
Nepal’s earthquake disaster: Two years and $4.1bn later

By: Narayan Adhikari. This article was originally published by Al Jazeera. Despite the billions pledged, the majority of Nepalis affected by the earthquake still don't have proper housing. The Nepalese government demolished the only earthquake shelter in Kathmandu, where hundreds sought temporary sanctuary after the 2015 earthquake [EPA/Narendra Shrestha]   On April 25, 2015, a powerful earthquake killed nearly 9,000 people and destroyed more than 824,000 homes in Nepal. Shortly after, the country's Reconstruction Authority published a vision for "well-planned resilient settlements and a prosperous society". But it is clearly falling short of that goal because of poor coordination between government [...]

2017-04-25T00:00:00+00:0025th April 2017|

Two Years Since the Nepal Earthquakes & A Chance to Maximize Your Impact

Two years ago the first of several devastating earthquakes hit Nepal, killing over 9,000 people and destroying almost a million homes. Today, exactly 2 years later, barely 5% of the destroyed houses have been rebuilt. Hundreds of thousands of people still struggle to get by in temporary housing, many without clean water or any public services. Since the day after the first earthquake, we've been running Citizen Helpdesks in the worst affected areas, deploying hundreds of community volunteers to monitor and improve the earthquake response and close the loop on accountability problems. And it's working. To date we've reached over 70,000 people in [...]

2017-04-25T00:00:00+00:0025th April 2017|

Let the young people tell their stories: Accountability through Visual Storytelling

By: Surath Giri, Co-Founder and Director of Onion Films Nepal and an Accountability Lab 'Accountapreneur'.  It all started with a conversation over a cup of coffee in October 2013. Narayan Adhikari was trying to build an organization to promote accountability and good governance in Nepal by catalyzing local change makers. Govinda and I were creating a network of young, independent filmmakers by training aspiring filmmakers in visual storytelling. We discussed each other's work and the potential for collaboration. "How about teaching your young filmmakers about accountability and encouraging them to make short movies on related issues?" Narayan proposed. "We can provide you the necessary [...]

2016-10-03T00:00:00+00:003rd October 2016|

One year working to close the feedback loop

By: Sara Rodriguez, Accountability Lab Resident in Nepal One year after I joined the Mobile Citizens Helpdesk (MCHD) team and one and a half years after two massive earthquakes changed the lives of thousands of Nepalis, I visited two of the fourteen districts MCHD works within, Kavre and Sindhupalchowk. Sadly, the scene hasn't changed much since the disaster. Mountains of rubble, temporary shelters made of CGI sheets and wood, and poor communal toilets still dot the landscape in these districts that were among the hardest hit and where we’ve worked since June 2015. While the rebuilding process is indeed slow, the [...]

2016-09-22T00:00:00+00:0022nd September 2016|

Nuwakot: Land Of Dreamers And Healers

By: Brittany Wait, Visual Storytelling Fellow in Nepal Walk with me... ...through Kharanitar, a rural village in the Nuwakot district of Nepal still rebuilding after the 2015 earthquakes. We spent two days working alongside Nepali nonprofit, Visible Impact, educating 15 local girls on accountability and activism. One of our accountapreneurs, Medha Sharma, its president and CEO, and her associate Sharmila Acharya, took Samita and I along with them. After an eventful ride, in which got stuck in mud and had to move boulders from a recent flash flood out of the way, we arrived. There, we met our colleague Suresh Chand and [...]

2016-09-09T00:00:00+00:009th September 2016|

Six Essential Principles for High Impact Leadership

By: Kate Hayes. This blog post was originally published by Echoing Green. At Echoing Green, we firmly believe that having a set of guiding values is essential to living a life that’s right for you and good for the world. But it’s one thing to know these values and principles, and another thing to fully live them as employees and volunteers. When it comes to how leadership is viewed and used, there are some lessons that Echoing Green has learned as we’ve supported people working across sectors to tackle the world’s most pressing issues. We apply what we’ve learned to [...]

2016-06-15T00:00:00+00:0015th June 2016|

One Year On: Learning from Feedback After the Earthquake in Nepal

By: Marc Maxmeister, GlobalGiving Innovation Consultant; Narayan Adhikari, Accountability Lab Nepal Country Representative, and Pranav Budhathoki, Local Interventions Group Executive Director. This blog post was originally published on GlobalGiving's Tools + Training blog. Accountability Lab is a recipient of our 2015 Feedback Fund. Recently they shared these insights with us. In April of 2015, twin earthquakes in Nepal killed over 8,000 people and displaced almost 3 million more. Accountability Lab and Local Interventions Group mobilized our youth networks into what we called Mobile Citizen Helpdesks. These helpdesks of 5 to 10 volunteers worked with communities across the 14 worst affected districts to gather immediate feedback from [...]

2016-04-27T00:00:00+00:0027th April 2016|

How politics got in the way of needed Nepal earthquake relief

One year ago, the first of two massive earthquakes ripped through Nepal, killing more than 8,000 people. Some $4 billion of assistance was pledged to the rebuilding effort, but political gridlock and corruption have left the displaced survivors to largely fend for themselves. Special correspondent Fred de Sam Lazaro reports in partnership with the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting. HARI SREENIVASAN: But, first, one year ago today, a massive earthquake shook Nepal, killing more than 8,000 people. Some $4 billion dollars of assistance was pledged, but the rebuilding has been hampered by rugged conditions, poverty, and politics. Special correspondent Fred [...]

2016-04-25T00:00:00+00:0025th April 2016|

One year later, rebuilding lags in quake-hit Nepal – aid groups

By: Sebastien Malo. This blog post was originally published by Thomson Reuters Foundation. A year after a deadly earthquake flattened cities and villages in Nepal, rebuilding efforts must be speeded up to lift millions of survivors out of misery, aid groups said on Wednesday. Reconstruction is just getting underway in many areas of the tiny Himalayan nation, and some three million people are living in temporary shelters with tarpaulin roofs, according to Save the Children, CARE International and others. The earthquake that struck on April 25, 2015 killed some 9,000 people and injured more than 22,000 others, according to the [...]

2016-04-21T00:00:00+00:0021st April 2016|

One Year On: Responding to Disaster in Nepal with Echoing Green

  By: Blair Glencorse, founder of Accountability Lab, and Pranav Budhathoki, founder of Local Interventions Group, are Echoing Green Fellows working in Nepal. Follow their work on Twitter: @accountlab and @LIGintl. This article was originally published by HuffPost Impact.   Like so many others in Nepal, Butti Gyalbo Taamangni suffered heartbreak after the devastating twin earthquakes that struck the Himalayan country last April, which killed over 8,000 people and displaced almost 3 million more. She lost her husband during the first quake, a loss compounded by two other critical problems. He was the only wage-earner in the family, so her income [...]

2016-04-21T00:00:00+00:0021st April 2016|
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