Accountability Lab is a global translocal network that makes governance work for people by supporting active citizens, responsible leaders and accountable institutions. Our goal is a world in which resources are used wisely, decisions benefit everyone fairly, and people lead secure lives.

Accountability Lab is a global translocal network that makes governance work for people by supporting active citizens, responsible leaders and accountable institutions. Our goal is a world in which resources are used wisely, decisions benefit everyone fairly, and people lead secure lives.


Accountability Lab’s flagship training program for young change-makers to build sustainable, effective tools for change.

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A global campaign powered by citizens in search of exemplary government officials.

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A pioneering community feedback and dialogue platform to ensure accountability in the development process.

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Supportive, impactful member networks and co-working spaces for small and big nonprofits.

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A conscious music campaign supporting musicians who advocate for greater representation, participation and accountability.

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Channelling civil society voices into high-level decision-making at the C20, G20, and the Open Government Partnership for stronger accountability and open government.

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AL Co-CEO, Blair Glencorse, is at the United Nations in New York today as Co-Chair of the Open ...Government Partnership attending the SDG16 High-Level Conference. He spoke to delegates about the critical importance of protecting civic space and how SDG16 provided a solid framework for supporting disadvantaged social groups in demanding public integrity and accountability.

"We need to develop or reinforce legal frameworks everywhere to ensure that the rights of activists, journalists, and independent media are protected; tackle disinformation and strengthen privacy laws. We must also strengthen legal frameworks that allow citizens and civil society organizations to form and operate- for example by ensuring that women and marginalized groups can easily come together to influence policy," he said.

Blair added that we have to build on peaceful citizen movements, rather than shutting them down with force. This included realigning aid systems to support citizens directly.

Protecting citizens’ right to assemble in public or private spaces to "express, espouse, and advocate collective interests" was also essential. "This is topical here in the US at the moment and perhaps there are lessons from elsewhere. For example, the Government of Nigeria has created a guide on peaceful protests with the Nigerian police and organizes citizen-police dialogues, working with independent bodies like the National Human Rights Commission," he shared.


Rounding up our group of HackCorruption South East Asia winners is Lexicon BO. They're working... on a platform that flags companies with a history of fraud for procurement officers, law enforcement and CSOs. Their tech platform is aimed at finding people or companies that have verdicts from criminal offences in the area of corruption, #bribery, #fraud, #environmental issues, and international sanctions. The team would also like to use the beneficial ownership data points they gather for deeper research and analysis for stakeholders.

The program, supported by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement at the U.S. Department of State and the USAID Countering Transnational Corruption Grand Challenge for Development, aims to support talented individuals from civic tech, CSO, and activist backgrounds. The South East Asia #hackathon brought together teams from #Malaysia, #Indonesia, and #Thailand to collaborate on anti-corruption tools. The Lab is implementing HackCorruption in partnership with the Center for International Private Enterprise and Development Gateway: An Irex Venture.


🌏 This week's global roundup!

🇿🇼 After a week of masterclasses on how ...artists can influence lawmaking, how to properly promote yourself as an artist, and the nuts and bolts of songwriting and production, Accountability Lab Zimbabwe's 2024 cohort of socially conscious artists just wrapped album recording. Keep an eye on our socials for the album launch!

🇨🇩 Accountability Lab RDC's Civic Action Teams have been hard at work coordinating between Bukavu residents and their municipal leaders. The team has followed up their process of data gathering, reporting their findings to local government leadership, and have now hosted a data findings meeting that identified major problems and compiled a co-created plan for improvement of citizen participation in governance, participatory budget, and the work of newly elected municipal councilors.

🇵🇰 Accountability Lab Pakistan hosted a two-day workshop on the Role of Innovation and Evidence-Based Decision Making for Good Governance. It included knowledge and training on identifying barriers to good decisions, navigating decision traps, incorporating evidence in decision-making, understanding decision-making models, and initiating the change process. Participants got to engage with real-world decision-making scenarios that they might encounter in the course of their work.

🌏 This week's global roundup!

🇿🇼 After a week of classes on how artists can ...influence lawmaking, promote their work, and the nuts and bolts of songwriting and production, @accountlabzw's 2024 cohort of socially conscious artists just wrapped album recording. Album coming soon!

Happening now! 📢

ALZ is hosting an internal knowledge management and organizational ...learning workshop, led by @TsitsiMaradze

The goal is to train our team in best practices for knowledge management and organizational learning. This will help us build a shared understanding…

Integrity Eyes is a #HackCorruption team in Malaysia that is developing a dashboard tracking ...high-value #procurement projects. The tool identifies cost overruns and fund leakages linked to corruption, as well as #cartel influences in appointments.

