
Accountability Lab Ends Three-Day Incubation Training

By: Gbatemah Senah. This article was originally published by The Bush Chicken. MONROVIA, Montserrado – The Accountability Lab has ended a three-day training for “accountapreneurs” who are participating in its two-year accountability incubator program. The training lasted from Jan. 12th to 14. According to Lawrence Yealue, the West Africa Representative at Accountability Lab, the accountapreneurs were selected from a list of several individuals and organizations who applied to participate. The participants proposed programs with innovative ideas for strengthening accountability, anti-corruption efforts, and integrity in their various communities. Yealue said that the lab, in a two-year agreement with the accountapreneurs, will provide training [...]

2016-01-20T00:00:00+00:0020th January 2016|

Announcing the 2016/17 Accountability Incubator’s Cohort of “Accountapreneurs”!

    The Accountability Lab catalyzes a new generation of active citizens and responsible leaders around the world. Our core work is through the Accountability Incubator: a two-year program of support for the very best “accountapreneurs”. This year the process was incredibly competitive; we had hundreds of applications across our three focus countries–Nepal, Liberia and Pakistan. We have now selected 17 of these amazing young change-makers that we’ll work with to transform their societies through new and sustainable ideas for accountability. Drumroll please…read more about the 2016/17 Accountability Lab “Accountapreneurs” below! Nepal Accountability Incubator Basanta Adhikari Basanta leads an organization [...]

2020-03-03T16:04:22+00:006th January 2016|

“I have to do what has to be done”: Leslie Lumeh and the Fight for Liberia’s Cultural Heritage

By: Brooks Marmon and Jim Tuttle, Accountability Lab in Monrovia, Liberia. This blog post was originally published as an article in Images Magazine, Edition 16. A Leslie Lumeh has been proclaimed “Liberia’s most celebrated artist” by CNN. A product of Booker Washington Institute, the visual artist has received accolades from wide and afar, with his works presented at exhibitions in Cote d’Ivoire, Gabon, South Africa, and the United States. His services are widely in demand by Liberia’s international partners, such as the UNICEF, the US Embassy, and the International Committee of the Red Cross. Stating that “I came to the earth as an artist”, Leslie notes that he began his career by [...]

2015-07-24T00:00:00+00:0024th July 2015|
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