
Come say ‘hi’ at the IACC!

Accountability Lab will be at the International Anti-Corruption Conference in Washington DC next week. If you're around, we'd love to be in touch! We will be travelling with a group of Nigerian nonprofit leaders this year thanks to support from the MacArthur Foundation. Our delegation includes Nigerian Country Director Odeh Friday, Global Director of Learning Cheri-Leigh Erasmus, Executive Director Blair Glencorse, Connected Development's Hamzat Lawal, the Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development's  Tobi Oluwatola, Transparency International Nigeria's Auwal Ibrahim Musa, the Nigerian Women's Trust Fund's Mufuliat Dasola Fijabi, journalist Chido Onumah and Soji Apampa from The Convention on Business Integrity. We'll [...]

2022-12-05T19:54:34+00:001st December 2022|

Deal with our ‘culture wars’ to combat democratic backsliding – President Obama

A lot of times those of us who are interested in democracy promotion have tried to wish away these so-called culture war questions. We like to focus on rules, law, policy and calculations” — President Barack Obama WASHINGTON D.C., DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA , UNITED STATES, November 18, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Keeping young people engaged in governance processes creatively to help prevent democratic backsliding was one of the key messages from Accountability Lab at the Democracy Forum in New York this week. Speaking on a panel with President Barack Obama, Country Director at Accountability Lab Mali Doussouba Konaté, said that democracy “on the streets” had [...]

2022-11-30T23:59:23+00:0018th November 2022|

Deekay Ndoni Sibanda — Activism through art and film

"When I say I’m an activist, I’m on the ground, I’m a street activist. I’m not sitting at a desk — I want to go where things are happening." “I call myself a human rights activist slash a queer rights activist,” says aspiring filmmaker and photographer Deekay Ndoni Sibanda, who is the 39-year-old programme officer for the Accountability Lab’s Integrity Icon campaign. The initiative seeks to highlight the often-overlooked good work that public servants are doing. She told Maverick Citizen that she is very passionate about media advocacy work because of her passion for documenting and narrating activist stories. Activist Deekay Ndoni Sibanda [...]

2022-12-01T00:44:49+00:0018th November 2022|

Llega a plataformas musicales “Volver al Corazón”, una mirada íntima a la realidad de mujeres que viven en prisión en México

Read the press release in English here. Ciudad de México, 17 de noviembre de 2022. En México existen actualmente 220 mil 420 personas privadas de la libertad, de las cuales 12 mil 418 son mujeres, informó el INEGI en el Censo Nacional de Sistemas Penitenciarios Nacional y Estatales 2022. Si bien toda la población penitenciaria sufre de carencias y desatención pues el presupuesto destinado a cubrir sus necesidades básicas es mínimo, es a las mujeres a quienes se les brinda una menor atención que a los varones aludiendo al justificante de que son minoría. Las mujeres privadas de su libertad [...]

2022-11-23T10:50:46+00:0017th November 2022|

How The US Can Support Democracy By Countering Disinformation In The Sahel

By Doussouba Konaté Instability in the Sahel is driven by disinformation. Alongside the growing militancy on the ground, there is a concurrent information war being fought to win the support of citizens. Jihadist groups spread anti-government and anti-foreign messages that find fertile ground in a region where governance has always been weak. Meanwhile, it is well known that state actors- primarily Russia- push disinformation in the region in order to undermine Western efforts to support democracy and good governance. This includes highly sophisticated efforts, derived from military psychological operations, to target and influence key sections of the population- and it [...]

2022-11-15T12:09:24+00:0015th November 2022|

President Biden is Hosting a Summit of African Leaders – Governance in the Sahel Must Be a Priority

By Doussouba Konaté BAMAKO, Nov 11 2022 (IPS) - The upcoming Africa Leaders’ Summit– slated to take place in Washington, DC in December- is well-timed. The Biden administration has made a welcome and significant push over the past two years to support democracy, anti-corruption and peace-building around the world- and in Africa in particular. From the Summit for Democracy to the new Sub-Saharan Africa and Countering Corruption strategies- policies and practices within the US government have shifted in ways that can support much needed reforms across the continent. It is in the Sahel where many of the biggest challenges remain- and these should be a priority during the [...]

2022-11-14T09:59:43+00:0013th November 2022|

SA’s passionate and inspirational public servants honoured, with policeman taking top award

By Zukiswa Pikoli The Integrity Icons awards present an alternative to the perception that public servants are corrupt and lazy, and showcase that there are some who ‘go the extra mile’ The Accountability Lab has been running the Integrity Icons awards since 2018. The awards showcase the excellent work done by many men and women in the public service, something that Accountability Lab’s country director for SA, Sekoetlane Phamodi, says often goes unnoticed. Sekoetlane Phamodi, country director of Accountability Lab, during the Integrity Icon Awards held at the Anew Hotel in Johannesburg. (Photo: Denvor de Wee) “So often the focus is on what is wrong [...]

2022-11-15T02:05:12+00:007th November 2022|

Low compliance with FOI, public procurement laws responsible for high corruption in public sector – CSOs

A coalition of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) has said that corruption in the public sector will continue to rise due to a lack of transparency in the public procurement laws and providing the public with little or no information regarding contracts being awarded by elected and appointed officials of governments. The coalition decried that despite the enactment of the Public Procurement Act 2007 and the Freedom of Information Act 2011, corruption has geometrically increased in the public sector due to a lack of implementation. It regretted that the laws which were put in place to monitor projects and hold government [...]

2022-11-15T09:16:36+00:006th November 2022|

Government tasked on implementation of PPA, FOI Acts to fight corruption

The CSOs said corrupt officials would continue to manipulate laws unless the various governments increase the tempo of all enacted laws. A call has gone to governments at all levels to make good use of the Public Procurement Act (PPA), 2007, and the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act, 2011, to prevent further, and control the wave of corruption in the nation’s public offices. This was the submission on Sunday, by a coalition of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), at the end of their four-day 2022 Hack Corruption Workshop, jointly organised by the Accountability Lab (AL), Open Contracting Partnership (OCP), and United [...]

2022-11-15T09:20:15+00:006th November 2022|

Hackathon Workshop: Stakeholders Urged To Promote Publc Procurement, Open Contracting

State and non-state actors have been admonished to key into the Open Contracting by developing interest in the Public Procurement processes inorder reduce corruption in governance. This was the focal point  of the Anti-Corruption Hackathon Workshop organised by Accountability Lab in partnership with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP - Nigeria), Open Contracting and the Ekiti Bureau of Public Procurement through the Nigeria Anti-corruption Innovation. Journalists and Civil Society groups were  educated on contracting process from budget till implementation. Project is building on existing progress to adopt the use of procurement data and innovative technologies to improve access to good quality procurement data [...]

2022-11-14T10:50:55+00:006th November 2022|
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