
4e Sommet régional sur l’intégrité, de la corruption à une gestion redevable et participative de la taxe conventionnelle sur les produits pétroliers à l’importation au Sud-Kivu ?

Le mois dernier, le 19 décembre 2024, Accountability Lab RDC a organisé dans la ville de Bukavu à l’Est de la République Démocratique Congo, le 4e Sommet régional sur l’intégrité. Dédié à la « Transparence et la Redevabilité pour la reconstruction de la province du Sud-Kivu » comme thème, le cas spécifique de la Gouvernance, la transparence et la redevabilité de la taxe conventionnelle sur le produit pétrolier à l’importation (l’une des taxes importantes de la province) et la nécessité de l’effectivité de la rétrocession provinciale ont été au menu des discussions des parties prenantes. Parrainé par le gouverneur de province, le [...]

2025-01-10T13:46:31+00:0010th January 2025|

Youth leading the way on open governance in Liberia

“Without the voices of young people—who make up the majority of the population—there can be no open governance.” Theo Dowetin, the European Partnership for Democracy team lead in Monrovia, could not have said it better at our recent OGP co-creation event with young people in Liberia. As the world seeks sustainable solutions to global challenges like climate change, poverty, and democratic regression, the inclusion of young people in decision-making has become more important than ever. When given voice and agency, young people bring fresh ideas and the energy needed to drive positive change and impact. In governance, this inclusion ensures [...]

2024-12-13T14:41:18+00:0013th December 2024|

Testing the limits of tech: building measures for accountability in the Balkans

What does the deputy mayor of a town in northwestern Albania have in common with a 20-year old engineering student from North Macedonia? They’re both invested in creating tech tools to counter corruption in their home countries. Both are also participants in the Balkans edition of Hackcorruption, an AL initiative that aims to combat corruption globally by stimulating the innovative use of technology to address accountability gaps and build systemic integrity. At the top of a week of exploration of and support of the civic tech landscape in the Balkans, Accountability Lab and our partners the Center for International Private [...]

2024-12-19T07:55:30+00:0011th December 2024|

Journée Internationale de Lutte contre la Corruption

9 Décembre 2024 - A l’occasion de la journée internationale de lutte contre la corruption, célébrée chaque le 09 décembre, pour cette année 2024,  Accountability Lab RDC avec plus de 700 personnes issues des mouvements citoyens, des acteurs de la société civile, les jeunes entrepreneurs, les étudiants, des agents  de l’Etat et les associations des femmes engagées se sont unis pour une sensibilisation à grande échelle et hausser leurs voix pour dénoncer la corruption qui gangrène la gouvernance des institutions et des services publics et compromet gravement le développement de l’Est du pays et de la RDC en générale.  Sous le [...]

2024-12-10T21:26:56+00:0010th December 2024|

Catalyzing Community Action: Tackling forced land grabbing and promoting decision-making in village funds

The challenges of land grabbing and corruption in land management are prompting innovative responses from grassroots initiatives in Indonesia and Thailand. The Land Defenders project is leading the charge by unleashing the power of marginalized communities to fight for their land rights and supporting existing advocates with valuable data and information. Meanwhile, the Voices4Budget project is revolutionizing the process of village fund allocation. By engaging local communities in decision-making, this initiative ensures that their needs are front and center.  Land Defenders and Voices4Change were two of the winning teams of the South East Asia cohort of Hackcorruption this year who each [...]

2024-11-21T08:57:18+00:0020th November 2024|

Youth Protests: Supporting active citizenship in practice

In an era of growing youth uprisings, there is an increased need to support this latest indicator of active citizenship in the countries in which they erupt. Large-scale protests against corruption, nepotism and excessive taxation of populations already struggling economically, flared up in Kenya, Uganda and Bangladesh over June and July this year. Protestors in all three countries faced brutal crackdowns by government police and security forces resulting in arrests, intimidation, violence and death.  While young democracy and human rights defenders do take steps to secure their safety, there is a need for more support. Mahera Musharrat, a young democracy [...]

2024-09-19T09:24:49+00:0013th September 2024|

Measuring Success: Leading with a positive approach in Pakistan

Fayyaz Yaseen believes strongly in the democratization of information. And not any old information; the kind that takes context, framing and emerging issues into account. The kind that clarifies for people their place in the world and what they can do from where they stand. As Accountability Lab Pakistan’s Executive Director, Yaseen’s strong background in policy at the think tank Sustainable Development Policy Initiative (SDPI) in Pakistan sparked an initial love for knowledge creation and sharing, and social accountability. “We thought if we can begin including more people into the discussions around service delivery and good governance – if the [...]

2024-08-27T08:53:02+00:0026th August 2024|

Anti-corruption technologists in Indonesia use tool to flag fraudulent entities

Team Lexicon Beneficial Ownership’s enthusiasm is contagious. Whether around new tools they’re learning or being able to contribute their skills in a meaningful way, the Jakarta-based team has been squirreling away at their anti-corruption tool’s functionality as much as they’ve been growing networks of potential users both in Indonesia and Singapore.  We chatted to them about their progress since participating in the South East Asia edition of Hackcorruption in April this year, where they were one of five winning teams who went on to bootcamp and received $10 000 to further develop and launch their solution. Their tech platform flags [...]

2024-08-20T13:21:10+00:0020th August 2024|

Building a new accountability narrative in Liberia

From helping shape national conversations to using technology to bolster election integrity, AL Liberia's programs are focused on building accountability in diverse ways. We sat down with AL Liberia's Country Director, Lawrence Yealue, to better understand their deep civic engagement work. Voter education wins In 2023, AL Liberia had a clear mission: to equip Liberians with the knowledge and tools needed for a peaceful electoral process. Projects focused on civic and voter education across six strategic counties. Over 800,000 people were reached via community radio and we engaged a further 363,545 people via social media, amplifying messages of non-violence and [...]

2024-07-26T14:45:20+00:0017th July 2024|

Launching the HackCorruption Alumni Network: A Journey of Growth and Adaptation

By Alawi Masud & Khadijah Chang Over the past six months, we have established the HackCorruption Alumni Network to connect people who leverage and create civic tech. Although we are beginning our network-building journey, reaching the six-month mark allows us to reflect on our progress and share our lessons. Why an Alumni Network? HackCorruption is a project dedicated to creating and supporting tools and ecosystems that counter corruption and make governance more accessible. Our experience implementing HackCorruption across Southern and East Africa, South Asia, Latin America, and most recently, Southeast Asia has shown us the passion and dedication of participants [...]

2024-06-27T09:51:37+00:0010th June 2024|
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