From Local Visionaries to Global Changemakers: The Evolution of Accountability Incubator and Civic Charge

By Kibo Ngowi The Accountability Incubator emerged out of a vision to train and support young people with innovative ideas around accountability, participation and open government to build sustainable, effective tools for change. In the decade that AL has run the Incubator, we've had more than 300 accountapreneurs from over a dozen countries go through the program. The initiatives we’ve supported run the gamut from integrity watch groups at primary schools; to building networks of music artists pushing for integrity; to tools using blockchain to secure elections.  AL Programs & Learning Manager Jaco Roets has been at the forefront of [...]

2024-04-19T16:40:09+00:0015th January 2024|

Eco-Leaders: Fostering Youth Leadership in Climate Change Mitigation Through Capacity Building and Collective Action

Safdar Hussain came to IDSP 22 years ago with a degree in computer science and a vision to uplift the local communities, looking for support and guidance to realize his vision. Recognizing the potential of Safdar's vision, a symbiotic alliance was forged. It was not merely about providing resources but fostering an ecosystem where ideas could germinate and flourish. The result of this collaboration stands tall today in the shape of the University of Community Development (UCD), sprawled across eight acres, a testament to the boundless possibilities that emerge when vision gets the required support and appreciation. The story of [...]

2024-04-19T16:38:34+00:008th January 2024|

Building Sustainable Cities: The Role of Accountability in Socio-Ecological Systems

Cities are made up of intricate systems with many interconnected elements such as transportation, housing, water, waste, politics, and health. The interaction of these elements can yield transformative outcomes, like establishing health centers fostering job opportunities and educational growth. Conversely, it can also introduce challenges, such as industrial activities adversely impacting the water supply. Despite the seemingly boundless complexities inherent in cities, sustainability is essential. Therefore, it is vital to cultivate accountable cities where decision-makers are aware of their impact and answerable to the citizens they affect. This accountability, rooted in transparency and responsiveness, becomes the linchpin for building trust [...]

2024-04-19T16:37:39+00:002nd January 2024|

Substance abuse in Zimbabwe – a Civic Action Teams report

Despite the classification of drug and substance abuse in Zimbabwe as a matter of national disaster, instances of drug and substance abuse are on the rise in Zimbabwe and set to stay on this trajectory till 20230. The Zimbabwe Government’s resolve in addressing Drugs and Substance Abuse, as seen through laws, regulations, and a National Drug Master Plan, is commendable. Accountability Lab through its Civic Action Teams (CivActs) identified community concerns and recommendations on alleviating the challenges around Drugs and Substance Abuse. It also conducted hearings with different government officials and parliament. These conversations and research processes showed that there [...]

2024-04-19T16:36:54+00:0019th December 2023|

How can business startups build policy influence in Pakistan?

By Nida Qasim Khan General overview of the Pakistani start-up ecosystem According to the Pakistan Startup Ecosystem Report 2019, business start-up activity increased significantly between 2012 and 2019. In 2012, there were only two major incubators and no notable funding sources or investors. However, 2019 saw an increase of 24 major incubators/accelerators, 20 formal investors/ funding sources and 80 co-working spaces in Pakistan, as well as the launch of National Incubation Centers (NICs). The report also noted that funding and support to startups have significantly increased since 2012, via the government, private and corporate sectors. In Pakistan, start-up culture and entrepreneurship [...]

2021-03-31T11:55:22+00:0031st March 2021|

Making most out of a chamber membership – revisiting advocacy & policy work of chambers of commerce in Pakistan

By Qazi Kabir Ahmed Hashmi Context: Accountability Lab conducted Business Accountability Bootcamps across four cities in the month of October, and hosted 95 entrepreneurs from all over Pakistan, to encourage them in the direction of ethical and sustainable business practices. We covered several key points in these bootcamps including the benefits of ethical business via case studies, the benefits of OGP in Pakistan’s context, as well the importance of building trust between customers, businesses, and the government. However, we found that there was a general lack of understanding about the role of chambers of commerce and the usefulness of becoming a member [...]

2022-11-10T06:46:25+00:0031st March 2021|

Who Is Philly’s Integrity Icon?

BY JESSICA BLATT PRESS Remember March? Before the world imploded, back on March 2nd, The Citizen announced the launch of Integrity Icon, a contest in partnership SEAMAAC, WURD Radio, United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey, and D.C.-based Accountability Lab to name the publicly-paid workers in Philly who show the highest amount of integrity in their jobs. We called for citizens to submit their nominations. Then, we asked a panel of judges to review them, and narrow down the candidates to just five. DO SOMETHING Vote The judges were appointed based on their own levels of integrity. There was Michael O’Bryan, an expert in community [...]

2021-03-31T11:46:08+00:0020th January 2021|

Abren convocatoria a ‘Integrity Icon Sustentabilidad’ en México

A través de una conferencia virtual se abrió oficialmente la convocatoria de la primera edición de Integrity Icon Sustentabilidad en México, en apoyo a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU, mediante la cual se busca reconocer y destacar la labor de servidores públicos honestos, que se desempeñen en instancias de sustentabilidad y medio ambiente a nivel federal, estatal y local. Integrity Icon es una campaña global de Accountability Lab que está impulsada por ciudadanos en busca de funcionarios gubernamentales honestos. Su objetivo es generar un debate en torno a la idea de integridad y demostrar la importancia de la honestidad y la responsabilidad personal. [...]

2021-03-31T11:52:58+00:0030th December 2020|
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