
Needed – Finance and Compliance Associate in Nigeria

Terms of Reference: Finance and Compliance Associate  Accountability Lab  (AL) Nigeria is a part of a translocal network that makes governance work for citizens around the world. We support active citizens, responsible leaders and accountable institutions to unleash positive social and economic change. With the Labs’ decade of collective experience on issues around governance, community building, and accountability and integrity, there are three mutually reinforcing objectives to: support a positive movement to build accountability and democracy. ensure the voices of communities are heard on accountability issues. support collaboration around accountability and open governance through unlikely networks. Read more about our [...]

2021-06-21T11:22:36+00:0017th June 2021|

Twitter ban in Nigeria stifles free speech and entrepreneurship

Accountability Lab Nigeria, YIAGA Africa, Dataphyte, Premium Times and a number of partner organizations have received news of the decision by the Federal Government of Nigeria- led by President Muhammadu Buhari- to suspend Twitter in Nigeria with trepidation and unease. It is regrettable that the Federal Government has chosen to stifle the rights of citizens with this move which stands to retract the minimal gains made around freedom of expression and media independence since the days of military rule in Nigeria. As the giant of Africa, Nigeria cannot be seen to be undermining constitutional rights and democracy by muzzling and [...]

2021-06-14T16:21:21+00:0014th June 2021|

Accountability Lab Nigeria seeks urgent end to Nation’s security challenges

By Abel Leonard/ Lafia Accountability Lab Nigeria says it is collaborating with stakeholders in Nasarawa State to find urgent and lasting solution to the country’s security challenges. The Male Associate of the non-governmental organisation, Alfred Alu, said this Friday, at the group’s meeting with stakeholders in Lafia, adding that the meeting was organised to create opportunity for stakeholders to bring innovations that would restore peace in different parts of the country. He said the organisation had engaged stakeholders in Nasarawa, Benue, Plateau, Taraba, Kaduna, Kasina and Adamawa states to help in finding solution to insecurity in the country. According to [...]

2021-05-18T10:55:40+00:0018th May 2021|

NGO trains Plateau youth on peace building, social cohesion

An NGO, Accountability Lab Nigeria, has organised a training on peaceful co-existence and social cohesion for Plateau State Youth. Speaking at the end of the two-day event on Friday in Jos, the Project Assistant of the organisation, Mr Peterson Okoro said the training was aimed at curbing insecurity and promoting peace in the state. Okoro said the training carried out under its Peace and Social Cohesion project, is being funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). He said the project was aimed at tackling conflict and violence using the young people. He further explained that the project would also [...]

2021-05-18T10:33:12+00:0018th May 2021|

What does an effective, post-pandemic CSO look like?

As we enter the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, effective, collaborative civil society organizations (CSO) —which provide critical ideas, services, and advocacy efforts—have never been more essential. Over the past year, governments everywhere have used the global health crisis as an excuse to close civic space, restrict freedoms, and undermine liberties. By Blair Glencorse and Jean Scrimgeour The “quality of democracy, market economy, and governance” have declined to their lowest levels since 2004, according to the Bertelsman Stiftung. Freedom House maintains that democracy and respect for human rights have declined in 80 countries since the beginning of the pandemic. Equally, many CSOs have [...]

2022-02-12T09:04:31+00:0029th April 2021|

The Task To Empower Nigerian Women & Other Marginalised Demographics Is Essential

Press Statement Accountability Lab Nigeria, part of a global translocal network that makes governance work for people by supporting active citizens, responsible leaders and accountable institutions has announced a programme dedicated to empowering select Nigerian women and individuals from marginalized communities through its “Voice Inclusion Project” which is aimed at equipping women and marginalized individuals with  resources to demand accountability and just institutions.  The goal of Voice Inclusion will be aimed at fostering multi-stakeholder dialogues and town hall engagements with public officials in states like Imo, Kaduna, and the FCT as well as generating a feedback mechanism that connects the [...]

2021-04-12T11:40:00+00:0012th April 2021|

ICPC pledges to sustain new ethics, integrity in fight against corruption

THE Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) says it will sustain the new National Ethics and Integrity Policy, which is geared towards changing many Nigerians’ mindsets and preventing them from engaging in corruption. The commission launched the new policy to reduce corruption in public and private spheres in Nigeria. ICPC spokesperson Azuka Ogugua made this known during a radio programme, ‘Public Conscience,’ produced by the Progressive Impact Organization for Community Development (PRIMORG) on Wednesday in Abuja. Ogugua, while reassuring that the sustainability of the policy was of paramount interest to the commission, disclosed that plans were on the [...]

2021-03-26T10:28:08+00:0025th March 2021|

N90.9bn NDDC funds unaccounted for, says CSCAN

By Onyedi Ojiabor, Abuja The Civil Society Coalition on Audit in Nigeria (CSCAN) Tuesday asked the Public Accounts Committees of the National Assembly and Anti-Corruption Agencies to investigate 176 contracts awarded by the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) for which N90.9 billion is yet to be accounted for. The Executive Director, Paradigm Leadership Support Initiative (PLSI), Olusegun Elemo, who spoke on behalf of CSCAN in Abuja, said that their findings showed that NDDC awarded the contracts between 2008 and 2018. Elemo noted that based on data from 2008-2012 and 2013-2018 Audit Report on NDDC, it was obvious that N90.9bn was [...]

2021-03-29T14:17:44+00:0018th March 2021|

Accountability Lab urges Nigerian youth to imbibe culture of integrity and discipline

The Country Director of Accountability Lab Nigeria, Friday Odeh, has called on Nigerian youths to imbibe the culture of integrity and discipline while engaging in their daily activities. He made the disclosure while briefing journalists at the 4th Edition of the 2020 Integrity Icon awards in Abuja. He advised the youth to put in more efforts in their source of livelihoods and never to envy others or be in a hurry to make quick money. “I want all youth to deviate from this ‘quick money’ syndrome. It is good for them to do things the right way, and not engage [...]

2021-03-29T14:31:58+00:009th March 2021|

Building accountability into environmental sustainability in Nigeria

Written by Inayat Sabhikhi   When Mujidah Ajibola Oladejo and I spoke in the last week of October, Nigeria was in the international news for the people’s movement against police brutality, to #EndSARS. For an activist like her this is both a new and old story - a new spin to an old tale.  “We have just asked for very basic human rights, to end police brutality, and now the government is rubbing salt in our wounds by saying that there are no casualties. I don’t know what can be worse than that.” As an accountapreneur invested in making Nigerian [...]

2021-02-12T06:17:39+00:0012th February 2021|
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