
Inclusivity in action: transforming information access in Mali

Mali has been entrenched in a severe security and social crisis for over a decade, where misinformation has emerged as a potent disruptor, dividing communities through fear and mistrust. As information spreads more rapidly than ever before, the importance of ensuring access to reliable, verifiable information cannot be overstated. It is within this challenging context that the USAID Basiki ni Tagne Kunafoni (BTK) project was conceived. Supported by USAID Mali and executed by a consortium led by Pact, including Code for Africa and Accountability Lab Mali, the BTK project brings hope for a more informed Mali. The Importance of the BTK Project The BTK [...]

2025-01-13T14:11:21+00:0017th December 2024|

Mali’s Youth Take the Lead on Inclusive Education Advocacy

By Zeinabou Walet Mohamed Ali In Mali, critical issues such as insecurity and climate change are hampering the successful implementation of educational strategies. Socio-cultural constraints are leading to a depressingly low level of girls' education, as demonstrated by a 2018 UNESCO study which highlighted that only 37% of girls were enrolled in secondary school compared to 44% of boys. As a result, only a third of women are able to decipher a simple sentence, compared with 80% of men. I recently had the opportunity to participate in a consultative day with young leaders involved in educational issues in Mali aimed [...]

2023-10-10T10:16:28+00:009th October 2023|

Training to Transformation: The Sahel’s Youth in Political Leadership and Conflict Resolution

By Zeinabou Walet Mohamed Ali    Faced with security challenges and a shrinking civic and democratic space in the Sahel, young people have expressed a strong desire to increase their political leadership and participation in democratic decision-making processes as well as efforts aimed at conflict prevention in their countries. Countries such as Mali - characterized by political crises, corruption and a deep disconnect between the will of the people and the decisions made by those in power - face major political and security challenges. The Sahel region has now become a space in reconstruction, where it is crucial for young people [...]

2023-10-05T12:40:21+00:0030th September 2023|

Plus de redevabilité pour bâtir un Mali meilleur

Par Zeina Mohamed Ali Récemment AL Mali Lab a organisé une journée de réflexion pour s’approprier la stratégie globale du Lab et dégager une feuille de route pour identifier ce que l’on peut faire pour mieux s'orienter en prenant en compte le contexte  Malien.  En effet, cette journée de réflexion initiée le jeudi 16 février dernier a permis au personnel de AL Mali d'élaborer sa propre stratégie en prenant en compte les grands axes stratégiques déclinés dans la stratégie globale. Cette stratégie nous permettra de structurer nos domaines d’intervention sur les trois prochaines années de 2023 à 2026. Au cours [...]

2023-04-26T08:13:40+00:0025th April 2023|

Women changing the world through film

By Zeina Walet I am Zeinabou Walet Mohamed Ali, a young woman with a passion for women's empowerment and youth leadership, which I explore in the different communities I work with in Mali. Originally from the region of Timbuktu, I have been immersed in the realities and needs of these communities as I traveled all over the country. My journeys have taken me all the way up to the refugee camp of Mberra in Mauritania, and I have been aware of the challenges faced by these populations since my youth. Among these is the lack of women's participation in democratic [...]

2023-03-13T13:08:27+00:0027th February 2023|

Mali: Accountability Lab Country Director, Doussouba Konaté, honored following her visit to the Obama Foundation Democracy Forum

Accountability Lab Mali's Country Director, Ms. Doussouba Konaté, shared a panel with former US President Barack Obama on November 17, 2022 in Washington as part of the Obama Foundation's Democracy Forum. On December 8, 2022, a press lunch was organized in his honor by Accountability Lab Mali. During this lunch, the press and other guests were entitled to the intervention of Doussouba Konaté in English. Very comfortable and with a great knowledge of the realities that undermine Africa, particularly the Sahel, Doussouba Konaté succeeded in convincing the former American president, Barack Obama, and all the participants of the Forum, who have several [...]

2022-12-14T10:20:56+00:0014th December 2022|

How The US Can Support Democracy By Countering Disinformation In The Sahel

By Doussouba Konaté Instability in the Sahel is driven by disinformation. Alongside the growing militancy on the ground, there is a concurrent information war being fought to win the support of citizens. Jihadist groups spread anti-government and anti-foreign messages that find fertile ground in a region where governance has always been weak. Meanwhile, it is well known that state actors- primarily Russia- push disinformation in the region in order to undermine Western efforts to support democracy and good governance. This includes highly sophisticated efforts, derived from military psychological operations, to target and influence key sections of the population- and it [...]

2022-11-15T12:09:24+00:0015th November 2022|

President Biden is Hosting a Summit of African Leaders – Governance in the Sahel Must Be a Priority

By Doussouba Konaté BAMAKO, Nov 11 2022 (IPS) - The upcoming Africa Leaders’ Summit– slated to take place in Washington, DC in December- is well-timed. The Biden administration has made a welcome and significant push over the past two years to support democracy, anti-corruption and peace-building around the world- and in Africa in particular. From the Summit for Democracy to the new Sub-Saharan Africa and Countering Corruption strategies- policies and practices within the US government have shifted in ways that can support much needed reforms across the continent. It is in the Sahel where many of the biggest challenges remain- and these should be a priority during the [...]

2022-11-14T09:59:43+00:0013th November 2022|

Doussouba Konaté appointed as interim Country Director for Accountability Lab Mali

Washington DC, 5 August 2022 - We’re proud to announce that Doussouba Konaté has been appointed as the interim Country Director for Accountability Lab Mali. Doussouba has been an essential part of the Lab’s global family for four years, having first joined in 2018 as a Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Officer for AL Mali and Niger. She later joined the AL Global team in 2020 as a Program Officer, supporting the programming in Mali, Niger, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Guinea-Bissau. Doussouba holds a Master's Degree in International Relations from the University of Montreal and returned to Mali after many [...]

2022-08-05T12:52:10+00:005th August 2022|

Five Things We’re Doing To Fight Back Against Closing Civic Space In West Africa

By Kibo Ngowi West Africa is a rich and diverse part of the world-spanning 16 countries and boasting an estimated population of close to 400 million people. Accountability Lab has deep roots in the region, having established our second network Lab in Liberia back in 2013, only a year after the organization’s birth in Nepal. We’ve since opened more Labs in Niger, Nigeria and Mali and with the support of Observatório da Democracia e Governança we’ve rolled out our Virtual Incubator program in Guinea-Bissau as well. These efforts are a response to the governance and stability challenges in the region [...]

2022-07-06T11:02:58+00:004th July 2022|
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