
Letting the Sunshine in: Building Inclusive, Accountable, and Equitable Climate Finance Ecosystems

Development Gateway: An IREX Venture and the Thai Youth Anti-Corruption Network convened a Bangkok roundtable on climate finance, highlighting the need for inclusive governance and transparency. Authors Tom Orrell, Kelley Sams, Kobchart Jaraswimol, and Stevie Harison discuss the complexities and stress the importance of youth involvement in shaping equitable solutions. In late April 2024, Development Gateway: An IREX Venture, together with the Thai Youth Anti-Corruption Network, organized an invite-only roundtable in Bangkok, Thailand to discuss how to efficiently and effectively use climate financing, which is money committed for activities to mitigate or adapt to the impacts of climate change. Participants [...]

Why climate finance needs greater transparency and accountability

We face an existential poly-crisis related to energy, debt, food, climate, health, and security. Collective action is needed to address these challenges and to build global support for the green accountability agenda. The role of international financial institutions (IFIs) like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is critical to promoting transparency in climate finance and addressing the inherent corruption risks. But the quantity of their funding is just one element of this- the quality of that funding is equally as important but is largely missing from policy debates around these issues.  Progress Multinational Development Banks (MDBs) have [...]

2023-08-14T12:10:39+00:001st August 2023|

Greening social accountability for climate finance

Written by Louise Cord, Aly Rahim, Ann-Sofie Jespersen, and Michael Jarvis Global spending on climate change is nearing US$1 trillion annually. To optimize the benefit of these climate investments, transparency, equity, and inclusion must be at the heart of climate finance decision-making. We need green accountability – an approach recognizing that effectively addressing the climate crisis requires harnessing the insights and agency of those most affected by climate impacts. In developing countries where a sevenfold increase in climate finance is needed, green accountability calls for systemic ways for people to have a voice and role in climate decisions that most impact their [...]

2023-05-12T16:20:59+00:0012th May 2023|
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