
Forum on Youth Employment and Migration in Niger

Niamey – Between 24-25 July, IOM supported the forum “Youth Entrepreneurship as a Real Alternative to Irregular Migration”, which mobilized more than 100 young entrepreneurs, recent graduates and community leaders from Niger, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Benin, and Togo. The two-day forum was organized by the Youth Union of the Member States of the Council of the Entente (UJEMCE), designed to promote the economic development of the region, but also to encourage values such as accountability and integrity and, as a result, the fight against corruption. In order to promote integrity and a strong sense of community among young entrepreneurs, the [...]

2019-07-29T00:00:00+00:0029th July 2019|

When colleagues become family

I have come to the end of my 3-month internship with Accountability Lab Nepal and it has been an amazing experience to be part of the team. When I first arrived in Nepal, I had no understanding of the culture, customs, language or etiquette, which had created a sense of detachment. By John Le   This feeling soon dissipated as I started interning with Accountability Lab. I was amazed at how kind and welcoming the Nepal team was in only the first few weeks of being acquainted. I had notions of NGOs - especially ones focused on anti-corruption - having [...]

2019-05-24T00:00:00+00:0024th May 2019|

How The Accountability Lab Is Thinking About Legitimacy

We are not huge fans of the term “closing civic space” for reasons Michael Jarvis has pointed out- it can be anodyne, all-encompassing and potentially ideological. But there are, of course, a number of political regimes around the world that are questioning the legitimacy of NGOs and pushing back against efforts to support accountability and transparency. A recent survey by the Transparency and Accountability Initiative of its grantees, for example, indicated that 70% are concerned about issues related to civic space. The Accountability Lab operates in countries where we see these dynamics. So, inspired by a recent blog by Saskia [...]

2019-05-19T00:00:00+00:0019th May 2019|

A Discussion about Integrity with Integrity Idol Nigeria’s Selection Team

Corruption is arguably one of the biggest issues facing Nigeria right now with accusations making the headlines of dailies, TV and radio news programmes. The country’s attempt to address this scourge is also evident when looking at its prominence in the national discourse: a major campaign promise of our current president was to ‘kill corruption’. […]

2018-12-11T00:00:00+00:0011th December 2018|

Reflecting on Integrity Idol as recipients of the International Anti-Corruption Excellence (ACE) Awards 2018.

In January 2018, The Economist featured our work on Integrity Idol posing the question: […]

2018-12-10T00:00:00+00:0010th December 2018|
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