Gorata Changeta

Gorata is a student at the University of Witwatersrand. Throughout her time as an undergrad at the Rhodes University she played a part in organising a number of protests and movements relating to rape culture, and other issues related to anti-rape activism.  Her proposed project title is Memory is the Final Word, project aims to create an archive of the history of anti-rape activism in institutions of higher learning in South Africa. Through this archive, stakeholders and various community members will be able to draw from a wide evidence base, in order to ensure that the promises to address gender-based [...]

2022-02-17T12:14:26+00:0017th February 2022|

Imameleng Masitha

Imameleng is based in Cape Town and her experience is predominantly in design thinking to contribute towards developing stronger community initiatives for citizens. Originally from Lesotho, her passion for social justice is centred around women and children related issues. She in interested in translating her work into pathways for enhancing social accountability in communities. She has tested her initiative at one local primary school in Cape Town, Bonga Primary, to see the results of conducting mindfulness and design thinking in a classroom environment to enhance the learning environment. In addition, she will be piloting the project with Molo Mhlaba (a [...]

2022-04-14T08:57:54+00:0017th February 2022|

Moepi Setona

Moepi is a Johannesburg-based social tech-preneur and founder of Let’s Talk – an app aimed at connecting citizens with their municipality. His 17 years of experience in the IT industry covers commercial and multinational organisations. In 2013 he shadowed a Mayor in the Free State to understand citizen engagement between municipalities and communities in the delivery of services. During this time, he Identified a gap between residents and municipalities in service provisioning. He then undertook a 54-month research project with the Mayors and councillors around designing a technological solution to the problem of citizens getting access to municipal services and [...]

2022-04-14T09:26:43+00:0017th February 2022|

Tshiamo Malatji

Tshiamo Malatji is based in Bloemfontein where he coordinates a mobile community resource centre. The centre offers a range of services including a regular soup kitchen, food garden projects and a monthly arts market to provide direct support to vulnerable people experiencing unemployment, displacement and homelessness. He contested the 2021 local government elections as an independent candidate for his ward. Tshiamo was attracted to the Incubator program by AL’s expanded definition of accountability which conceives of accountability as including support for communities to build capacity to solve their problems without relying on the state completely. This aligns directly with his [...]

2022-04-14T09:56:02+00:0017th February 2022|
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