
Moussa Kondo, directeur pays d’Accountability Lab-Mali : « DerriĂšre chaque acte de dĂ©tournement des deniers publics se cache une perte d’un bĂątiment scolaire

Les responsables de l’Accountability Lab-Mali, ont procĂ©dĂ© le 12 aoĂ»t 2021 Ă  Faso Kanu, Ă  la rĂ©ouverture de leur siĂšge. On notait la prĂ©sence du directeur gĂ©nĂ©ral de l’Anadeb, Abdoualye Kaya, des reprĂ©sentants de l’Oclei et des partenaires techniques et financiers de l’Accountability Lab-Mali. La prĂ©sidente du conseil d’administration de l’Accountability Lab-Mali, Mme Gnama KonĂ©, s’est rĂ©jouie de voir ce nouveau joyau mis Ă  la disposition d’Accountability Lab Mali. Pour elle, cet espace de partage, d’innovation, de crĂ©ation de solutions et de collaboration permettra de renforcer la capacitĂ© du personnel. Elle a invitĂ© toute la population Ă  s’impliquer dans la [...]

2021-08-16T09:29:31+00:0016th August 2021|

Are innovation labs delivering on their promise?

This article was originally published by Devex By Catherine Cheney Next month, a first-of-its-kind event will take place in Denmark, and it will draw on traditions and ways of living in one of the happiest countries in the world to unlock new perspectives on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Called UNLEASH, the new initiative will gather 1,000 young people from around the world in the capital city of Copenhagen. Then the participants will be transported to “folk high schools,” which are learning institutions in the countryside aimed at adult education. There, they will break into teams to tackle issues such as urban sustainability [...]

2017-07-15T00:00:00+00:0015th July 2017|

My experience at the IACC Tech Hub

By: Fayyaz Yaseen, Accountability Lab Pakistan Country Representative. This blog post was originally published by IACC. In attendance for the Accountability Lab at this year’s International Anti-Corruption Conference, I was struck by the level of innovation present among the attendees. In times gone by, thinking of the word ‘innovation’ conjured images of grey-haired scientists, strenuously working in complex laboratories with huge administrative support. Today we think more about dynamic and colourful visions of youth – and for me, this vision came to life as I sat amongst youth groups in a joint brainstorming session at the IACC. The ability to cross-pollinate [...]

2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:009th October 2015|

Accountability innovations we love: No.7-17

By: Blair Glencorse. This article was originally published by the Thomson Reuters Foundation News. Any views expressed in this article are those of the author and not of Thomson Reuters Foundation. In mid-January, the Lab was lucky enough to be in Mumbai for a conference hosted by various programs at Stanford University and the University of Mumbai. The discussions brought together over 100 social activists, change-makers, donors, thinkers and ICT-experts for two days of discussions about the ideas and tools that can improve governance through the use of technology. We learned a huge amount about how to creatively engage citizens in accountability and [...]

2021-03-16T18:23:34+00:004th February 2014|
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