
Gang of cheerleaders!

Last week, the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) organised an event to celebrate Pakistan Day with emphasis on media’s role in the society. One of their main conclusions: Pakistan’s media is responsible for spreading doom and gloom in the society. The FPCCI is not alone in its critique. It is joined by many who sit in corporate offices, civil society organisations, cabinet division, government secretariats, and establishment circles alike. They are the kind of people who would probably echo Steven Pinker’s latest book “Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress.” In that book, [...]

2018-03-28T00:00:00+00:0028th March 2018|

Introducing Integrity Idol Nigeria!

By Odeh Friday, Country Director, Nigeria Integrity Idol is a global TV and radio campaign to "name and fame" honest government officials. Active in Nepal since 2014, Integrity Idol has now spread across the world and I am pleased to announce that we'll soon be launching Integrity Idol Nigeria! The reach and impact of Integrity Idol so far have been incredible- we've put together an infographic below which explains the process and you can read more about the campaign in recent Guardian, CNN and NPR articles. Do you know an honest government official in Nigeria? Nominate them now at www.integrityidol.org and reach out to me at: [email protected] for more information [...]

2017-08-03T00:00:00+00:003rd August 2017|

What’s the Best Way to Encourage Business Integrity?

By: Blair Glencorse, Executive Director of Accountability Lab. This blog post was originally published by GE Reports. To achieve accountability, businesses need to foster a culture of integrity. In recent years, significant efforts have been made to create global rules to prevent businesses from taking part in corruption, from the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the UK’s Bribery Act to the UN Convention Against Corruption. This is continuing to gain interest among policy makers, including the G8 and G20, while additional frameworks are being put in place to prevent tax evasion and related activities through which corporate interests can undermine the public [...]

2016-04-06T00:00:00+00:006th April 2016|

5 Things We Learned at the Global Innovation Competition 2015

By: Narayan Adhikari, South Asia Representative, and Fayyaz Yaseen, Pakistan Ambassador, for the Accountability Lab. Last month, Narayan and Fayyaz took part in the finals of the Global Innovation Competition (GIC) 2015. In this blog, originally published by Making All Voices Count, they reflect on the GIC process, the people they met, and the lessons learned.  Narayan Adhikari and Fayyaz Yaseen from Accountability Lab Hundreds of individuals and organisations from around the world applied to Making All Voices Count’s Global Innovation Competition, and we were thrilled to be one of the ten selected finalists to take part in the week long mentorship and pitching programme in [...]

2015-05-04T00:00:00+00:004th May 2015|
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