Accountability Lab Nepal was the first of our network labs to open in 2012. The passionate team has run a widely-supported Integrity Icon campaign annually since then and expanded its work in migrant rights and budget transparency through our Civic Action Teams.
Integrity Icon: Our Icons have included Aarati Tharu, a Public Health Inspector at the Nepalgunj Health Post who has shown incredible commitment, especially towards pregnant women in Pyuthan’s remote areas. Dipak Jnawali is Division Head of the Ministry of Tourism, Industry, Forest and Environment in Lumbini Province, Butwal, who ensures that government offices are always accessible by the public and who also creates high levels of trust by encouraging door-to-door visits by his officers to listen to the concerns of the public. Hem Bahadur Ale Magar is Crop Protection Officer at the Agriculture Resource Centre in Okhaldhunga. Hem has played a remarkable role in providing long-term, rigorous training for more than 300 farmers at local farm-schools. Manju Mahat, a 6th Level Officer at the Women, Children and Senior Citizen Section of the Mangalsen Municipality in Achham has played a significant role in decreasing domestic violence, eliminating Chhaupadi (or menstrual taboos), and enhancing children’s leadership skills in the region. Rounding up our group of winners is Dr Nawin Bandhu Pahadi, a teacher at the Neelakantha School in Dhading who has worked hard to ensure education for Dalit and marginalized communities in the area by playing a leadership role in building schools and also upgrading them with national and international collaborations.
Integrity School: The third cohort for the team’s Integrity School was hosted at the Open Gov Hub in Kathmandu. Thirteen young government officials, along with 8 previous fellows, participated in a 3-day training session on practicing integrity through innovation, values-shifting and trendsetting. Around 100 guests from varied sectors were also present to celebrate the participants’ graduation from the previous cohort
Civic Action Teams: Working with communities to close the loop on accountability challenges related to the inclusion, earthquakes, migration and budget expenditures. For the past few years, AL Nepal has been growing its work in the field of migration, and has seen increasing evidence of how local governments are starting to take migration issues in their communities more seriously. AL Nepal has also spearheaded the Gov-Her-Nance and Climate Justice Fellowship campaigns under Civic Action Teams.
Accountability Incubator: Recruitment for the next cohort is focused on participation, inclusion, digital governance and environmental accountability.
Film School for Women: Training and supporting young women in filmmaking and visual storytelling on accountability and good governance issues.
OpenGovHub (Kathmandu): A fully-equipped co-working, community and innovation space.
Gov-HER-Nance: A Feminist Approach to Governance, Accountability, and Climate Justice
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‘When people with integrity begin to rise, corruption fails’
By Eresh Omar Jamal Narayan Adhikari is Nepal country director and co-founder and Sanjeeta Pant is programmes and learning manager at Accountability Lab. In a conversation with Eresh Omar Jamal of The Daily Star, they discuss [...]
Ways to commit to democracy in Nepal
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