L’inclusivité en action : Le rôle du projet USAID Basiki ni Tagne Kunafoni dans la transformation de l’accès à l’information au Mali

Le Mali est plongé dans une grave crise sécuritaire et sociale depuis plus d'une décennie, où la désinformation est devenue un puissant facteur de perturbation, divisant les communautés par la peur et la méfiance. L'information se propageant plus rapidement que jamais, on ne saurait trop insister sur l'importance de garantir l'accès à des informations fiables et vérifiées. C'est dans ce contexte difficile que le projet USAID Basiki ni Tagne Kunafoni a été développé. Soutenu par l'USAID et exécuté par un consortium composé de Pact, Code for Africa et Accountability Lab Mali, le projet a pour objectif  d’apporter l'espoir d'un Mali [...]

2025-02-18T18:09:04+00:0017th December 2024|

Inclusivity in action: transforming information access in Mali

Mali has been entrenched in a severe security and social crisis for over a decade, where misinformation has emerged as a potent disruptor, dividing communities through fear and mistrust. As information spreads more rapidly than ever before, the importance of ensuring access to reliable, verifiable information cannot be overstated. It is within this challenging context that the USAID Basiki ni Tagne Kunafoni (BTK) project was conceived. Supported by USAID Mali and executed by a consortium led by Pact, including Code for Africa and Accountability Lab Mali, the BTK project brings hope for a more informed Mali. The Importance of the BTK Project The BTK [...]

2025-01-13T14:11:21+00:0017th December 2024|

Youth leading the way on open governance in Liberia

“Without the voices of young people—who make up the majority of the population—there can be no open governance.” Theo Dowetin, the European Partnership for Democracy team lead in Monrovia, could not have said it better at our recent OGP co-creation event with young people in Liberia. As the world seeks sustainable solutions to global challenges like climate change, poverty, and democratic regression, the inclusion of young people in decision-making has become more important than ever. When given voice and agency, young people bring fresh ideas and the energy needed to drive positive change and impact. In governance, this inclusion ensures [...]

2024-12-13T14:41:18+00:0013th December 2024|

Funke Adeoye and her access to justice mission in Nigeria

Oluwafunke Adeoye, or Funke as everyone calls her, is a lawyer, human rights defender, social innovator, young global leader, and proud Accountapreneur. She is Hope Behind Bars Africa’s Founder and Executive Director. It's an organization that promotes human rights and criminal justice reforms using legal aid, research, evidence-based advocacy, and technology. Funke has led interventions that amplified the work of grassroots advocates across sub-Saharan Africa and saved hundreds of indigent pre-trial detainees. She is a Mandela Washington Fellow and an Acumen West Africa Fellow, winning the 2023 Global Citizen Prize last year. This year saw her also being admitted to [...]

2024-10-04T15:47:25+00:0011th August 2024|

Building a new accountability narrative in Liberia

From helping shape national conversations to using technology to bolster election integrity, AL Liberia's programs are focused on building accountability in diverse ways. We sat down with AL Liberia's Country Director, Lawrence Yealue, to better understand their deep civic engagement work. Voter education wins In 2023, AL Liberia had a clear mission: to equip Liberians with the knowledge and tools needed for a peaceful electoral process. Projects focused on civic and voter education across six strategic counties. Over 800,000 people were reached via community radio and we engaged a further 363,545 people via social media, amplifying messages of non-violence and [...]

2024-07-26T14:45:20+00:0017th July 2024|

Yuguelito: Housing, Self-Governance & Accountability

Access to decent housing is emerging as one of Mexico's significant global challenges. This is especially true after the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw increased speculation and a wave of global north digital nomads that favored the country's urban centers. However, the housing crisis is not a new issue. In Mexico, housing is deemed a private investment opportunity and not a right. Existing public policies aren’t focused on providing housing, but instead, they’re focused on favoring the real estate market. While it is true that decades ago, large social housing projects were put in place, and public policies focused on granting [...]

2024-06-27T11:46:33+00:0027th June 2024|

Yuguelito: Vivienda, Autogestión y Rendición de Cuentas

El acceso a una vivienda digna se perfila como uno de los grandes retos del futuro en México y el mundo, especialmente tras la pandemia COVID-19, en la que lo que ya se pronosticaba para el mercado inmobiliario, ocurrió de forma acelerada por el incremento de, entre otros factores, la especulación y la ola de nómadas digitales del norte global que favorecieron el proceso de gentrificación de los centros urbanos del país. Pero la crisis de la vivienda no es nueva en un país donde las políticas públicas existentes no están centradas en el derecho a la vivienda, sino que [...]

2024-06-27T10:51:08+00:0027th June 2024|

Three diverse days of our Integrity Innovation Lab in Belize

We recently collaborated with the Love Foundation, the Ministry of Public Service, and the US Embassy to organize an integrity training and friend-raiser event in Belize. The event was designed to equip participants with essential skills and strategies to promote good governance and accountability in Belize. The training was led by Jaco Roets, Programs and Learning Manager at Accountability Lab, and brought together a diverse group of participants, including accountapreneurs, government reformers, and mentors. According to Jaco, the training program aimed to promote the principles of good governance, policies, and project management. "Networking is not just about giving a quick [...]

2024-04-23T16:14:20+00:0016th April 2024|

APPEL A CANDIDATURE Bourse des Artistes-Activistes du Voice2Rep

Accountability Lab met la gouvernance au service des citoyens du monde entier en soutenant les citoyens actifs, les dirigeants responsables et les institutions responsables. Nous ré-imaginons la manière de renforcer la redevabilité pour soutenir un monde dans lequel les ressources sont utilisées de manière judicieuse, les décisions profitent à tous de manière équitable et les gens mènent une vie sûre.  Les Labs sont des entités indépendantes et constituées en un réseau translocal avec des bureaux dans 11 pays à travers le monde. Nous disposons d’une équipe de plus de 100 personnes dans ces différents pays, qui sont liées par un [...]

2024-04-19T16:31:25+00:0022nd March 2024|

APPEL A CANDIDATURE Bourse des Artistes-Activistes du Film Fellowship

Accountability Lab met la gouvernance au service des citoyens du monde entier en soutenant les citoyens actifs, les dirigeants responsables et les institutions responsables. Nous ré-imaginons la manière de renforcer la redevabilité pour soutenir un monde dans lequel les ressources sont utilisées de manière judicieuse, les décisions profitent à tous de manière équitable et les gens mènent une vie sûre. Les Labs sont des entités indépendantes et constituées en un réseau translocal avec des bureaux dans 11 pays à travers le monde. Nous disposons d’une équipe de plus de 100 personnes dans ces différents pays, qui sont liées par un [...]

2024-03-25T10:38:32+00:0022nd March 2024|
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