
Tech-driven accountability approaches: power, politics and change in Pakistan

Making All Voices Count has supported a number of initiatives in Pakistan at the intersection of technology, accountability and open governance over the past three years. […]

2017-11-19T00:00:00+00:0019th November 2017|

Become a Non-Profit Management Fellow in DC

Supporting accountability around the world requires all sorts of skills. Whoever you are, if you’ve got a taste for adventure, a desire to build positive social change, and you’re ready to roll up your sleeves, we have an opportunity for you. We are looking for the very best students in the DC area for the unique chance to dive into the field of international development and non-profit management . The Accountability Lab Fellowship is an immersive learning experience in our Washington DC office at the OpenGov Hub. The fellowship provides structured training and knowledge-building, hands-on experience relevant to your background and [...]

2017-08-23T00:00:00+00:0023rd August 2017|

Understanding how to learn in Liberia

By Heather Gilberds and Blair Glencorse This blog was originally published by Making All Voices Count. Recently, we concluded a Making All Voices Count Practitioner Research and Learning grant, focusing on the dynamics, process and outcomes of building accountability with young people in Liberia. The research generated some useful insights – as we’ve written about previously – including the need to make governance changes meaningful for citizens; the importance of a collective, eco-systems-building approach; and the opportunities that exist around more creative, and less institutionalised, governance programmes. The research involved a survey of over 1,000 citizens in four of Liberia’s 15 counties, [...]

2017-07-07T00:00:00+00:007th July 2017|

One step to a thousand miles: building accountability in Liberia

This blog was originally published by Making All Voices Count. This report shares the findings from an impact assessment of Accountability Lab, conducted between August 2016 and March 2017 as part of a research and learning grant from Making All Voices Count. Accountability Lab Liberia aims to build a new generation of active citizens and responsible leaders across the country. The team supports change-makers to develop and implement positive ideas for integrity in their communities by enabling people to generate the knowledge, skills and networks needed for accountability. It sees accountability as dynamic - “a continually evolving set of relationships, [...]

2017-05-16T00:00:00+00:0016th May 2017|

Rapping to Be Repped in Liberia

 By: Anne Sophie Ranjbar, Associate Director and Maima Caranda, Volunteer As you walk through Monrovia, you can’t miss the catchy West African beats that play on every street. While Nigeria has traditionally been the hub for music in the region, Liberia’s young “Hip Co” artists are rapidly building a following in the region and beyond. Music has the power to inspire and inform people—acting as a medium through which to channel popular sentiment and shape collective dreams. As Liberia faces its next presidential election—a critical opportunity to consolidate democracy and peace after a troubled past—music can also serve as a [...]

2017-05-06T00:00:00+00:006th May 2017|

Two Years Since the Nepal Earthquakes & A Chance to Maximize Your Impact

Two years ago the first of several devastating earthquakes hit Nepal, killing over 9,000 people and destroying almost a million homes. Today, exactly 2 years later, barely 5% of the destroyed houses have been rebuilt. Hundreds of thousands of people still struggle to get by in temporary housing, many without clean water or any public services. Since the day after the first earthquake, we've been running Citizen Helpdesks in the worst affected areas, deploying hundreds of community volunteers to monitor and improve the earthquake response and close the loop on accountability problems. And it's working. To date we've reached over 70,000 people in [...]

2017-04-25T00:00:00+00:0025th April 2017|

Accountability Lab Turns 5: Looking back and moving forward

By: Henna Mahmood I recently joined the Accountability Lab as a Fellow and the timing could not have been better. The Accountability Lab just turned five, which gave me the chance to reflect on five years of lessons and insights into what it takes to build a grassroots movement in the toughest of places. The Accountability Lab came together in 2012 with a bold vision — a movement, led by citizens and leaders, to build integrity and accountability across the world. That vision matched a strategy - to build a pipeline of accountability change-makers through an incubator program, elevate national [...]

2020-03-03T17:26:40+00:004th April 2017|
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