
From green to grey: Reimagining governance

This article, shared by apolitical, explores the critical intersection of governance, urbanization, and sustainability in Pakistan’s capital. From Green to Grey: Reimagining Governance by Asif Farooqui, Director of Programs at Accountability Lab Pakistan, reflects on Islamabad’s transformation over the years, highlighting how rapid urban growth has reshaped the city’s landscape, environment, and livability. The article raises pressing questions about citizen participation in urban planning and governance, asking: Who truly shapes our cities? Are citizens passive observers, or can they reclaim their role in shaping their surroundings? With a deep dive into Islamabad’s past and present, the piece examines how unplanned [...]

2025-02-26T12:39:26+00:0026th February 2025|

AL launches Global Aid Freeze Tracker with Humentum to track impact of USAID shut down

Humentum and Accountability Lab are leading collective data tracking and analysis for the Executive Order mandating the reevaluation and realignment of United States foreign aid Washington, D.C. — February 14, 2025 — Accountability Lab, a global translocal network focused on governance, and Humentum, a nonprofit helping social good organizations strengthen their operations and are collectively leading the Global Aid Freeze Tracker to track the human and economic impacts of the Executive Order Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid and subsequent administrative actions to implement it.  These actions have effectively frozen most foreign assistance funding from the U.S. Government. Yet, there has been no centralized [...]

2025-02-14T15:53:23+00:0014th February 2025|

Grounding governance in humanity and shared values

In recent years, there has been a noticeable global trend of democratic backsliding, characterized by restrictions on freedom of expression and association. Freedom House's 2023 report underscores this decline, highlighting that marginalized groups, particularly LGBTQI+ communities, are often at the forefront of the erosion of democratic safeguards.  There is a tangible connection between the rights of marginal communities (including LGBTQI+ rights) and the overall health of democracy.  We should be concerned with the democratic decline, in particular how it is an intentional and strategic political maneuver, deliberately targeting marginalized groups in order to consolidate power.   In this case, political [...]

2025-01-23T09:15:08+00:0023rd January 2025|

The Long Game: Changing narratives and building ecosystems in Southern Africa

It was on the crest of a wave of change Zimbabwe was experiencing in 2020 that Dr McDonald Lewanika found himself ready to change tack. Years of direct non-violent action had done the backbreaking work of earning Zimbabwe a new constitution, and  other democratic concessions, while a military assisted transition had led to leadership changes at the top of the state and ruling party ticket.  It seemed a good time to find a process that matched the guarded optimism in the air.  “Over years of introspection, I had come to the conclusion that a lot of what we were doing [...]

2025-01-22T09:18:14+00:0022nd January 2025|

Oportunidad de Trabajo: Consultoría – Senior Program Manager

Accountability Lab (AL) México es parte de una red global translocal de 13 laboratorios alrededor del mundo, conformando un ecosistema que se especializa en fortalecer la rendición de cuentas y la participación cívica en contextos relevantes para las regiones donde estamos presentes. En AL México buscamos combatir la corrupción, fortalecer la transparencia, y fomentar el compromiso y la participación cívica por una democracia de y para todas las personas. Creemos en la tecnología cívica, los mecanismos de participación y el acceso a la información como medio para alcanzar este fin. Apostamos por crear una sociedad más equitativa e inclusiva a [...]

2025-01-07T08:18:06+00:0017th December 2024|

Inclusivity in action: transforming information access in Mali

Mali has been entrenched in a severe security and social crisis for over a decade, where misinformation has emerged as a potent disruptor, dividing communities through fear and mistrust. As information spreads more rapidly than ever before, the importance of ensuring access to reliable, verifiable information cannot be overstated. It is within this challenging context that the USAID Basiki ni Tagne Kunafoni (BTK) project was conceived. Supported by USAID Mali and executed by a consortium led by Pact, including Code for Africa and Accountability Lab Mali, the BTK project brings hope for a more informed Mali. The Importance of the BTK Project The BTK [...]

2025-01-13T14:11:21+00:0017th December 2024|

Youth leading the way on open governance in Liberia

“Without the voices of young people—who make up the majority of the population—there can be no open governance.” Theo Dowetin, the European Partnership for Democracy team lead in Monrovia, could not have said it better at our recent OGP co-creation event with young people in Liberia. As the world seeks sustainable solutions to global challenges like climate change, poverty, and democratic regression, the inclusion of young people in decision-making has become more important than ever. When given voice and agency, young people bring fresh ideas and the energy needed to drive positive change and impact. In governance, this inclusion ensures [...]

2024-12-13T14:41:18+00:0013th December 2024|

Testing the limits of tech: building measures for accountability in the Balkans

What does the deputy mayor of a town in northwestern Albania have in common with a 20-year old engineering student from North Macedonia? They’re both invested in creating tech tools to counter corruption in their home countries. Both are also participants in the Balkans edition of Hackcorruption, an AL initiative that aims to combat corruption globally by stimulating the innovative use of technology to address accountability gaps and build systemic integrity. At the top of a week of exploration of and support of the civic tech landscape in the Balkans, Accountability Lab and our partners the Center for International Private [...]

2024-12-19T07:55:30+00:0011th December 2024|

Journée Internationale de Lutte contre la Corruption

9 Décembre 2024 - A l’occasion de la journée internationale de lutte contre la corruption, célébrée chaque le 09 décembre, pour cette année 2024,  Accountability Lab RDC avec plus de 700 personnes issues des mouvements citoyens, des acteurs de la société civile, les jeunes entrepreneurs, les étudiants, des agents  de l’Etat et les associations des femmes engagées se sont unis pour une sensibilisation à grande échelle et hausser leurs voix pour dénoncer la corruption qui gangrène la gouvernance des institutions et des services publics et compromet gravement le développement de l’Est du pays et de la RDC en générale.  Sous le [...]

2024-12-10T21:26:56+00:0010th December 2024|

Driving inclusive change in East Africa: Accountapreneurs’ collaborative approach to civic engagement

William Tolbert Nyabungu is a Community Development Worker with over 15 years of experience in civic engagement and social inclusion. He founded the Promoters of Social Inclusion (PSI) Foundation (Kenya). The PSI Foundation is collaborating with Noreen Asekenye, the founder of the Tell a Story Foundation. William and Noreen are Accountapreneurs who emerged from Accountability Lab's Incubator program—Noreen from the 2021 cohort and William from the 2022 cohort. Together, they are working on a project in Kenya focused on social transformation with an interest in civic education and awareness among the youth in Kenya.  Advancing inclusive education Established in 2018, the Tell [...]

2024-11-26T14:51:39+00:0026th November 2024|
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