APPEL A CANDIDATURE Bourse des Artistes-Activistes du Film Fellowship

Accountability Lab met la gouvernance au service des citoyens du monde entier en soutenant les citoyens actifs, les dirigeants responsables et les institutions responsables. Nous ré-imaginons la manière de renforcer la redevabilité pour soutenir un monde dans lequel les ressources sont utilisées de manière judicieuse, les décisions profitent à tous de manière équitable et les gens mènent une vie sûre. Les Labs sont des entités indépendantes et constituées en un réseau translocal avec des bureaux dans 11 pays à travers le monde. Nous disposons d’une équipe de plus de 100 personnes dans ces différents pays, qui sont liées par un [...]

2024-03-25T10:38:32+00:0022nd March 2024|

Accountability Lab launches Civic Charge: An Accelerator for Social Accountability Change Agents 

When Accountability Lab started more than 11 years ago, the need to cultivate and equip reformers pushing for social accountability in their communities and countries formed part of the organization’s DNA. This quickly led to the creation of the Accountability Incubator, which has provided training and support to over 300 young change-makers across 12 countries over the past decade. Having incubated various accountability-related projects, we’ve gained a lot of insight into the needs of the innovators in our incubators, and we have used those learnings to create Civic Charge: An Accelerator for Social Accountability Change Agents. Applications are open here [...]

2023-10-26T08:46:34+00:0026th October 2023|

Transforming Transparency: How HackCorruption Winners Could Revolutionize Government Procurement in Namibia

One of our first winning HackCorruption teams has local municipalities interested in their winning idea - an online procurement tool that fights corruption. Looking at government institutions in Namibia, Amon Peter, Baptista Joao, Farida Junior Kyababa, Linda McLeod, and Saudai Sapi created a product that enables a transparent view of the procurement process—allowing both government officials and the public to have a complete overview of the awarding of contracts. It's just over a year since their victory, and we caught up with Farida and Saudi to learn the secrets behind their team's success and how they have used the experience [...]

2023-10-09T12:52:49+00:001st October 2023|

Ingredients for a meaningful and ethical career

Written by Dridhata Silwal Kalpana Adhikari is an Integrity Icon winner in Nepal whose remarkable journey from doubt to becoming a champion of integrity is a shining example of resilience, perseverance, and believing in oneself. Her story is not just a personal triumph but an inspiration for all who face challenges in pursuing a meaningful and ethical career. Kalpana's journey is a testament to the power of integrity, the importance of empathy, and the transformative potential of dedication to a higher purpose. Turning adversity into opportunity Kalpana's choice to enter the government sector was filled with doubt. She dreamed of [...]

2023-08-15T14:06:24+00:0015th August 2023|

G20 and the crisis of corruption: what has been the story this year?

As we enter the final stretch of India’s Presidency of the G20, what progress has been made in relation to key anti-corruption priorities? Sanjeeta Pant and Kathryn Westmore take a closer look. The G20 Indian Presidency and Anti-Corruption Priorities When India took over the Presidency of the G20 earlier this year, there was real hope that it would herald an increased focus on anti-corruption issues. As the final meeting of the Anti-Corruption Working Group (ACWG) approaches, attention has turned to what progress has been made on the three anti-corruption priorities for this year and what might lie ahead for the [...]

2023-08-14T12:10:04+00:008th August 2023|

Cultivating a resilient mindset in Nepal’s civil service

In his best-selling book, “On The Origin of  Species”, English naturalist Charles Darwin said that it’s not the strongest or the most intelligent species that survives, but rather the one that’s most responsive to change. This theory, formulated in 1859, remains relevant in every sector to this day. In this blog, we’ll explore the connection between Darwin’s insight and the importance of resilience in Nepal’s civil service. It is undeniable that the civil service holds the key to the government's success and must be resilient and responsive to changing circumstances. This blog is based on an in-depth discussion that took [...]

2023-08-14T12:13:51+00:0015th July 2023|

Greening social accountability for climate finance

Written by Louise Cord, Aly Rahim, Ann-Sofie Jespersen, and Michael Jarvis Global spending on climate change is nearing US$1 trillion annually. To optimize the benefit of these climate investments, transparency, equity, and inclusion must be at the heart of climate finance decision-making. We need green accountability – an approach recognizing that effectively addressing the climate crisis requires harnessing the insights and agency of those most affected by climate impacts. In developing countries where a sevenfold increase in climate finance is needed, green accountability calls for systemic ways for people to have a voice and role in climate decisions that most impact their [...]

2023-05-12T16:20:59+00:0012th May 2023|

The vital role of young people in governance processes

The Citizens Summit in Defense of Democracy and Freedom in Lusaka, Zambia, shed light on a crucial message: the active involvement of young people in governance processes is imperative for Africa's success and prosperity. As echoed by summit participants, including political leaders, civil society representatives, and young activists, the strongest and most consistent takeaway from the event was the recognition that the youth hold the key to Africa's future. Written by Kibo Ngowi   “Young people continue to demand a seat at the table when it comes to discussions on democracy and the future of the continent. It is not [...]

2023-04-30T06:06:11+00:0030th April 2023|

Day 2: The Citizens’ Summit in Defense of Democracy & Freedom in Zambia

Written by Kibo Ngowi "We demand that all governments that have put in place restrictive CSO laws roll them back immediately as there is no place in democratic societies for laws that undermine fundamental freedoms." The Citizens' Summit for Democracy & Freedom took place this week in Lusaka, Zambia. One of the outcomes of this summit is a communiqué containing essential resolutions on youth engagement in democratic processes and spaces, media freedom and free expression, civic and democratic space, as well as elections and electoral practice. Read it here. The summit provided a platform for African civil society actors to [...]

2023-04-06T10:44:20+00:0028th March 2023|

Women changing the world through film

By Zeina Walet I am Zeinabou Walet Mohamed Ali, a young woman with a passion for women's empowerment and youth leadership, which I explore in the different communities I work with in Mali. Originally from the region of Timbuktu, I have been immersed in the realities and needs of these communities as I traveled all over the country. My journeys have taken me all the way up to the refugee camp of Mberra in Mauritania, and I have been aware of the challenges faced by these populations since my youth. Among these is the lack of women's participation in democratic [...]

2023-03-13T13:08:27+00:0027th February 2023|
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