
[Webinar] Creative Youth Approaches to trust during Covid19

The Accountability Lab and the Ford Foundation co-hosted a discussion on April 29 around how young people and agile organizations in East and West Africa are ensuring accountability and trust within responses to the coronavirus pandemic. We extend our gratitude to Michael Katagaya (Evidence and Methods Lab), Nerima Wako-Ojiwa (Siasa Place) and Odeh Friday (Accountability Lab Nigeria) for participating in a dynamic conversation. AL's Learning Director Cheri-Leigh Erasmus moderated the webinar and sums up a few of its key points here.   LISTEN TO THE RECORDING Participants from across Africa joined in a robust discussion the ways in which organizations have had to [...]

2020-07-07T19:34:45+00:001st May 2020|

5 steps to curtail corruption in Pakistan

By: Pakistan Representative Fayyaz Yaseen and Executive Director Blair Glencorse. This blog post was originally published by the World Economic Forum. “What kind of Pakistan do we want for our children?”, a civil society activist asked recently. “It has to be an inclusive state which is fair, honest and open to everyone.” The promise of this future lies in an entire generation standing-up for accountability and holding those in power responsible for their actions. This is not easy, of course, but it is essential- and it can be done in Pakistan as it can in other countries in South Asia and beyond. At the [...]

2016-05-20T00:00:00+00:0020th May 2016|
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