
Yuguelito: Housing, Self-Governance & Accountability

Access to decent housing is emerging as one of Mexico's significant global challenges. This is especially true after the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw increased speculation and a wave of global north digital nomads that favored the country's urban centers. However, the housing crisis is not a new issue. In Mexico, housing is deemed a private investment opportunity and not a right. Existing public policies aren’t focused on providing housing, but instead, they’re focused on favoring the real estate market. While it is true that decades ago, large social housing projects were put in place, and public policies focused on granting [...]

2024-06-27T11:46:33+00:0027th June 2024|

Yuguelito: Vivienda, Autogestión y Rendición de Cuentas

El acceso a una vivienda digna se perfila como uno de los grandes retos del futuro en México y el mundo, especialmente tras la pandemia COVID-19, en la que lo que ya se pronosticaba para el mercado inmobiliario, ocurrió de forma acelerada por el incremento de, entre otros factores, la especulación y la ola de nómadas digitales del norte global que favorecieron el proceso de gentrificación de los centros urbanos del país. Pero la crisis de la vivienda no es nueva en un país donde las políticas públicas existentes no están centradas en el derecho a la vivienda, sino que [...]

2024-06-27T10:51:08+00:0027th June 2024|

Three diverse days of our Integrity Innovation Lab in Belize

We recently collaborated with the Love Foundation, the Ministry of Public Service, and the US Embassy to organize an integrity training and friend-raiser event in Belize. The event was designed to equip participants with essential skills and strategies to promote good governance and accountability in Belize. The training was led by Jaco Roets, Programs and Learning Manager at Accountability Lab, and brought together a diverse group of participants, including accountapreneurs, government reformers, and mentors. According to Jaco, the training program aimed to promote the principles of good governance, policies, and project management. "Networking is not just about giving a quick [...]

2024-04-23T16:14:20+00:0016th April 2024|

APPEL A CANDIDATURE Bourse des Artistes-Activistes du Voice2Rep

Accountability Lab met la gouvernance au service des citoyens du monde entier en soutenant les citoyens actifs, les dirigeants responsables et les institutions responsables. Nous ré-imaginons la manière de renforcer la redevabilité pour soutenir un monde dans lequel les ressources sont utilisées de manière judicieuse, les décisions profitent à tous de manière équitable et les gens mènent une vie sûre.  Les Labs sont des entités indépendantes et constituées en un réseau translocal avec des bureaux dans 11 pays à travers le monde. Nous disposons d’une équipe de plus de 100 personnes dans ces différents pays, qui sont liées par un [...]

2024-04-19T16:31:25+00:0022nd March 2024|

APPEL A CANDIDATURE Bourse des Artistes-Activistes du Film Fellowship

Accountability Lab met la gouvernance au service des citoyens du monde entier en soutenant les citoyens actifs, les dirigeants responsables et les institutions responsables. Nous ré-imaginons la manière de renforcer la redevabilité pour soutenir un monde dans lequel les ressources sont utilisées de manière judicieuse, les décisions profitent à tous de manière équitable et les gens mènent une vie sûre. Les Labs sont des entités indépendantes et constituées en un réseau translocal avec des bureaux dans 11 pays à travers le monde. Nous disposons d’une équipe de plus de 100 personnes dans ces différents pays, qui sont liées par un [...]

2024-03-25T10:38:32+00:0022nd March 2024|

Unlocking Queer voices in South Africa

Queer Voices Unlocked (QVU) is inspired by Accountability Lab’s Integrity Icon campaign, honoring exemplary public servants by naming and faming them. QVU spotlights exceptional LGBTQI+ public servants championing positive change, breaking down barriers, and advocating for inclusivity. Celebrating their unwavering commitment to Queer rights, these role models tirelessly work towards visibility and representation at all levels of the public service. Our five winners, spanning diverse government departments, are featured in documentary films and podcasts. Led by and for the Queer community, this project aims to inspire people, foster understanding, and promote LGBTQI+ rights, leading to a more inclusive society. Why [...]

2024-04-19T16:35:13+00:0028th February 2024|

Building Sustainable Cities: The Role of Accountability in Socio-Ecological Systems

Cities are made up of intricate systems with many interconnected elements such as transportation, housing, water, waste, politics, and health. The interaction of these elements can yield transformative outcomes, like establishing health centers fostering job opportunities and educational growth. Conversely, it can also introduce challenges, such as industrial activities adversely impacting the water supply. Despite the seemingly boundless complexities inherent in cities, sustainability is essential. Therefore, it is vital to cultivate accountable cities where decision-makers are aware of their impact and answerable to the citizens they affect. This accountability, rooted in transparency and responsiveness, becomes the linchpin for building trust [...]

2024-04-19T16:37:39+00:002nd January 2024|

Pakistan’s labor quandary: comprehensive reforms and human rights protection needed

Labor Day is celebrated on May 1st and commemorates the 1886 Haymarket Affair in Chicago, United States of America, where many workers lost their lives fighting for eight-hour workdays. In response to this historical event, Pakistan has adopted this day as a public holiday. Every year, newspapers across the country display a picture of a laborer carrying bricks in the scorching heat, a kiln worker with a miserable expression, a security guard on the brink of exhaustion, or a sanitary worker staring at the camera lens with lifeless eyes. However, although it is a widely recognized holiday, most daily-wage laborers [...]

2023-12-18T16:33:24+00:0012th December 2023|

Youth-Led Initiatives and the Future of Democracy: A Conversation with McDonald Lewanika

Governments and institutions have a crucial role in supporting and empowering young people in their efforts to promote democratic change and innovation. International Democracy Day Brussels is an annual event that gathers organizations and experts to celebrate democracy and discuss its challenges. The theme for this year is ‘Empowering the next generation,’ focusing on young people’s essential role in advancing democracy and ensuring their voices are included in decisions that profoundly impact their world. In this year's event, McDonald Lewanika, the Regional Director for East and Southern Africa at Accountability Lab, shared his insights on youth-led initiatives, the state of [...]

2023-12-18T16:05:55+00:0020th November 2023|

Transforming Transparency: How HackCorruption Winners Could Revolutionize Government Procurement in Namibia

One of our first winning HackCorruption teams has local municipalities interested in their winning idea - an online procurement tool that fights corruption. Looking at government institutions in Namibia, Amon Peter, Baptista Joao, Farida Junior Kyababa, Linda McLeod, and Saudai Sapi created a product that enables a transparent view of the procurement process—allowing both government officials and the public to have a complete overview of the awarding of contracts. It's just over a year since their victory, and we caught up with Farida and Saudi to learn the secrets behind their team's success and how they have used the experience [...]

2023-10-09T12:52:49+00:001st October 2023|
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