By advocating for merit-based contractor selection and citizen oversight, the platform aims to address corruption's root causes in the region, helping to ensure that infrastructure projects are completed efficiently and #ethically.

The team is one of 5 winners from HackCorruption South East Asia which the Lab is implementing in partnership with Development Gateway and the Center for Private Enterprise. The program is supported by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement at the U.S. Department of State and the USAID Countering Transnational Corruption Grand Challenge for Development.


Approximately 10 percent of the national budget is allocated to villages in both
Indonesia and ...Thailand, totalling between $30,000 and $100,000 per village annually. But people in those villages often have no information about their budgets or how the money is allocated. Voices4Budget is a HackCorruption South East Asia team that's trying to make local budgets accessible with the development of a website for monitoring and reporting purposes.

Their platform aims to give local communities control over village fund allocations by bringing transparency and accountability into the process.

This program is supported by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement at the U.S. Department of State and the USAID Countering Transnational Corruption Grand Challenge for Development, in partnership with the Center for International Private Enterprise and Development Gateway.


Land Looters is a winning team from #HackCorruption South East Asia that is developing a digital ...platform tackling forced land concessions and acquisitions in Indonesia and Thailand. Many of these cases are driven by corruption in the region.

The team is working closely with communities in both countries in designing a tool offering comprehensive resources that help people push back against land grabs. They are trying to return local wisdom and biodiversity rights to the marginalized and vulnerable populations affected by the scourge.

HackCorruption South East Asia wrapped in Jakarta with our 5 teams agreeing on key milestones as ...they build out innovative anti-corruption tools over the next six months.

Carbonitor is one of our teams fighting #transnational corruption with a dashboard that allows for the nuanced monitoring of carbon offset projects in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. The team tells us in this how they plan to increase confidence and credibility in reputable carbon offset projects through data verification and citizen monitoring. Their objectives are part of solutions we're supporting under the global HackCorruption program that increase transparency in government expenditure in relation to climate change and energy transition interventions.

This program is supported by the U.S. Department of State: Bureau of Intl Narcotics & Law Enforcement (INL) and the USAID Countering Transnational Corruption Grand Challenge for Development, in partnership with the Center for International Private Enterprise and Development Gateway.


As #Kenya battles destructive floods, African leaders met in #Nairobi at the IDA for Africa Heads ...of State Summit. The IDA (International Development Association) is the part of the World Bank that provides grants and low-interest loans to some of the countries most in need. Ministers in Nairobi called for the fund to be increased to $120 billion and for global financial processes that addressed the specific needs of African countries.

In this piece, Open Government Partnership Co-Chair and Co-CEO of Accountability Lab, Blair Glencorse, argues for stronger citizen monitoring to be part of these processes. He highlights the importance of scaling up IDA resources with robust citizen engagement to ensure effective outcomes.

Read the article in The Nation here:

#WorldBank #Africa #CitizenEngagement #Accountability

"The scale-up of #IDA resources for Africa has to be matched with the concomitant growth of ...citizen engagement, or else the #WorldBank will undermine its own effectiveness."
@opengovpart co-chair & AL co-CEO @blairglencorse on #IDA21NAIROBI

Image for twitter card
Quality of WB funding to Africa critical as quantity

As the IDA21 host, the Kenyan government is expected to push for multi-stakeholder platforms like OGP to be central to World Bank decision-making.

🌍 In this week's global roundup!

🇿🇼 Accountability Lab Zimbabwe hosted ...alumni from their Voice2Rep, Accountability Incubator, Integrity Icon, and Film Fellowship programs. It was an opportunity for a diverse range of AL program participants to network, share updates on their work, and connect with the Lab.

🇳🇬 Accountability Lab Nigeria held a 2-day Creative Storytelling Workshop for our fellows, emphasizing the importance of behavioral insights in storytelling, ethical journalism principles, and staying abreast of both traditional and social media dynamics. Fellows were equipped with the essential skills and expertise to thrive during the fellowship period and beyond.

🇳🇵 Accountability Lab Nepal held a 3-day Right to Information (RTI) Youth Camp to introduce them to the importance and usefulness of RTI in promoting social justice and accountability, whilst also highlighting the practical challenges and policy loopholes faced by the RTI practitioners.

#Bokol23 was thee festival. From screening thought-provoking films by our ...fellows, to gaming (courtesy of @GamingHubzw) to grooving to vibrant music by @Voice2RepZW. Lets make a date again this year.
@Mukaradhi1 @MotoRepublik @MagambaNetwork @accountlabzw

As a team, we considered it important to convene a strategy meeting/retreat- taking a step back to ...evaluate our progress, identify challenges, and strategize for the future.

The core objective of the meeting was to bring together team members to chart a way forward towards…