4e Sommet régional sur l’intégrité, de la corruption à une gestion redevable et participative de la taxe conventionnelle sur les produits pétroliers à l’importation au Sud-Kivu ?

Le mois dernier, le 19 décembre 2024, Accountability Lab RDC a organisé dans la ville de Bukavu à l’Est de la République Démocratique Congo, le 4e Sommet régional sur l’intégrité. Dédié à la « Transparence et la Redevabilité pour la reconstruction de la province du Sud-Kivu » comme thème, le cas spécifique de la Gouvernance, la transparence et la redevabilité de la taxe conventionnelle sur le produit pétrolier à l’importation (l’une des taxes importantes de la province) et la nécessité de l’effectivité de la rétrocession provinciale ont été au menu des discussions des parties prenantes. Parrainé par le gouverneur de province, le [...]

2025-01-10T13:46:31+00:0010th January 2025|

Unlocking Queer voices in South Africa

Queer Voices Unlocked (QVU) is inspired by Accountability Lab’s Integrity Icon campaign, honoring exemplary public servants by naming and faming them. QVU spotlights exceptional LGBTQI+ public servants championing positive change, breaking down barriers, and advocating for inclusivity. Celebrating their unwavering commitment to Queer rights, these role models tirelessly work towards visibility and representation at all levels of the public service. Our five winners, spanning diverse government departments, are featured in documentary films and podcasts. Led by and for the Queer community, this project aims to inspire people, foster understanding, and promote LGBTQI+ rights, leading to a more inclusive society. Why [...]

2024-04-19T16:35:13+00:0028th February 2024|

Ram Bahadur’s Remarkable Journey: From Aspiring to Inspiring

By Dridhata Silwal  Ram Bahadur Kurumbang’s journey began during his school days when he absorbed the invaluable lessons of moral education taught by his dedicated school teachers. These teachings stayed with him for a lifetime, ultimately shaping his core principles and placing integrity at the center of everything he does.  This strong foundation later propelled him to take a stand against corruption and work tirelessly towards building a stronger, more transparent system. His remarkable transformation from a schoolboy learning about moral values to becoming an Integrity Icon award winner is a truly inspiring story. It highlights the importance of having [...]

2023-09-26T13:37:14+00:0026th September 2023|

Ingredients for a meaningful and ethical career

Written by Dridhata Silwal Kalpana Adhikari is an Integrity Icon winner in Nepal whose remarkable journey from doubt to becoming a champion of integrity is a shining example of resilience, perseverance, and believing in oneself. Her story is not just a personal triumph but an inspiration for all who face challenges in pursuing a meaningful and ethical career. Kalpana's journey is a testament to the power of integrity, the importance of empathy, and the transformative potential of dedication to a higher purpose. Turning adversity into opportunity Kalpana's choice to enter the government sector was filled with doubt. She dreamed of [...]

2023-08-15T14:06:24+00:0015th August 2023|

“You don’t need to be motivated to be honest” – Integrity Icon Pakistan winner walks the talk

Integrity Icon - our campaign to “name and fame” honest government officials in Pakistan began seven years ago. Over the past seven years we’ve received over 1200 nominations for the campaign from across the country; and brought 35 of them into a vibrant network of reformers that is now working together to push for changes at every level of government. This has never been more important for Pakistan, as the country continues to face extremely difficult governance challenges. Blair Glencorse and Amna Rajput meet one of our Integrity Icon Pakistan winners for 2022.   Recently, after the seventh Integrity Icon [...]

2023-02-16T16:41:14+00:0016th February 2023|

Delivery Builds Integrity! Catching Up With our Integrity Icon Bhishma Kumar Bhusal in Nepal

Written by Blair Glencorse and Ashmita Sharma   Integrity Icon, our campaign to “name and fame” honest government officials, began ten years ago in Nepal. Over the past decade we’ve received over 7,000 nominations for honest government officials from across the country; and brought 45 of them into a vibrant network of reformers that is now working together to drive accountability within Nepali institutions. This is essential if we are to shift outcomes for citizens, improve service delivery and address Nepal’s many governance challenges. As part of the 10th anniversary celebrations during the “Year of Integrity” as we’ve branded it, [...]

2023-02-09T14:21:37+00:009th February 2023|

Deal with our ‘culture wars’ to combat democratic backsliding – President Obama

A lot of times those of us who are interested in democracy promotion have tried to wish away these so-called culture war questions. We like to focus on rules, law, policy and calculations” — President Barack Obama WASHINGTON D.C., DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA , UNITED STATES, November 18, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Keeping young people engaged in governance processes creatively to help prevent democratic backsliding was one of the key messages from Accountability Lab at the Democracy Forum in New York this week. Speaking on a panel with President Barack Obama, Country Director at Accountability Lab Mali Doussouba Konaté, said that democracy “on the streets” had [...]

2022-11-30T23:59:23+00:0018th November 2022|

Deekay Ndoni Sibanda — Activism through art and film

"When I say I’m an activist, I’m on the ground, I’m a street activist. I’m not sitting at a desk — I want to go where things are happening." “I call myself a human rights activist slash a queer rights activist,” says aspiring filmmaker and photographer Deekay Ndoni Sibanda, who is the 39-year-old programme officer for the Accountability Lab’s Integrity Icon campaign. The initiative seeks to highlight the often-overlooked good work that public servants are doing. She told Maverick Citizen that she is very passionate about media advocacy work because of her passion for documenting and narrating activist stories. Activist Deekay Ndoni Sibanda [...]

2022-12-01T00:44:49+00:0018th November 2022|

SA’s passionate and inspirational public servants honoured, with policeman taking top award

By Zukiswa Pikoli The Integrity Icons awards present an alternative to the perception that public servants are corrupt and lazy, and showcase that there are some who ‘go the extra mile’ The Accountability Lab has been running the Integrity Icons awards since 2018. The awards showcase the excellent work done by many men and women in the public service, something that Accountability Lab’s country director for SA, Sekoetlane Phamodi, says often goes unnoticed. Sekoetlane Phamodi, country director of Accountability Lab, during the Integrity Icon Awards held at the Anew Hotel in Johannesburg. (Photo: Denvor de Wee) “So often the focus is on what is wrong [...]

2022-11-15T02:05:12+00:007th November 2022|

Collaborative approach to deal with effects of fake news and disinformation on freedom of expression

In an event arranged at the National Press Club by Accountability Lab speakers discussed the key drivers and impacts of fake news and disinformation on society and especially on youth. Dr. Zafar Iqbal, Dean, Social Sciences Department, International Islamic University, Islamabad; Ms. Zill e Huma, Deputy Director at the Press Information Department, Iftikhar Sherazi, Bureau Chief, Dawn News and Dr. Sadia Kamal, who is senior journalist and former vice president of the NPC, were among the key speakers. The event was attended by representatives from local media, civil society and students from various academic institutions. In her opening remarks Dr. [...]

2022-11-10T06:46:16+00:0019th October 2022|
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