
Data literacy: A tool for change in Nepal

By Bikin Ghimire, Soni Khanal and Nitee Shrestha As strong advocates and supporters of the country’s open data movement, we at the Accountability Lab were thrilled to learn about the “100-hour Nepal Data Literacy Program” organized by the World Bank in 2019 and jumped at the opportunity to learn about data literacy. As World Bank Country Director for Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, Faris Hadad-Zervos noted, the program was designed to sustainably transfer data literacy skills to stakeholders in Nepal and build an enabling environment for evidence-based policymaking and strengthening federalism in the country. The training program helped participants build a [...]

2021-03-09T09:48:06+00:009th March 2021|

Learning to Transform Governance in the Philippines

Learning to Transform Governance in the Philippines By: Blair Glencorse, Accountability Lab Executive Director. Last week I was part of the latest Making All Voices Count (MAVC) learning event in Manila—which brought together about 60 of the initiative’s grantees, researchers, technologists and other stakeholders to reflect on the theme of “transformative governance”. The first point to make is that as a learning event—with a real emphasis on reflecting, sharing and improving what we do, it was the best workshop I’ve been to in a long time. The content, team and process kept me fully engaged from start to finish and I [...]

2016-02-15T00:00:00+00:0015th February 2016|

Validating Liberia’s Open Government Partnership National Action Plan

By: Meghan Schneider, Accountability Lab Liberia Summer Design Resident. This blog post was originally published by Open Government Partnership. On June 12, 2015 the Republic of Liberia convened a Stakeholders’ Interactive Forum to Validate the Open Government Partnership Action Plan at the Ministry of Information (MICAT). Participants included members of the OGP Steering Committee who came from various counties, as well as representatives from various civil society organizations and government ministries. The Honorable Andrew G. Temeh, Deputy Minister of Administration at MICAT and the OGP Focal Person, gave an overview of the OGP’s 2015-2016 Action Plan. After the overview, participants were [...]

2015-07-13T00:00:00+00:0013th July 2015|

Access to information: Bridging the digital divide in Africa

This post was originally published by The Guardian. By Loren Treisman  Technology has increased the speed and reach of information but how do you get to communities that are offline or illiterate? Loren Treisman counts the ways With only 7% of Africans online, what are the low-tech ways to increase access to information? Photograph: Stephane De Sakutin/AFP With all the excitement about the role of technology in contributing to social change and improved development outcomes across Africa, it is easy to forget that only 7% of the continent's inhabitants are online. While mobile phone usage is widespread at 72%, [...]

2014-01-24T00:00:00+00:0024th January 2014|
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