
Hellen Tusuubira

Hellen is 26-years-old and founder of the Hellenah Craft World Company.  Hellen uses her company to build the skills of young people through practical income-generation opportunities.  Beyond this, she also focuses on building a culture of accountability amongst these young participants.  Accountability is not just about holding leaders to account; she believes that we need to be able to hold ourselves to account as well.  Hellen believes that her idea can build a nation of accountable innovators that are able to disrupt a culture of dependency.  

2022-06-30T11:58:53+00:0028th June 2022|

Moris Okwi

Moris Okwi is a 26-year-old journalist, living in Mbale City in Eastern Uganda.  He works with the Uganda Radio Network.  Moris sees freedom of speech as the cornerstone of ensuring accountability and oversight.  He started up Teso Youth Konnect with other young activists, with the aim to innovate advocacy strategies on a range of issues.  He believes that people from all walks of life should be brought together, enabling them to identify shared problems that they can address together (whether it be gender-based violence, holding leaders accountable, or a lack of service delivery).

2022-06-28T15:10:39+00:0028th June 2022|

Ritah Asmiire

Ritah (25) is from Wakiso and founded Equality Mission Uganda, an organization that seeks to promote good governance through public policy analysis, participatory democracy, and enhanced civic accountability. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Governance and International Relations.  Ritah sees a lack of civic participation as one of the key drivers of poor public service delivery and government program implementation.  Her idea is to explore avenues that can bridge the gap between citizens and government, ensuring that leaders are held to account and able to make better decisions when it comes to governing in the communities they represent.

2022-10-07T17:41:37+00:0028th June 2022|

Flavia Piloya

Flavia (24) lives in Gulu City.  She is particularly interested in working with young people and creating a learning community around financial management.  For Flavia, it is not just about building the financial and social resilience of the participants in her program.  She also believes that young people who understand budgeting and financial management at a personal level will be better able to participate in the budgets that their municipalities or districts draw up.  Her approach also encourages listening and learning from others through debate. “Through discussions and positive criticism, we are able to learn from others and improve the [...]

2022-10-07T17:44:41+00:0028th June 2022|

Rytone Nakyeyune

Rytone (25) is a community activist.  She is excited to build a more comprehensive understanding of accountability, and how it relates to all components of our lives as citizens.  Her idea is to train up accountability officials in Wakiso, Uganda.  She envisions these ambassadors working with the broader community and building civic capacity to guard against corrupt behaviours.  Rytone is passionate about inclusion and working collaboratively.  For her, broad collaboration has the potential to change the way in which we talk about accountability.  

2022-10-07T17:42:49+00:0028th June 2022|

Kagalula Dabrine Mathew

Dabrine (25) is from the Mityana District, a rural part of Uganda.  Growing up, Dabrine saw how rural Uganda lacked public service delivery compared to urban areas.  It inspired him to create Youth and Women Empowerment (MYWE). MYWE focuses on promoting women, girl and youth inclusion when it comes to monitoring service delivery.  The organization also seeks to strengthen participants’ overall resilience through assisting them in establishing income generation activities, including access to low interest loans as seed capital. Dabrine has also seen how corruption hampers service delivery, from government procurement of goods and services all the way through to [...]

2022-10-07T17:38:00+00:0028th June 2022|

Assani Suzana

Assani Suzana, jeune congalaise agée de 19 ans. elle devolppe une idéee selon laquelle la jeunesse est la base où repose l'avenir d'une nation, c'est dans ce sens que son projet consiste à instruire la jeunesse plus particulièrement les jeunes universitaires sur la culture de la redevabilité et l'integrité. A travers des conférences, divertissement, des activités culturelles telle que la "soirée autour du feu" où des thématiques sur les valeurs humaines, la lutte contre la corruption et le sens de responsabilité seront developpés avec les jeunes pour la conscientisation de leurs rôles au sein de la communauté.

2022-04-14T08:53:03+00:0014th April 2022|

Neema Mongane Rachel

Neema Mongane est une jeune congolaise âgée de 26 ans vivant à Uvira. Son projet "Uvira safi" consiste à lutter contre l'insalubrité que connais la ville d'Uvira. Les habitants sont exposés aux multiples maladies dues aux immondices qu'on retrouve un peu partout et qui rends davantage salubre l'environnement. Jusqu'à présent il n'y a quasiment pas d'actions mener dans le sens de résoudre ce problème intégralement, c'est ainsi que ses démarches consiste à mener des actions, des campagnes de sensibilisation de porte à porte, promouvoir une participation active de la population par des sensibilisations en vue de susciter en elle une [...]

2022-02-17T12:26:45+00:0017th February 2022|

Mwinyi Abeli

Mwinyi Abeli est un jeune activiste de droits congolais, âgé de 35 ans. Il exerce un projet intitulé : La transparence fiscale. Au Sud-Kivu, plus particulièrement dans la commune de Kadutu, les petits commerçants des marchés sont victimes des irrégularités dans le gestion des taxes notamment le fait de payer les taxes et sans pour autant recevoir en contrepartie la quittances justifiant ce mouvement. Ils mènent des démarches qui ont pour objectif d'exiger la numérisation des services générateurs et de prélèvement des taxes ainsi que la mise en place des cadres des sensibilisations et conscientisation des agents receveurs pour la [...]

2022-02-17T12:23:41+00:0017th February 2022|

Faraja Cahihabwa Zawadi

FARAJA CAHIHABWA Zawadi âgée de 34ans, elle est nationalité congolaise, originaire de la province du Sud-Kivu. Journaliste de profession depuis 2010 avec plusieurs formations de capacitation dans ce domaine. Son projet consiste à mettre en place une radio communautaire rurale des jeunes, avec comme objectif de valoriser les bonnes pratiques de redevabilité par le biais de la promotion de la bonne gouvernance au sein de la communauté. Ceci permettra que la jeunesse s'approprie la thématique de redevabilité, la bonne gouvernance et l'intégrité en faisant preuves de sa bonne pratique au sein de la communauté.Contact : [email protected]

2022-02-17T12:22:23+00:0017th February 2022|
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