
Integrity Idol: Using fame to fight corruption in Mali

By: Charlotte Renfield-Miller. This blog post was originally published by IREX. Since the coup in 2012, Mali has been plagued by corruption, which has hindered the government’s ability to combat terrorism. Mandela Washington Fellow Kondo Moussa is having none of it—and he’s fighting back against corruption by turning honest leaders into rock stars with Integrity Idol. Mali established a constitutional government in early 2014, but the country faces difficulty in uniting its factions and establishing peace. The government is led by a small political elite driven primarily by self-interest. For example, President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta was accused of corruption during his [...]

2017-02-24T00:00:00+00:0024th February 2017|

Opening governance with a new generation in Liberia

By: Blair Glencorse and Heather Gilberds. This blog post was originally published by Making All Voices Count. This week, as the Open Government Partnership holds its 2016 summit in Paris, there will be many reflections on how to improve the ways that governments interact with citizens, and how to ensure that citizen voices and priorities are incorporated in policy-making. Under President Sirleaf, the Government of Liberia has worked to open up government and put in place organisations and mechanisms to support accountability. As part of the work funded by our Making All Voices Count research and learning grant, the Accountability [...]

2016-12-05T00:00:00+00:005th December 2016|
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