
#HackCorruption – improving data protection and protecting civic spaces

Written by Sara Hoenes   On July 5, Accountability Lab and the Center for International and Private Enterprise (CIPE) hosted the second #HackCorruption virtual roundtable event. Accountability Lab South Africa’s Country Director, Sekoetlane Phamodi, was joined by Richard Gevers, founder of Open Cities Lab, Meshack Masibo of Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet), and Edrine Wanyama, human rights lawyer and Legal Officer at the Collaboration of International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA). The panel discussed the importance of open data and data protection in accountable governance as well as specific trends in open data in East and Southern [...]

2022-07-19T15:53:27+00:0019th July 2022|

UNDP Kick-Off Cohort Two of its Growth Accelerator Visioning Boot camp

On Thursday, UNDP Liberia and its partners iCampus and Accountability Lab with policy support from the Ministry of Commerce launched the second edition of its boot camp in Buchanan city, Grand Bassa County. The Growth Accelerator Liberia is a UNDP and the Government of Liberia initiative under the livelihood, employment creation, and accelerating impactful For-profit ventures across the fifteen counties of Liberia. The CEO of iCampus Luther Jeke speaking at the opening session of the boot camp said the boot camp over the next three days will be used for intense business development training and help scale cooperatives and as [...]

2022-07-15T10:57:38+00:008th July 2022|

#HackCorruption – using emerging tech to mitigate corruption risks in public procurement

Written by Sara Hoenes   Accountability Lab and the Center for Private Enterprise kicked off the #HackCorruption roundtable speaker series on June 27, hosting a conversation with Gabriella Razzano, Executive Director of OpenUp, and Dr. Allison Anthony of the African Procurement Law Unit. The discussion covered how Southern African countries can use new and emerging technologies to mitigate corruption risks and increase citizen participation in the public procurement process.  Foreign investment in African infrastructure to meet the Sustainable Development Goals is estimated to be nearly $93 billion a year. Across Africa, it is estimated that nearly half of all government [...]

2022-07-08T06:24:34+00:008th July 2022|

Five Things We’re Doing To Fight Back Against Closing Civic Space In West Africa

By Kibo Ngowi West Africa is a rich and diverse part of the world-spanning 16 countries and boasting an estimated population of close to 400 million people. Accountability Lab has deep roots in the region, having established our second network Lab in Liberia back in 2013, only a year after the organization’s birth in Nepal. We’ve since opened more Labs in Niger, Nigeria and Mali and with the support of Observatório da Democracia e Governança we’ve rolled out our Virtual Incubator program in Guinea-Bissau as well. These efforts are a response to the governance and stability challenges in the region [...]

2022-07-06T11:02:58+00:004th July 2022|

The World Is Melting Down and the Cause is Corruption- The G20 Needs to Take Action

By Blair Glencorse and Sanjeeta Pant The G20 needs to strengthen regulatory authorities across its membership and expand sanctions for violating Anti-Money Laundering requirements. The G20 is meeting again next week in Indonesia for the second time this year- at a moment when the world is facing the most difficult economic, political and social challenges for decades. At their core, these problems are driven by corruption- from the “weaponization” of graft by Russia in Ukraine to the lack of regulation of the enablers of corruption in G20 countries such as the UK. This malfeasance costs lives and livelihoods- and is directly responsible for everything [...]

2022-07-15T13:27:56+00:001st July 2022|

Call for Proposals: Action for Accountability (A4A) Situational Analysis and Baseline Report

The Action for Accountability (A4A) project is a project co-funded by the European Union and implemented by the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation, Accountability Lab South Africa and the Public Service Accountability Monitor. The project team is looking to commission a consultant(s) to carry out a baseline study to inform its implementation of the Action for Accountability program and to track its progress. Action for Accountability (A4A) is aimed at enhancing public service accountability and good governance in South Africa through citizen-led action for greater transparency and deepened public participation. The proposed rights-based action responds to the contemporary dynamics of the accountability [...]

2022-07-15T13:31:17+00:0027th June 2022|

The PVO Bill is a Step Backwards for Zimbabwean Women

By Alois Nyamazana, Accountability Lab Zimbabwe Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Manager “Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development, and building good governance.” – Kofi Annan On 5 November 2021, the Government of Zimbabwe announced its intentions to change the existing Private Voluntary Organisations (PVO) Act to discourage money laundering and prevent non-state actors from “politicizing charitable giving.” If passed into law in its current form, the Private Voluntary Organizations Amendment Bill, H.B. 10, 2001 will have negative implications on gender development in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe has [...]

2022-06-21T14:24:10+00:0021st June 2022|

Nigeria needs to renew its commitment to democracy

By Odeh Friday, Accountability Lab Nigeria Country Director Nigeria has a short and difficult history with democracy and with elections on the horizon in 2023, there is both an important opportunity to consolidate participatory decision-making in our country and also a real danger that democratic institutions will be subverted for non-democratic ends. We were excited, therefore, that the Joe Biden administration chose to host the President, Major General Muhammadu Buhari (retd.), and other leaders from across the world as part of the Summit for Democracy (S4D) last December. Buhari made verbal commitments to democracy in Nigeria at that event but [...]

2022-06-20T10:57:44+00:0020th June 2022|

Participants express resolve to keep highlighting marginalized communities’ issues

“When civil society comes to work together it gives us hope that we have a constructive future ahead of us” Haris Qayyum, Senior Advisor, The Asia Foundation expressed this view while speaking at the closing ceremony of the ‘Celebrating Peace Together’ project here on Saturday. The ceremony was attended by senior government officials, civil society representatives, academia and media representatives. Programme Coordinator of The Asia Foundation, Farva Rashid said the project was launched by the Asia Foundation in 2018 in Punjab, KP and Sindh in collaboration with Bytes for All; Initiative for Sustainable Development; Legal Rights Foundation and the Accountability [...]

2022-11-10T06:46:18+00:0019th June 2022|

UNDP Launches Cohort Two of its Growth Accelerator Project

MONROVIA – The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has for the second year launched the second phase of its Growth Accelerator project with an aim to support impactful Liberian entrepreneurs to scale up their ventures through access to technical assistance, mentorship, and co-financing of up to US$40,000. This program is being implemented with policy support from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry along with iCampus Liberia and Accountability Lab Liberia. The Growth Accelerator Liberia is a UNDP and Government of Liberia initiative under the Livelihood & Employment Creation project implemented by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry. The project was launched [...]

2022-07-16T06:08:06+00:003rd June 2022|
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