Five ways to make regional collaborations meaningful

Accountability Lab Nepal (ALN) and Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF) are collaborating to promote youth engagement in democracy in Nepal and Bangladesh, respectively. The goal is to build and strengthen diverse and pluralistic networks of youth leaders through targeted support, collective learning and shared best practices to strengthen democracy.  This blog is based on a joint reflection between the program implementation teams during a learning exchange visit from Nepal to Bangladesh and summarizes the value of meaningful collaborations.This blog also highlights how young people from Nepal and Bangladesh uniquely catalyze their role to strengthen democracies, advance social changes and support innovation.  [...]

2023-08-14T12:08:06+00:0018th July 2023|

Practical Ways CSOs Can Manage Closing Civic Space

Civic space has been closing everywhere for a long time - from the UK to Mexico to Zimbabwe - and represents, along with the corruption that accompanies it, one of the biggest threats to democracy everywhere. For citizens, and particularly for those of us interested in free, open societies, this can be an existential threat - not a day passes without protesters being killed, journalists going missing or activists being murdered. For a translocal network like Accountability Lab this is also a question of survival, so we are doing everything we can to understand how we can proactively manage the [...]

2022-07-28T11:42:12+00:0013th July 2022|

Talking Accountability in Alaska: THE Biggest Challenge for Sustainable Tourism

By: Blair Glencorse, Executive Director of the Accountability Lab I was lucky enough to attend my first Adventure Travel World Summit in Anchorage in September, and what a trip it was — full of incredible people, ideas and conversations. Coming from the non-profit rather than tourism world, it was a huge learning experience for me. The ATTA and its members play a critical role in pushing for responsible stewardship of our planet through support for sustainable tourism. I knew before I landed that accountability and corruption issues were a massive problem in the tourism industry. I’ve seen that first hand [...]

2016-10-05T00:00:00+00:005th October 2016|

Where are we with the learning agenda in Nepal?

By: Samita Thapa, Accountability Lab Resident in Nepal At Accountability Lab, learning is an important part of our work; we see our role as trying new approaches, testing new ideas and then sharing the learning from those efforts with the larger development community both in Nepal and beyond. Last month, we held a Learning Event at the OpenGov Hub Kathmandu to see how others were thinking about learning too and collectively share ideas about how we can all improve what we do. In Nepal, learning tends to refer to a theatre-style, one-way communication through which one party teaches and the [...]

2016-09-30T00:00:00+00:0030th September 2016|

4 Principles of Collaborative Movement-building

Photo credit: Transparency International Indonesia By: Victoria Forsgate, Accountability Lab's Indonesia Country Representative. Today’s young people are some of the most connected and committed activists for accountability, transparency and citizen engagement we’ve seen for generations. In recent months, I’ve been scoping how Accountability Lab could support young people to build collaborative movements for change in Indonesia, where 26% of the population are 15-30 years old (that’s a massive 62 million people) and addressing corruption is increasingly a decisive issue for voters at election time. Connecting with youth activists, youth-led organisations and anti-corruption activists here has been inspiring, challenging [...]

2016-08-15T00:00:00+00:0015th August 2016|
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