
In Defense of Democracy and Freedom – Zambia’s pre-S4D Citizens’ Summit

Written by Kibo Ngowi   The Citizens' Summit in Defense of Democracy and Freedom has officially begun! Civil society, international organizations, academic institutions, think tanks, philanthropic organizations, and the private sector converged in the Zambian capital of Lusaka to make their voices heard in the Summit discussions and in the global democracy debate.   “This initiative and engagements such as this one, which bring together various actors involved in a functioning democracy, are extremely important to upholding the democratic ideals that we all share and aspire to attain,” Zambia’s Minister of Justice, Mulambo Haimbe, said during his opening remarks. “We often [...]

2023-03-28T10:08:30+00:0027th March 2023|

Why frontier technologies will drive the fight against corruption

By Daniel Malan and Marlen Heide Frontier technologies promise to fundamentally change anti-corruption practices, making detection, prevention and risk management more efficient and effective. However, technological innovations also carry integrity risks and might be abused for fraudulent purposes. To truly reap the benefits of frontier technology for governance and anti-corruption, three fundamental tensions have to be addressed: privacy, freedom of speech and freedom of choice. Frontier technology is described by the OECD as having the potential to “reshape industry and communications and provide urgently needed solutions to global challenges … and have the potential to displace existing processes.” The disruptive potential of [...]

2023-03-13T09:05:54+00:0013th March 2023|

Citizen Journalists, Student Observers Laud Initiative On Youth Participation And Election Coverage

Under the partnership, trained reporters, student journalists and observers were deployed across the country to promote increased youth participation and report the conduct of the elections in their locality. Young Nigerians have praised the 'Go Out & Vote Now (GOVN)' initiative which involved them in the coverage of the 2023 Presidential and National Assembly Elections held on February 25th. In the build-up to the elections, Sahara Media Foundation in partnership with Civic Media Lab and Accountability Lab Nigeria engaged citizen journalists and student observers to raise youth voices and cover the most important polls in the history of the country. [...]

2023-03-15T19:24:46+00:0010th March 2023|

Bagira: Participatory Budget, Several Projects Selected For 2023

Several projects will be carried out by the municipality of Bagira in favor of its ten districts within the framework of the participatory budget for the year 2023. This is what emerges from the general assembly organized this Friday, February 24 in the Venus room. These include the rehabilitation of stairs and collectors in the Lumumba district and the construction of a shed in the Linda market, in the Nyakavogo district. For the Mulambula district, it is the installation of 5 lampposts in each avenue. The Cikonyi district will benefit from the construction of the bridge at Karwanyi. The projects selected for the Cikera [...]

2023-03-02T15:35:05+00:002nd March 2023|

Changing norms and reaching the next generation of citizens

Written by Madeleine Goerg, AL Global Board Chairperson I first came across Accountability Lab in 2012, when I met founder Blair Glencorse at The German Marshall Fund’s Brussels Forum. I was part of the organizing team and was struck by the novel and bold approach which Blair outlined during one of our governance panels. Accountability Lab works to make governance work for people by bringing communities into conversations, celebrating exemplary leaders, and strengthening the accountability of institutions. AL takes a positive approach to an incredibly complex set of challenges and creates a community of practitioners to share and amplify their [...]

2023-03-02T13:24:59+00:002nd March 2023|

We’re hiring a Communications & Marketing Manager!

Terms of Reference: Accountability Lab Communications & Marketing Manager   Accountability Lab is a rapidly growing, creative and collectively managed civil society network. We make governance work for people by supporting active citizens, responsible leaders and accountable institutions. Our goal is a world in which resources are used wisely, decisions benefit everyone fairly, and people lead secure lives. We train, mentor and resource citizens to strengthen systems of accountability in order to unleash positive social and economic change. Accountability Lab is looking for a dynamic, creative and multilingual Communications & Marketing Manager to support its work and activities globally.  The [...]

2023-02-23T11:19:27+00:0023rd February 2023|

Nigerian elections are crowded with candidates: use this new tool to decide who to vote for in your area

Eighteen political parties are contesting for Nigeria’s presidential elections scheduled for 25 February. Yes, 18 parties. But that’s not the highest number of parties in Nigeria’s election history. The record was in February 2019, when 73 political parties presented presidential candidates. In the 2023 elections, the Nigerian media have devoted most of their attention to four parties and their candidates. This leaves an information gap about the others. And the presidency is just one position being filled. There are hundreds of other political posts that will be determined. To fill the gaps, a new election tool has been launched which will help voters [...]

2023-03-15T19:44:19+00:0022nd February 2023|

“You don’t need to be motivated to be honest” – Integrity Icon Pakistan winner walks the talk

Integrity Icon - our campaign to “name and fame” honest government officials in Pakistan began seven years ago. Over the past seven years we’ve received over 1200 nominations for the campaign from across the country; and brought 35 of them into a vibrant network of reformers that is now working together to push for changes at every level of government. This has never been more important for Pakistan, as the country continues to face extremely difficult governance challenges. Blair Glencorse and Amna Rajput meet one of our Integrity Icon Pakistan winners for 2022.   Recently, after the seventh Integrity Icon [...]

2023-02-16T16:41:14+00:0016th February 2023|

Lessons Learned During the S4D’s First Year of Action

By Kibo Ngowi Supporting accountable institutions in all the places we work across the globe is a central aspect of Accountability Lab’s mission. It’s work that has become more critical as democracy and human rights continue to come under threat in multiple regions. For a translocal network like the Lab, this is ultimately a question of sustainability, so we are doing all we can to understand how to proactively manage responses to these challenges. At the ecosystem level, this often means collectively organizing to shift political narratives, and increasing the space to push for more fair, equal and accountable societies. [...]

2023-02-17T08:19:52+00:0014th February 2023|

Delivery Builds Integrity! Catching Up With our Integrity Icon Bhishma Kumar Bhusal in Nepal

Written by Blair Glencorse and Ashmita Sharma   Integrity Icon, our campaign to “name and fame” honest government officials, began ten years ago in Nepal. Over the past decade we’ve received over 7,000 nominations for honest government officials from across the country; and brought 45 of them into a vibrant network of reformers that is now working together to drive accountability within Nepali institutions. This is essential if we are to shift outcomes for citizens, improve service delivery and address Nepal’s many governance challenges. As part of the 10th anniversary celebrations during the “Year of Integrity” as we’ve branded it, [...]

2023-02-09T14:21:37+00:009th February 2023|
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