
It’s 2020…And We Have a New Strategy for Building Accountability Around the World!

Happy New Year! And we hope 2020 is off to a great start for you and your organization - with ambitious goals, renewed energy and exciting plans. Here at the Accountability Lab we’ve begun the new year with two big changes. At the end of this month we’ll be launching a brand-new website for the Lab, which we hope you like. We feel it is a big step towards better creating the right kind of narrative around accountability; and will be much more user friendly for people like you who might like to know more about what we do and [...]

2020-01-17T00:00:00+00:0017th January 2020|

Accountability Lab’s Staff of the Year for 2019

2019 has been filled with many highlights and many lessons, and through the Staff of the Year nomination process we were reminded of how our teams are our strongest assets. Among us we have wonderful ambassadors for our values, creative problem-solvers, and thoughtful network-builders. But, above all else, we are all privileged to work with people who truly care about good governance and the communities where we work. We are proud to share the Staff of the Year 2019 winners with you!   Liberia: John Kamma - Director of the Citizen Bureau For listening and co-creating solutions for the challenges faced by [...]

2019-12-24T00:00:00+00:0024th December 2019|

A Liberian, an American and a group of Europeans were in Sierra Leone…

On Tuesday, August 13, 2019, the Vice President of Sierra Leone, Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh, launched a five-year National Anti-Corruption Strategy for the country at an event that was attended by the European Union.  EU representative, Mats Leljefelt, made a speech celebrating the actions of the government to fight corruption. Just three months later, Accountability Lab had the opportunity to support the EU Delegation to Sierra Leone in its efforts to end corruption by leading a capacity-development training for the Delegation in Freetown.   The training was led by Nonprofit Management Fellow, Sara Hoenes, and Liberia iCampus Manager, Luther Jeke.  Together, [...]

2019-12-18T00:00:00+00:0018th December 2019|

“Integrity is a team effort”

“Integrity is a team effort, not just the work of a single person” ~Kajiman Rai, Integrity Icon 2019 It takes more than one person to promote, maintain and preserve integrity. Sometimes you have to go above your TOR, and if your team is not ready to work with you, it gets difficult to walk this path alone. Kajiman Rai, an Integrity Icon from Nepal for 2019, took the initiative to lead the summit with his own principles on what it takes to walk on the path of integrity. His strong words became the root that generated debate around how to [...]

2019-12-17T00:00:00+00:0017th December 2019|

Integrity Icon at King’s College Nepal

“You can’t change the system through plain speaking; you need to get into the system and change it with your own will” – Srijana Tiwari On 19th September 2019,  Integrity Icon Mrs. Srijana Tiwari visited King’s College Nepal to make future leaders aware about key issues of integrity in the civil society. In the presence of 31 students, Mrs. Tiwari, Undersecretary of Ministry of Industry Commerce and Supplies, shared her career history. “The first time I visited the District Administration Office, I faced a lot of issues just to get my citizenship which was one of the milestones in my [...]

2019-12-17T00:00:00+00:0017th December 2019|

Driving positive narratives about change and accountability

The world over, a lack of accountability is undermining fair, equal societies; the most marginalised voices are not heard in critical conversations and leaders are not held responsible for their decisions. This in turn means people in power are not held to account or answerable for the use of that power. Accountability is critical as it ensures that governments and other service providers deliver on their responsibilities by responding to citizens’ demands in an evidence-informed way. This should ultimately lead to effective governance and the development of trust between people and power-holders. Stan Getui of Luminate explains why the group [...]

2019-11-26T00:00:00+00:0026th November 2019|

Accountability Incubator Impact Report 2019 – Pakistan

The 2019 Accountability Incubator Impact Report for Pakistan is based on data collected from exit interviews conducted in March 2019 with accountapreneurs from both program cohorts in 2016 and 2017. Data was also collated from an impact survey conducted with both the 2018 and 2019 cohorts in July 2019. Out of 12 alumni, 6 people participated in our Exit interviews with a further 6 accountapreneneurs participating in our impact survey. The Accountability Incubator is a training and support program for young civil society leaders who have creative ideas for promoting accountability in their communities. Each year, Accountability Lab selects “accountapreneurs” [...]

2022-11-10T06:46:27+00:0021st October 2019|

(Ad)venturing to New Places

Starting a new Accountability Lab - the example of South Africa Many have asked us how we started working in the countries in which we work. To begin with, there were strategic reasons, like knowledge of the context, good networks and trusted partners. But over the years we have become more organized in our approach to growth (see our country selection matrix). Now with almost weekly requests to start working in new and exciting places we have started to think about - and operationalise - a more structured approach to scale. When deciding to work in a new country we [...]

2019-10-07T00:00:00+00:007th October 2019|

Can civil servants with integrity influence a corrupt system? – a Contribution Tracing study

Integrity Icon (II) is Accountability Lab’s flagship program aimed at ‘naming and faming’ honest civil servants who are pushing for good governance reforms in systems that are widely known for corruption. Now in its fifth year, the campaign fosters long term shifts in narratives and works to change norms through public engagement. It also seeks to impact process and policy change by supporting and connecting  dedicated civil servants. Each year, 5 Integrity Icons are chosen through public nominations and organisational vetting; celebrated through national and social media; and awarded at a final celebration attended by local and international stakeholders. The [...]

2019-09-06T00:00:00+00:006th September 2019|

Building Reel Peace in Liberia

At the Lab, we try to cultivate an innovative, agile environment where teams feel inspired to find new ways to address accountability challenges in their countries. In a small, flexible organization staffed by individuals who are mission-driven, it’s not uncommon to conceptualize programs that can be ambitious. We hope to succeed and deliver programming and results that make us proud, but along the line, it’s also important to reflect on challenges, and even failures, that come with ambitious projects. Cheri-Leigh Erasmus, Global Director of Learning at the Lab, takes a closer look Over the last fifteen months, Accountability Lab Liberia [...]

2019-06-28T00:00:00+00:0028th June 2019|
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