
Introduction to the Youth Delegates for the 2019 Open Government Partnership Global Summit

Accountability Lab – in partnership with Restless Development, Open Government Partnership (OGP), and Government of Canada – is proud to announce this year’s youth delegates for the 2019 Open Government Partnership Global Summit in Ottawa, Canada! […]

2020-03-03T18:07:51+00:0015th May 2019|

Building iCampus’ sustainability and impact through learning and sharing with the Open Gov Hub, Washington DC

By Luther Jeke, iCampus Manager In the summer of 2016, iCampus signed on as the second affiliate hub with the Open Gov Hub in Washington, DC after the first sister hub was established in Kathmandu, Nepal in 2014 by Accountability Lab. These global affiliate hubs have been established in recognition of the value of the sustainable hub social enterprise model to both help civil society organizations operate more efficiently and build collaborative communities for greater impact. And while our team has worked hard to get iCampus off to a great start (building an initial community, and embedding collaborative learning activities [...]

2018-12-11T00:00:00+00:0011th December 2018|

Open Data in Focus

By Madeeha Raza Watch Madeeha's video that accompanies this post here. “Youth Power... Youth Power... Youth Power...”, the group chanted, the voices of youth participants resonating around the conference room. The organizing team enthusiastically joined in, while I focused the camera to record the zeal on their faces, the enthusiasm in their voices, and the grit in their eyes: all hoping to make the world a better place. Youth advocates representing twelve countries from various corners of the world came together to attend the Fifth Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit hosted in Tbilisi last month- a conference that brought [...]

2018-10-18T00:00:00+00:0018th October 2018|


By: Shahid Farooq Pakistan, a nation of over 200 million inhabitants, is going into its third term of democratic government. The issues in pre-election debates this time are different from the past. Voices for accountability and transparency are distinctly audible, overpowering the traditional issues of electoral politics in Pakistan. Many attribute this shift to Panama Leaks and its aftermaths. Irrespective of primary triggers, demands for transparent, effective, and accountable government are taking root among masses in the country. Pakistan joined the Open Government Partnership (OGP), a multi-stakeholder governance initiative at the occasion of the 4th Biennial OGP Global Summit in [...]

2018-08-15T00:00:00+00:0015th August 2018|

Strengthening Accountability Through OGP in Pakistan

By Bakhtawar Khalid   Public service delivery is the way citizens experience governance, while accountability is characterized by authorities being held liable for poor governance. For example, citizens of Pakistan tend to experience exploitation at the hands of different government departments due to procedural ambiguity and lack of feedback mechanisms. Citizen participation is one of the engines that creates accountability and improves governmental services. To continue, open government partnership is an international initiative to promote citizen partnership and open data to establish effective democratic systems. For any model of civil partnership or for any collaboration of civilian and governmental sectors [...]

2018-08-15T00:00:00+00:0015th August 2018|

The importance of Pakistan’s OGP Action Plan

By Kausar Abbas   The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a multilateral agreement that aims to secure transparency, empower citizens, develop accountability measures, and fight corruption. In December 2016, Pakistan signed an agreement with the OGP. The nation promised to fulfill its commitments in the agreement and submit a national action plan, which would achieve the targets of transparency and accountability measures in Pakistan. The Pakistani government deposited a $25,000 fee to become a member of the OGP; however, the government has not proceeded to develop a national action plan. The member countries of the agreement have conducted consultations with [...]

2018-08-15T00:00:00+00:0015th August 2018|
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