
Apply for AL Nigeria’s Communications Internship!

Accountability Lab (AL) Nigeria is a part of a trans-local network that makes governance work for citizens around the world. We support active citizens, responsible leaders and accountable institutions to unleash positive social and economic change. With the Labs’ decade of collective experience on issues around governance, community building, and accountability and integrity, there are three mutually reinforcing objectives to: support a positive movement to build accountability and democracy; ensure the voices of communities are heard on accountability issues; support collaboration around accountability and open governance through unlikely networks. Read more about our Theory of Action here.  Position Description  The [...]

2021-08-10T10:10:32+00:0010th August 2021|

Local film on effects of lockdown on the cards

BULAWAYO-based film producer and content creator Lance Chigodo has produced a film titled Idle Minds that tackles the effects of the Covid-19 induced lockdown on people. The film was shot in Emgwanwini and Emasotsheni under the 2021 Film Fellowship programme. The Film Fellowship is an Accountability Lab Zimbabwe and Magamba Network initiative which holds an annual fellowship for young filmmakers in Zimbabwe who have an interest in social justice and accountability issues. Lance as he is affectionately known in the arts industry said this is his first fiction production that is set to premiere virtually at the Shoko Festival (between [...]

2021-08-16T10:08:59+00:008th August 2021|

Nigeria: Press freedom, freedom of expression and the civic space, By Lanre Arogundade

Times like this calls for eternal vigilance long described as the price of liberty. …a government that is genuinely committed to transparency, accountability and anti-corruption; the protection of the rule of law and the institutionalisation of democratic values, especially through the conduct of free, fair and credible elections, will not be dismantling the civic space in the manner we are witnessing. Is there more to this than meets the eye? Introduction As I transferred my thoughts into this speaking note, it suddenly occurred to me that we are probably not sufficiently grappling with the depth of the precarious state of press [...]

2021-08-16T12:15:42+00:005th August 2021|

Local Film, ‘Cruel Joke’ Tackles Harassment

A local film that explores the themes of 'sexploitation' and mental harassment is set to premiere later this month. Producer, Connor Zephlen said in an interview that the film was a result of personal experiences. "Good film productions are a mirror of what happens in their societies, or based on personal experiences so I believe the storyline on Cruel Joke is a reflection of what is happening in our society where we are seeing some personal decisions coming back to hit one on the face. "The inspiration came from my personal experiences, being pushed by the universe to make decisions [...]

2021-08-16T12:34:05+00:003rd August 2021|

Communities Doing it For Themselves

After several days of protesting and looting in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal, residents from different townships have started multiple initiatives to rebuild their communities under the Cleanup South Africa Campaign.  By Deekay Ndoni Sibanda   Taxi owners and artists are taking to the streets and malls, working together in unlikely ways to assist communities that have been affected by several days of looting and violent protests in South Africa.  DJ Shimza, real name Ashley Raphala, a well-known DJ who is loved by many because of his music and creativity, is one of the artists supporting the Clean-Up Campaign. Shimza posted a [...]

2021-07-20T20:03:29+00:0020th July 2021|

COVID-19 and the invisible divide of digital outreach regarding government services for the vulnerable population

Written by Momina Sahar While one of the most promising and appealing steps taken by the government of Pakistan was the digitization of government services during the unprecedented times of a global pandemic, the uncritical embrace of technology for dissemination of information and services along with the lack of availability of digital services in certain areas of Pakistan creates a hierarchy in terms of access to information. Disparate access to the internet is a multilateral issue, the causes for which stem from various reasons such as infrastructure unavailability, gender disparity, and the economic and digital literacy divide.  As pointed out [...]

2022-11-10T06:46:21+00:0014th July 2021|

Accountability Lab Liberia Launches the National Youth Sustainable Peace Policy Framework of the 2030 Agenda Project

For Immediate Release   Accountability Lab Liberia with funding from United Nations Development Programme has launched the project, “Promoting Sustainable Peace through National Youth Policy in the Framework of the 2030 Agenda project”. This is intending to directly contribute to the key strategic interventions identified in Liberia’s National Youth Policy and Action Plan 2019-2023, by providing capacity-building support to youth-led organizations in Bomi; Bong; Grand Bassa; Grand Gedeh and Montserrado Counties, enabling them to lead peacebuilding efforts; promote youth participation in decision-making and removing obstacles that affect the full contribution of youth to society.  The overarching objectives of the project are: [...]

2021-07-14T10:53:03+00:0014th July 2021|

AL Pakistan’s brave Covid19 pivot

Fayyaz Yaseen is the Country Director of Accountability Lab Pakistan. He is a passionate development professional with extensive experience working on issues including governance, accountability, institutional reform, and political-economy transitions. “Ever since I was a student I was inspired by people from the development sector. They always sounded intelligent to me. I loved the way they thought about issues and respected them for their intellectual depth. They were learned people with open minds and seemed to understand every challenge faced by Pakistan as a country, in a logical manner. This inspired me to follow their footsteps and join the development [...]

2021-07-14T12:16:33+00:005th July 2021|

Recrutement de volontaires en RDC !

APPEL AUX VOLONTAIRES Integrity Icon RDC (II DRC) vise à inspirer un mouvement national mené par la société civile sur le terrain, en ligne et à travers les médias pour célébrer, encourager et mettre en relation les fonctionnaires honnêtes. À une époque où le discours national est devenu nettement négatif, nous voulons inverser le scénario et passer de la dénonciation des dirigeants corrompus à la dénonciation des fonctionnaires qui travaillent avec intégrité pour fournir et construire des services publics honnêtes dans la province du Sud-Kivu en République Démocratique du Congo. Si vous souhaitez vous impliquer dans II DRC, nous recherchons [...]

2021-06-30T19:25:41+00:0030th June 2021|

The Language of Accountability in Pakistan

By Fayyaz Yaseen Almost all the words referring to accountability in one way or another – such as responsiveness, transparency, participation, inclusion, accountability, rule of law – are used just as they are (as English words), despite the fact that there are stronger Urdu corresponding words that can spell out an even stronger meaning that also relates to the local context. For example, the Urdu word for ‘responsiveness’ is ‘jawabdahi’, which means that one is not only expected to respond in a timely manner but is also accountable for doing/not doing so. Similarly, the term ‘rule of law’ is understood [...]

2022-11-10T06:46:22+00:0030th June 2021|
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