
Disinformation, Fake News and Integrity Icon

The world was a different place when we launched our Integrity Icon campaign five years ago. If we think of changes in everything from political leadership to cultural or social trends - the things we were supporting, reading or listening to in 2014 are probably not the same today. Integrity Icon was even known as Integrity Idol - and functioned in a different space.  These trends have been top-of-mind for us due to recent incidents that have tested the Lab’s processes. By Global Communications Director Sheena Adams   The Integrity Icon campaign begins with public nominations early in the year and [...]

2019-11-27T00:00:00+00:0027th November 2019|

Decapitalizing the ‘F’ in filmmaker…

Documentaries can generate some of the most enriching experiences in any form of filmmaking. You wrap your hands around a camera and the world opens in front of you to be recorded, beautified, chiselled and then seen and interrogated by various pairs of curious new eyes. Tsogo Kupa takes a closer look at the impact of documentary filmmaking It’s easy to be seduced by the camera; to wilfully turn a blind side to ethics because you feel, as the filmmaker, that a certain shot needs to be in your film, because that’s your ultimate priority: a film. So, as blasphemous [...]

2019-11-05T00:00:00+00:005th November 2019|

Community Building with Frontier Incubators

Accountability Lab Pakistan is an initiative to support youth, civil society activists and social entrepreneurs working around promoting transparency, accountability and responsible citizenship. Through this bottom-up approach, our work supports these leaders to create social awareness, transparency and responsibility among the citizens of Pakistan.  The Lab’s Accountability Incubator was thrilled to be selected as one of the participants of the Frontier Incubators virtual cohort for 2019, an Australian Aid initiative of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s innovationXchange. A total of twelve organisations from all over the Asia-Pacific region were selected to participate in the virtual component of the [...]

2022-11-10T06:46:29+00:0021st October 2019|

Applications open for Team Nigeria’s SDG16 Innovation Challenge

The SDG16 innovation challenge is an initiative to find creative solutions for SDG16. The competition supports young men and women ages 15 – 35 years to develop ideas, build skills and connect with others working towards a shared goal of strengthening accountability, the rule of law and access to justice for Nigerians. Applicants are invited to fill out our online application form here. The SDG16 innovation competition focuses on four thematic areas (or research questions). The program design is focused on human-centered activities which will focus on engaging participants actively to foster a more holistic understanding of issues around accountability, [...]

2019-10-21T00:00:00+00:0021st October 2019|

(Ad)venturing to New Places

Starting a new Accountability Lab - the example of South Africa Many have asked us how we started working in the countries in which we work. To begin with, there were strategic reasons, like knowledge of the context, good networks and trusted partners. But over the years we have become more organized in our approach to growth (see our country selection matrix). Now with almost weekly requests to start working in new and exciting places we have started to think about - and operationalise - a more structured approach to scale. When deciding to work in a new country we [...]

2019-10-07T00:00:00+00:007th October 2019|

Building an eco-system: why it matters

By Ory Okolloh A few months ago, we (Luminate) gathered our Nigeria-based investees in Lagos for two and a half days of learning, connecting, and networking.  We are increasingly focused on how we can support organisations we fund to build their “inner muscle” as it were in order to not just continue to be impactful but to be around for the long run, especially in an environment where they face multiple challenges from a shrinking civic space in which to do their work to a growing to-do list to limited funding options to the fatigue that comes along with the daily [...]

2019-09-10T00:00:00+00:0010th September 2019|

AL Open Board Calls (May and June)

Listen in to learn about advocacy/youth with our new country lead in Mexico, Eva Sander as well as networking/fundraising with our Country Director in Mali, Moussa Kondo. […]

2019-06-25T00:00:00+00:0025th June 2019|

Learning as we grow

We view reflection and course-correction as fundamental to our organizational development at the Lab. As a part of our team learning mechanism, Accountability Lab Nepal introduced quarterly reviews (QR) to reflect on the impact of our programs. Soni Khanal explains how the Nepal team is conducting these reviews   These quarterly reviews (QR) provide a platform for the team to evaluate their work, timeline, individual and team responsibilities and also identify gaps on both human and financial resources. They also assist in collecting feedback for improvements, identifying results and impact, and enhancing critical thinking among the team members. The learnings from [...]

2019-06-12T00:00:00+00:0012th June 2019|
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