsuspecting world like a thief in the night at the end of 2019. It altered the world of work through deprivation and dramatic changes to ways of working. In Zimbabwe, dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic was mired in authoritarian politics, which saw the alleged weaponization of lockdown regulations to curtail civic space and place democratic dissent itself in lockdown.  Despite this, in April 2020, Accountability Lab pressed ahead with year-old plans to establish a translocal network lab in Zimbabwe and implement a new project, New Narratives for [...]

2021-04-01T06:51:11+00:001st April 2021|
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