
One step to a thousand miles: building accountability in Liberia

This blog was originally published by Making All Voices Count. This report shares the findings from an impact assessment of Accountability Lab, conducted between August 2016 and March 2017 as part of a research and learning grant from Making All Voices Count. Accountability Lab Liberia aims to build a new generation of active citizens and responsible leaders across the country. The team supports change-makers to develop and implement positive ideas for integrity in their communities by enabling people to generate the knowledge, skills and networks needed for accountability. It sees accountability as dynamic - “a continually evolving set of relationships, [...]

2017-05-16T00:00:00+00:0016th May 2017|

Media Stakeholders Stress Accountability and Independence

By: Gbatemah Senah. This article was originally published by The Bush Chicken. At a recent discussion on the role of the media in society, several media stakeholders have stressed the need for accountability and independence within Liberia’s media industry. Serving as panelists was Lawrence Yealue, Country Representative of Accountability Lab Liberia; Jefferson Krua, founder of The Bush Chicken; and Zubin Cooper, founder of Omuahtee African Media. Lawrence Yealue II, Coordinator of Accountability Lab Liberia. Photo: Gbatemah Senah Yealue said in order to have an accountable media, practitioners must have the requisite training and capacity to drive their passion. According to him, training [...]

2016-10-20T00:00:00+00:0020th October 2016|

Talking Accountability in Alaska: THE Biggest Challenge for Sustainable Tourism

By: Blair Glencorse, Executive Director of the Accountability Lab I was lucky enough to attend my first Adventure Travel World Summit in Anchorage in September, and what a trip it was — full of incredible people, ideas and conversations. Coming from the non-profit rather than tourism world, it was a huge learning experience for me. The ATTA and its members play a critical role in pushing for responsible stewardship of our planet through support for sustainable tourism. I knew before I landed that accountability and corruption issues were a massive problem in the tourism industry. I’ve seen that first hand [...]

2016-10-05T00:00:00+00:005th October 2016|

Making All Voices Count: ICT can help improve governance, public services

By: Faran Mahmood, a Cambridge graduate and management consultant. This article was originally published by The Express Tribune. The recent attention to accountability, thanks to Panama Papers, has exposed contentious political fault lines that have emerged in the electoral system.   Though opposition parties have pitched a justified case for electoral reforms, the politics of getting it done have not changed. It is a howling storm of misrepresentation as parliament lacks the political will to translate such commitments into substantive political reforms. Therefore, people on one side of the spectrum are trying to fix the system while the other side stands [...]

2016-09-26T00:00:00+00:0026th September 2016|

Profiles in Public Integrity: Lawrence Yealue

By: Lawrence Yealue. This blog post was originally published by Columbia Law School’s Center for the Advancement of Public Integrity (CAPI). Lawrence Yealue is the West Africa Representative of Accountability Lab, an incubator for local-level integrity initiatives with an emphasis on generating sustainable development. Based in Monrovia, Liberia, Yealue’s career has centered on community-driven approaches to responsible reform. His previous work includes serving as Electoral Commissioner for the Liberian Student Association-Ghana, National Coordinator for the World Youth Spirit Council, Project Director for the Rotary Club of Wisconsin, and as a volunteer for Africa Peace’s HIV/AIDS Education & Peace Initiative. Yealue also founded and directs [...]

2020-03-03T16:02:52+00:009th November 2015|

How to Design a Battle Plan for Your Next Transparency Fight

By: Tania Sanchez, Open Government Guide Coordinator at Transparency and Accountability Initiative, [email protected]. Are you struggling to make government and public institutions in your country more transparent and accountable to citizens? If so, here’s a chance to improve your battle plan and tool up for the fight ahead. The Transparency and Accountability Initiative is constantly updating and expanding the Open Government Guide. Currently covering 22 different transparency-related topics, the guide enables transparency advocates to quickly and easily identify possible courses of action, link up with others working in the field, access global standards to hold their governments accountable against, and find examples of [...]

2015-07-07T00:00:00+00:007th July 2015|

How to Reward an Honest Official

This article was originally published by Share America. By Stephen Kaufman Gyan Mani Nepal isn’t your normal reality TV star. He doesn’t sing like American Idol winner Caleb Johnson or dance like Ricky Ubeda, a winner of So You Think You Can Dance. Yet the district education officer from rural Nepal beat more than 300 competitors on January 11 to become his country’s “Integrity Idol,” a celebrity created by a talent show spotlighting “honest government officials.” The contest was launched by the Nepalese chapter of Accountability Lab, a nonprofit that works to promote government accountability. Anne Sophie Ranjbar, a director of [...]

2015-01-27T00:00:00+00:0027th January 2015|

Why Cameras Are Not Enough

By: Nora Rahimian. When Darren Wilson, the officer who shot and killed 18-year-old, unarmed, Mike Brown in Ferguson, Missouri was not indicted (indict: formally accuse of or charge with a serious crime; not try in a courtroom with jurors, but simply accuse), people got angry. Despite eyewitness testimonies that said Brown was not acting aggressively and had his hands up when he was shot, the case ultimately became a s/he said-s/he said of the police versus the people.Without physical proof of Wilson’s aggressive attack (or Brown’s peaceful compliance, depending on which narrative you support), the state ultimately sided with itself [...]

2015-01-22T00:00:00+00:0022nd January 2015|

Honesty Oscars 2014: Best Activist in a Leading Role

By: BLAIR GLENCORSE (This post was originally posted by ONE.) This week before the Academy Awards, February 24 to 28, ONE and Accountability Lab will unveil a category for our Honesty Oscars 2014, an award that honors not Hollywood films, but the creative work of activists and organizations that fight global corruption. Vote for your favorites, and we’ll announce the winners on Oscar night, Sunday, March 2.  Today, we unveil the second category in ONE and Accountability Lab’s Honesty Oscars (see the first category here): Best Activist in a Leading Role. Like the Academy Awards’ “Best Actor in a Leading Role,” this category honors [...]

2014-02-25T00:00:00+00:0025th February 2014|
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