
How can business startups build policy influence in Pakistan?

By Nida Qasim Khan General overview of the Pakistani start-up ecosystem According to the Pakistan Startup Ecosystem Report 2019, business start-up activity increased significantly between 2012 and 2019. In 2012, there were only two major incubators and no notable funding sources or investors. However, 2019 saw an increase of 24 major incubators/accelerators, 20 formal investors/ funding sources and 80 co-working spaces in Pakistan, as well as the launch of National Incubation Centers (NICs). The report also noted that funding and support to startups have significantly increased since 2012, via the government, private and corporate sectors. In Pakistan, start-up culture and entrepreneurship [...]

2021-03-31T11:55:22+00:0031st March 2021|

Making most out of a chamber membership – revisiting advocacy & policy work of chambers of commerce in Pakistan

By Qazi Kabir Ahmed Hashmi Context: Accountability Lab conducted Business Accountability Bootcamps across four cities in the month of October, and hosted 95 entrepreneurs from all over Pakistan, to encourage them in the direction of ethical and sustainable business practices. We covered several key points in these bootcamps including the benefits of ethical business via case studies, the benefits of OGP in Pakistan’s context, as well the importance of building trust between customers, businesses, and the government. However, we found that there was a general lack of understanding about the role of chambers of commerce and the usefulness of becoming a member [...]

2022-11-10T06:46:25+00:0031st March 2021|

SSUET inks MoU with Accountability Lab

The Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology (SSUET) and Accountability Lab inked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) earlier this week to execute capacity-building initiatives to engage faculty and students to develop their various skills including critical thinking, civic engagement, responsible leadership, empathy and conflict management. The SSUET will provide its infrastructure for carrying out workshops, seminars and other project activities and encourage its faculty and students to actively taking part in those activities. Under the MoU, small grants will be given to small-scale innovative social action plans. The Accountability Lab is working to strengthen academic and community networks to [...]

2021-03-31T13:14:07+00:0014th February 2021|

How do you “do” systems change?

By Jean Scrimgeour & Cheri-Leigh Erasmus The Accountability Lab supports responsible leaders, active citizens and accountable institutions. We think this can make governance work for people. For us, this is essential if we want to live in a world where resources are used wisely, decisions benefit everyone fairly, and people lead secure lives. We know that systems change is complicated, time consuming and unlikely to produce neat, sequential outcomes. But we also understand that in order to bring about these changes we will need to be a part of a fundamental shift in the underlying structures and systems.  We have [...]

2021-01-13T16:15:44+00:0013th January 2021|

Le rôle des jeunes dans la démocratie en période de pandémie du COVID-19

Compte rendu par : Nandini Tanya Lallmon Alors que le confinement constitue la principale mesure de protection pour lutter contre le virus, les mesures mises en vigueur ont inévitablement porté atteinte à certains droits et libertés qui font partie intégrante et nécessaire de toute société démocratique régie par l'État de droit.  Afin de renforcer la participation publique et d’améliorer l’espace civique en Afrique francophone, le réseau africain d'experts en politique de jeunesse a organisé un panel de discussion avec des experts qui ont sensibilisé les jeunes africains sur leurs droits en tant que citoyens civils ainsi que sur les responsabilités qui [...]

2021-02-08T16:11:18+00:0010th January 2021|

We can: youth power during the Covid-19 pandemic

By Batool O. Barody   Over the last couple of months, I had the pleasure to be part of the team that organized and hosted the OpenGov Digital Youth Summit, which focused on youth engagement to make governments more accountable during the pandemic. The goal of the summit was to bring together  governments, youth and civil society organizations to apply the principles of transparency, accountability, and participation in  Covid-19 response and recovery. As a youth advocate and a member of the OpenGov Youth Collective, I served as a point of contact for two sessions - ‘International Organizations as a Bridge [...]

2020-12-07T19:48:26+00:007th December 2020|

Artivism – using music for accountability and social transformation

Nina Simone, an iconic American singer and civil rights activist, once said: “An artist’s duty as far as I’m concerned is to reflect the times.” Her words are eternally relevant to those searching for powerful ways to voice the grievances and frustrations they face. And young people today were facing their fair share of problems, even before COVID-19. But like the artists of the past, they have been using music, film and other art forms to contextualize and challenge the status quo, and push governments to be more open at the same time.  So what inspires young people to use [...]

2020-12-07T19:32:18+00:007th December 2020|

The 2020 Africa Business Ethics Conference

Accountability Lab Nigeria is proud to be partnering with the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industries (LCCI) on the 2020 Africa Business Ethics Conference (ABEC) in Lagos, Nigeria in collaboration with official partner, the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE). The conference is themed “Tackling Corruption to Reduce Poverty, Unemployment and Insecurity in Africa: A Necessity for Building Resilience”, and will convene global, regional and in-country experts, policy makers, diverse business leaders and representatives, and civil society to facilitate solution-driven dialogue on developments impacting Africa’s growing economies. The conference fosters connections, networks and continued engagement across stakeholder groups in order [...]

2020-12-08T11:08:27+00:003rd December 2020|

Creating a sustainable mission for your social enterprise

Accountability Lab is running a Virtual Incubator for accountability entrepreneurs - or ‘accountapreneurs’ - working on Covid-19 related issues in East Africa. Supported by the Ford Foundation, the Incubator provides a non-prescriptive, supportive environment for creative and enterprising young people who bring innovative ideas to inspire accountability in their communities. The Lab is hosting a series of skills building webinars as part of the Incubator project and the first one covered Vision and Mission with Executive Director of B Lab East Africa, Ngwing Kimani. Written by Sheena Adams   Being driven by personal values in a world overridden by the [...]

2020-10-22T10:01:49+00:0022nd October 2020|

Project Officer Opportunity – Nigeria

The Accountability Lab Nigeria supports active citizens, responsible leaders and accountable institutions. We train, mentor, and resource citizens to strengthen systems of accountability to unleash positive social and economic change. The Lab also strives to reinvent the way that development organizations operate through radical accountability, context-appropriate reporting, and creative awareness campaigns. Accountability Lab Nigeria is seeking a dynamic, experienced and creative individual to fill the position of Project Officer. The Lab is especially keen to review applications from suitably qualified female candidates and candidates from traditionally underrepresented groups. Position Description  The Project Officer will be a key member of the [...]

2020-10-08T16:01:47+00:008th October 2020|
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